- Add CppGuard to an existing CMake project:
add_subdirectory(path_to/cppguard/cppguard) or
add_subdirectory(path_to/cppguard/cppguard cppguard) #with binary_dir 'cppguard'
- Add 'cppguard' as a dependency to all targets you want to test:
target_link_libraries(target_to_test cppguard::cppguard cppguard::auto_include)
- Copy cppguard.dll after build to output directory
The target to test: Executable or DLL with access to source code created with Visual Studio 2019 or 2022 in C or C++, all C++ versions supported.
C-projects: C++ support has to be enabled: project(project_name C CXX)
To compile CppGuard:
- Visual Studio 2019 or 2022 with C++14 support
- CMake >=3.15
Use same compiler and platform toolset for CppGuard and the test target
git to download sources (optional)
- cppguard.dll: needs to be linked to test target (link cppguard.lib)
- cppguard.h: needs to be included in all sources which contains locks, this is automated with '/FI' compile option
Clone source with git:
git clone https://github.com/JochenBaier/cppguard.git
or download as zip from GitHub repo
- Open the main folder 'cppguard' in Visual Studio via "Open a local folder"
- select 'quickstart_example' as startup item
- run 'quickstart_example'
Alternatively generate a VS solution with CMake:
cd cppguard
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
open *.sln from build folder with Visual Studio
The example 'quickstart_example' executes the dining philosophers problem. CppGuard has detected the deadlock. The code will still deadlock. The program has to be stopped manually.
CppGuard loaded
Philosopher 0 picked up left fork
Philosopher 3 picked up left fork
Philosopher 4 picked up left fork
Philosopher 1 picked up left fork
Philosopher 2 picked up left fork
CppGuard: [Error] Potential deadlock at lock: 0x7ff75d0824c0, thread ID: 19784.
Lock Call Stack:
C:\dev\cppguard\cppguard\deadlock_monitor.cpp(148,0): deadlock_monitor_t::dlc_deadlock_check_before_lock
C:\dev\cppguard\cppguard\api_monitors\critical_section_monitor.cpp(96,0): cppguard_enter_critical_section
C:\dev\cppguard\quickstart_example\main.cpp(47,0): philosopher
A cycle in the historical lock ordering graph has been observed:
Thread ID: 19784
Holding lock: 0x7ff75d082498
Wait for lock: 0x7ff75d0824c0
Call Stack:
C:\dev\cppguard\cppguard\api_monitors\critical_section_monitor.cpp(96,0): cppguard_enter_critical_section
C:\dev\cppguard\quickstart_example\main.cpp(47,0): philosopher
Thread ID: 10272
Holding lock: 0x7ff75d0824c0
Wait for lock: 0x7ff75d0824e8
Call Stack:
C:\dev\cppguard\cppguard\api_monitors\critical_section_monitor.cpp(96,0): cppguard_enter_critical_section
C:\dev\cppguard\quickstart_example\main.cpp(47,0): philosopher
Hint: the Call Stack is also printed to the Visual Studio output window: double click on a line to go to the source location
To configure CppGuard to halt on case of deadlock add this to main.cpp of the example:
char error_text[1024]{};
int res=cppguard_set_options("halt_on_error:1", error_text, _countof(error_text));
assert(res == 1);
Alternatively set the environment variable 'CPPGUARD' with value 'halt_on_error:1' and start quickstart_example.exe on command line:
C:\dev\cppguard\out\build\x64-Debug>set CPPGUARD=halt_on_error:1 & quickstart_example.exe
Now the example will terminate before the deadlock occur or pause on a breakpoint if run inside a debugger:
CppGuard: [Error] Potential deadlock at lock: 0x7ff75d0824c0, thread ID: 19784.
CppGuard: Process will be terminated with exit code '66' due to potential deadlock. Use option 'halt_on_error:0' to continue on error
The CMakeLists.txt of the example:
add_executable(quickstart_example main.cpp)
#add this line to all targets you want to test
target_link_libraries(quickstart_example cppguard::cppguard cppguard::auto_include)
cppguard::cppguard: will link cppguard and adds 'cppguard/include' folder to VS 'Additional included directories'. Use this for Exe or DLL targets. If the exe or DLL target does not contain any locks you can omit "cppguard::auto_include"
cppguard::auto_include: sets '/FI' compile option with value 'cppguard.h'. This option includes 'cppguard.h' in all source files of the target. Use this option for all targets which contains locks. This header enables CppGuard to monitor the usage of Locks.
Build cppguard with CMake outside of your project:
cd cppguard/cppguard
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build . //debug
Set '/FI' compile option for all targets to test:
target_compile_options(test_target PRIVATE "/FIpath_to/cppguard/cppguard/include/cppguard.h" )
Link cppguard:
add_library(cppguard STATIC IMPORTED GLOBAL)
set_target_properties(cppguard PROPERTIES IMPORTED_LOCATION_DEBUG "path_to/cppguard/cppguard/build/Debug/cppguard.lib" )
set_target_properties(cppguard PROPERTIES IMPORTED_LOCATION_RELEASE "path_to/cppguard/cppguard/build/Release/cppguard.lib")
set_target_properties(cppguard PROPERTIES IMPORTED_LOCATION_RELWITHDEBINFO "path_to/cppguard/cppguard/build/RelWithDebInfo/cppguard.lib")
target_link_libraries(test_target cppguard)