You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 79
Public Configuration Variables
Below is a list of the default public configuration variables. If you want to modify the default values of these variables, you may include any or all of these variables in your 'document ready' function when you call the jquery-idleTimeout script.
Note that you must include and set the redirectUrl to your site's logout or redirect page in the 'document ready' function. If you receive a '404 Page Not Found' at timeout, it is likely because this variable was not correctly configured.
All user messages may be translated to your desired language via the variables, such as the 'warning dialog' text.
'Timer' variables, such as idleTimeLimit, are in seconds.
Please note that all variables are case-sensitive and must be spelled correctly. If you have problems, please check for typos, spelling errors and missing commas
//## Public Configuration Variables
var defaults = {
idleTimeLimit: 1200, // 'No activity' time limit in seconds. 1200 = 20 Minutes
redirectUrl: '/logout', // redirect to this url on timeout logout. Set to "redirectUrl: false" to disable redirect
// optional custom callback to perform before logout
customCallback: false, // set to false for no customCallback
// customCallback: function () { // define optional custom js function
// perform custom action before logout
// },
// configure which activity events to detect
// http://www.quirksmode.org/dom/events/
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Reference/Events
activityEvents: 'click keypress scroll wheel mousewheel mousemove', // separate each event with a space
// warning dialog box configuration
enableDialog: true, // set to false for logout without warning dialog
dialogDisplayLimit: 180, // time to display the warning dialog before logout (and optional callback) in seconds. 180 = 3 Minutes
dialogTitle: 'Session Expiration Warning', // also displays on browser title bar
dialogText: 'Because you have been inactive, your session is about to expire.',
dialogTimeRemaining: 'Time remaining',
dialogStayLoggedInButton: 'Stay Logged In',
dialogLogOutNowButton: 'Log Out Now',
// error message
errorAlertMessage: 'Please disable "Private Mode", or upgrade to a modern browser. Or perhaps a dependent file missing. Please see: https://github.com/marcuswestin/store.js',
// server-side session keep-alive timer
sessionKeepAliveTimer: 600, // Ping the server at this interval in seconds. 600 = 10 Minutes
// sessionKeepAliveTimer: false, // Set to false to disable pings
sessionKeepAliveUrl: window.location.href // set URL to ping - does not apply if sessionKeepAliveTimer: false