Title:Ant: Calling targets and Inheritance Tags: ant|ant-inheritance|ant-target|ant-antcall Date: 2012-12-07 15:53:03 -0500 Author: Denevell
You can call other targets using antcall:
<target name="thetarget">
<antcall target="atarget" />
<antcall target="anothertarget" />
You can also perform inheritance from imported build files: If you have an ant build file, build.xml, that imports another i.e.
<import file="/dir/another_build_file.xml" />
And another_build.file.xml has a target name 'android_rules' and a target 'debug' like so:
<project name="android_rules" default="debug">
<target name="debug">
Then in your build.xml file you can inherit 'debug' from the other build file by referencing android_rules.debug:
<target name="debug" extends="android_rules.debug">
If you use android_rules.debug in antcall tasks too.