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Select runs and get values

Dmitry Romanov edited this page Mar 17, 2016 · 23 revisions

To experiment with the examples of this page one can download daily recreated SQLite database:

Using connection string:

sqlite:///<path to file>/rcdb.sqlite

Or connect to readonly mysql:

mysql://[email protected]/rcdb

Selecting runs and getting values

Supposing one wants to get all event_count-s and beam_current-s for production runs:

import rcdb
db = rcdb.RCDBProvider("mysql://[email protected]/rcdb")
table = rcdb.select_runs("@is_production").get_values(['event_count', 'beam_current'], insert_run_number=True)
print table

As the result one gets something like:

[1023, 3984793, 0.145]
[1024, 4569873, 0.230]

Where the first column is a run number (we set insert_run_number=True above), and other columns are the conditions in the order we gave them.

If one wants to apply a run range, say for a particular run period:

table = rcdb.select_runs("@is_production", run_min=10000, run_max=20000)\
               .get_values(['event_count', 'beam_current'], insert_run_number=True)

To get values for all runs without filtration a search pattern may be skipped:

table = rcdb.select_runs(run_min=10000, run_max=20000)\
               .get_values(['event_count', 'beam_current'], insert_run_number=True)

(note that we use parameter names so that python could figure them out)