Gomoku is a chinese board game. This project aim to create an AI capable of winning this game against any user.
It's part of Advanced Artificial Intelligence module of Epitech's tek3.
This project is an EPITECH Project. If you are an EPITECH student, move out the way! Nothing to see here... The groups don't want to be involved to your -42.
If you're not, no worries! You're welcome here!
To use this project, you'll need python3 installed on your machine
# This command will install all dependencies and will generate the binaries needed for the project
# ./linux_installer.sh
# ./windows_installer.ps1
# This command will install all dependencies and will generate the binaries needed for the project
# ./MacOS_installer.sh
Gomoku is developed with Python. EPITECH doesn't impose any Coding Style to this but we tried to be as clean as possible.
Nathan Rousseau - 31Nathan
Johan Chrillesen - JohanCdev
Guillaume Terrière - GuyomT