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114 lines (84 loc) · 3.06 KB

File metadata and controls

114 lines (84 loc) · 3.06 KB


Share files using BirdFlew!


  1. apt-get install python-virtualenv libxml libxml-dev libxslt libxslt-dev

  2. virtualenv --no-site-packges p2p

  3. cd p2p; . ./bin/activate

  4. mkdir proj; cd proj

  5. git clone [email protected]:DePaulSE560/jasinskij.git birdflew; cd birdflew

  6. pip install -r requirements.pip

  7. ./ syncdb


Create Amazon instance using AMI: ebs/ubuntu-images/ubuntu-natty-11.04-i386-server-20110426 (ami-06ad526f)

ssh -i xxxxxx.pem [email protected]

# create admin user
sudo adduser joe 
  # - follow prompts 
sudo usermod -G admin -a joe
sudo usermod -G worker -a joe
# install needed apt packages
sudo aptitude install python-virtualenv git build-essential python-dev 
sudo aptitude install libxml-dev libxslt-dev 
sudo aptitude install nginx htop
sudo aptitude install postgresql  libpq-dev
sudo aptitude install redis-server

# create base for site environment
sudo mkdir /sites/
sudo groupadd worker
sudo chgrp worker /sites/
sudo chmod g+ws /sites/

# create application and db user 
sudo useradd p2p
sudo usermod -G worker -a p2p
sudo -u postgres createuser p2p
sudo -u postgres createdb p2p -O p2p

sudo su - joe 
echo "set -o vi" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "umask 002" >> ~/.bashrc
ssh-keygen -t dsa
  # - enter prompts 
  # - copy /home/joe/.ssh/ contents to githup
cd /sites/
virtualenv --no-site-packages p2p 
cd p2p; . ./bin/activate
mkdir log var etc run data htdocs
mkdir etc/django
mkdir data/redis/ 
mkdir log/redis/
git clone [email protected]:DePaulSE560/jasinskij.git proj; cd proj

# weird hack needed to compile hiredis on ubuntu 11.04
ln -s . local

pip install -r requirements.pip
cd birdflew

# setup skelaton files
cp -r ${VIRTUAL_ENV}/proj/skel/nginx/ ${VIRTUAL_ENV}/etc/nginx
cp -r ${VIRTUAL_ENV}/proj/skel/bfsettings/ ${VIRTUAL_ENV}/etc/django/
echo "${VIRTUAL_ENV}/etc/django/" >> ${VIRTUAL_ENV}/lib/python2.7/site-packages/birdflew.pth

# grant permission of all project files to app user
sudo chown -R p2p:worker ${VIRTUAL_ENV}
sudo chmod -R g+w ${VIRTUAL_ENV}

# log in as app user and sync the database
sudo su - p2p 
cd /sites/p2p/
. ./bin/activate
cd proj/birdflew
./manage syncdb 
  # - follow prompts 
./manage collectstatic
  # - follow prompts 

# prep start scripts and execute
cd ${VIRTUAL_ENV}/bin/
ln -s ${VIRTUAL_ENV}/proj/skel/bin/
ln -s ${VIRTUAL_ENV}/proj/skel/bin/
ln -s ${VIRTUAL_ENV}/proj/skel/bin/

ln -s  ${VIRTUAL_ENV}/proj/skel/redis/  ${VIRTUAL_ENV}/etc/redis

sudo ./ 
sudo -u p2p ./
sudo -u p2p ./

Running the client service.

cd /sites/p2p/bin/
. ./bin/activate
./ bf_run_client -i 500