title: Java: Testing a REST service with a clean database (using sqlite) tags: java,REST,java-testing,jersey,sqlite,jpa date: 2013-03-22 19:59:00
You can test REST responses like so with Jersey's client api.
YourResponseObject result = service
.put(YourResponseObject.class, yourInputObject);
But your responses may depend on the state of your database.
And since you're not running your tests from a WAR, or what have you, you have no direct access to populate its seed or delete it.
The best way to do this is to create a rest method to clear the database to use during development, and remove in production.
The method to delete the database would look like:
EntityTransaction trans = mEntityManager.getTransaction();
Query q = mEntityManager.createQuery("delete from UserEntity");
It may be possible access the JPA database if the tests are run in a WAR, but I haven't tried that. Any experience would be welcomed in the comments.