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File metadata and controls

executable file
201 lines (177 loc) · 7.25 KB

Guide to Index, Prepare and Ingest for the Open Data Cube

This guide summarises:

  • The index/prepare/ingest requirements for ODC
  • Where to find existing index/prepare/ingest definitions
  • How to write your own index/prepare/ingest definitions
  • How to contribute your index/prepare/ingest definitions to the community



There are three main components to index/prepare/ingext requirements for ODC.

  1. Index - create a product definition that describes elements common to all data files and defines a product name that will be referenced in the datacube application code. Different product definitions will be required for differently formatted or structured data files.

Indexing is for the 'raw' format as available from download or a data custodian. This includes initial product definition.

  1. Prepare - create a (python) script that extracts file-specific information for each data file. Record this per-file information in a long structure YAML-format file, which is then indexed into the database against a specific product definition.

Preparing is reading the raw format files to extract dimension extents and relevant file-specific metadata.

  1. Ingest - optionally create a format tranformation definition that describes how to reformat and indexed dataset into a new format (copy). Ingesting is intended to be used to create data stuctures that are computationally preferred for a specific set of applications. An ingested datset creates a new product in the datacube.

Ingesting is for creating computional data structures from indexed data. This creates a new product.


Product definition

Define metadata common to all the datasets belonging to the products

These fields come from older notes and need to validated

  • name
  • description
  • metadata_type
  • metadata
    • [no info on the format of this]
    • used during indexing (if --auto-match options is used) to match datasets to products.
    • Platform: code
    • Instrument: name
    • Product_type
    • Format: name
  • storage (optional)
    • common storage attributes of all the datasets. Optional but recommended
    • [ceos] used in the ingestion process to specify projection/tiling/file type
    • crs: EPSG:[code] or WKT string.
  • resolution: latitude, longitude if the projection is geographic and x, y otherwise
  • measurements
    • name
    • units
    • dtype: (u)int(8,16,32,64), float32, float64
    • nodata
    • spectral_definition (optional)
      • wavelength: [410, 411, 412]
      • response: [0.0261, 0.029, 0.0318]
    • flags_definition (optional)


datacube product add [path-to-product-definition-yaml]


These fields have been partly validated against the example below.

  • id: UUID
  • creation_dt
  • product_type: ard
  • platform: code # Must match with product definition
  • instrument: name # Must match with product definition
  • extent
    • center_dt
    • coord
      • ll
        • lat
        • lon
      • lr
        • lat
        • lon
      • ul
        • lat
        • lon
      • ur
        • lat
        • lon
  • format: ‘NetCDF’, ‘HDF’, 'GeoTiff'
  • grid_spatial
    • projection
      • geo_ref_points
        • ll
          • x
          • y
        • lr
          • x
          • y
        • ul
          • x
          • y
        • ur
          • x
          • y
      • spatial_reference: PROJCS[...]
      • valid_data (optional): Only needs to be roughly correct. Prefer simpler geometry over accuracy.
        • coordinates
        • [list of points]
        • type" Polygon
  • image
    • bands
      • "band_name_1"
        • layer: 1
        • path: relative file path
      • "band_name_2"
        • layer: 1
        • path: relative file path
  • lineage
    • source_datasets
      • level1:
        • id: b7d01e8c-1cd2-11e6-b546-a0000100fe80
        • product_type: level1
        • creation_dt: 2016-05-18 08:09:34
        • platform: { code: LANDSAT_5 }
        • instrument: { name: TM }
        • format: { name: GeoTIFF }
        • ...
    • algorithm (optional)
    • parameters:
      • aerosol: 0.078565
    • machine (optional)
    • ancillary (optional)
      • ephemeris:
  • algorithm_information (check how/if this is diffeent to lineage)
  • processing_level: Level-2
  • system_information
  • title_id


A prepare script creates yaml(s) in the path-to-dataset directory.

datacube dataset add --auto-match <path-to-dataset>


  • Field names with spaces or hyphens are generally discouraged, i.e. "sentinel-1", "ingestion Date"
  • Paths to the measurement data can be relative; this enables moving of datasets to new locations easier, i.e. no re-creation of the product yaml


These fields come from older notes and need to validated

  • source_type
  • output_type: human-readable identifer, must be unique
  • description (optional)
  • location: directory to write output storage units.
  • file_path_template
    • HARD_CODED!!!
    • time_format = '%Y%m%d%H%M%S%f'
      • tile_index=tile_index,
      • start_time=to_datetime(sources.time.values[0]).strftime(time_format),
      • end_time=to_datetime(sources.time.values[-1]).strftime(time_format),
      • version==config['taskfile_version']
  • global_attributes
  • storage
    • driver
    • crs: EPSG code or WKT.
    • tile_size
    • origin: If coordinates are for top-left corner, ensure that the latitude or y dimension of tile_size is negative so tile indexes count downward.
    • resolution: Negative values flip the axis.
    • chunking
    • dimension_order: currently ignored
  • measurements: Mapping of the input measurement names as specified in the Dataset Metadata Document to the per-measurement ingestion parameters
    • dtype: (u)int(8,16,32,64), float32, float64
    • resampling_method: nearest, cubic, bilinear, cubic_spline, lanczos, average.
    • name: NetCDF variable
    • nodata (optional)


  • docs/config_samples
datacube ingest -c [configuration_file]