Title: Eclipes shortcuts Tags: eclipse Date: 2012-12-18 04:39:25 -0500 Author: Denevell
Shortcuts! I'm using Eclipse Juno in case that matters
Changing file / view / perspective
Ctrl+Shift+R: Quickly open a file in the workspace with autocomplete
Ctrl+E: Quickly change to an open file with autocomplete
Ctrl+F7: Quickly change / activate a view (Editor, package inspector, etc)
Ctrl+F8: Quickly change perspective
Alt+(left/right): Go to previous / former position or file.
Navigating source code
F3: Go to definition of method under the cursor
Ctrl+O: Show the class overview, with autocomplete
(pressing it again shows the inherited methods)
Ctrl+1: Open the quick refactoring menu
Ctrl+Alt+R: Rename a method / variable
Ctrl+Alt+M: Move the highlighted code out into an extracted method
Ctrl+Alt+L: Refactor selected text into a local variable
Ctrl+Alt+O: Organise imports (delete unused etc)
Ctrl+Shift+B: Add a breakpoint to the current line
F11: Debug last thing debugged
F5: Step into method (while debugging)
F6: Step over line (while debugging)
F8: Resume (while debugging)
Ctrl+F11: Run the previous thing which we ran
(must set in Preferences -> Run/Debug -> Always launch previously launched activity)