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File metadata and controls

194 lines (174 loc) · 6.24 KB

Update from v3 to v4 guide

install necessary libraries

npm i @onecx/portal-layout-styles
npm i @onecx/integration-interface
npm i @onecx/accelerator
npm i @onecx/portal-integration-angular
npm i @onecx/keycloak-auth

allow multiple instances of portal-integration-angular

  • in webpackconfig.js remove the "singleton" and "strictVersion" property from: '@onecx/portal-integration-angular' and '@onecx/keycloak-auth'
  • add the following to webpackconfig.js inside the share: shared({}) property
'@onecx/accelerator': {
    requiredVersion: 'auto',
    includeSecondaries: true,
'@onecx/integration-interface': {
    requiredVersion: 'auto',
    includeSecondaries: true,

Workaround for correctly providing NgRx

  • because of an issue in NgRx, we need to use a workaround to correctly provide it in the app
  • your ...remote.module.ts should look like this for example:
// ... your imports
import { Actions, EffectSources, EffectsRunner } from '@ngrx/effects';

// Workaround for the following issue:
const effectProvidersForWorkaround = [EffectsRunner, EffectSources, Actions];
effectProvidersForWorkaround.forEach((p) => (p.ɵprov.providedIn = null));

  imports: [
    // ... your other angular imports

    StoreModule.forRoot(reducers, { metaReducers }),
      maxAge: 25,
      logOnly: !isDevMode(),
      autoPause: true,
      trace: false,
      traceLimit: 75,
  exports: [],
  providers: [],
export class YourModule {}
  • in your webpack.conifg.js remove any ngrx things that are defined in the shared: share ({...}) property
  • for example if you have following values in it, delete them
    '@ngrx/store': {
    '@ngrx/effects': {
    '@ngrx/router-store': {
    '@ngrx/store-devtools': {

config key constants

  • have been moved as an enum list with the name CONFIG_KEY


  • hasPermission() has been moved to UserService
  • .getCurrentUser(), .getUserRoles() and to get other user related data is now done with userService.profile$


  • lang and lang$ are now defined in UserService as lang$: BehaviorSubject and to get the value use:
  • to get the portal ID use:
  • to get the portal use:
  • to set the portal use:
await appStateService.currentPortal$.publish(Portal)
  • to get mfeInfo use: see here
  • to get baseUrl use: see here
  • determineLanguage() moved to UserService


  • use PortalMessageService instead of MessageService everywhere (no app is allowed to use the MessageService anymore or problems arise)
  • remove MessageService from the provider
{ provide: MessageService, useExisting: PortalMessageService },

mfe info

  • use createTranslateLoader from portal-integration-angular as factory to provide the TranslateLoader
loader: {
    provide: TranslateLoader,
    useFactory: createTranslateLoader,
    deps: [HttpClient, AppStateService],
  • get mfeinfo from appStateService.currentMfe$ like below which waits until currentMfe is there
combineLatest([appStateService.currentMfe$.asObservable(), appStateService.globalLoading$.asObservable()]).pipe(
      filter(([, isLoading]) => !isLoading),
      map(([currentMfe]) => {})
  • use apiPortalConfigProvider instead of basepathProvider
// you have to look from where the api prefix comes from, because it does not have to be defined in the environment file
export function apiConfigProvider(configService: ConfigurationService, appStateService: AppStateService) {
  return new PortalApiConfiguration(Configuration, environment.apiPrefix, configService, appStateService)
    provide: Configuration,
    useFactory: apiConfigProvider,
    deps: [ConfigurationService, AppStateService],

  • apps have to use initializeModuleGuard or your custom one which needs to extend InitializeModuleGuard see here

routing and canActivate

  • always use the InitializeModuleGuard from portal-integration-angular
  • to add the InitializeModuleGuard to your routes to properly set the translations for the apps in shell mode, use addInitializeModuleGuard() in RouterModule.forRoot() or .forChild()
  • if you need to add something additionally to the InitializeModuleGuard, then you have to create your own guard by extending the InitializeModuleGuard and use toObservable() like in the following example
export class CustomInitializeModuleGuard extends InitializeModuleGuard {
    translateService: TranslateService,
    configService: ConfigurationService,
    appStateService: AppStateService,
    userService: UserService
  ) {
    super(translateService, configService, appStateService, userService)

  override canActivate(_route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, _state: RouterStateSnapshot): boolean | UrlTree | Observable<boolean | UrlTree> | Promise<boolean | UrlTree> {
    return this.toObservable(super.canActivate(_route, _state)).pipe(
        // TODO add your own stuff
  • add your custom InitializeModuleGuard as the second parameter to add it to the routes instead of the InitializeModuleGuard from portal-integration-angular


  • to properly set up the translateService in all cases for standalone mode, add the following to your standalone module
    provide: APP_INITIALIZER,
    useFactory: translateServiceInitializer,
    multi: true,
    deps: [UserService, TranslateService],


  • MyMissingTranslationHandler --> PortalMissingTranslationHandler