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DB and API structure

Dmitry Romanov edited this page Apr 26, 2018 · 9 revisions

Database structure explained

RCDB sql schema

The essential database schema is pretty simple and could be split in four groups of tables:

  1. Runs. That is where a run numbers and run periods are stored.
  2. File storage. Each file has many to many relationship with run numbers.
  3. Conditions. Name-value pairs are stored there
  4. Meta. Logs and SQL DB schema version

While Run and File storage are pretty simple and self descriptive, Conditions storage requires additional explanation.

In terms of RCDB, Conditions are name-value pairs attached to runs. So it is like:


The essential RCDB feature is that while all runs may have a common set of name-value pairs (e.g. event_count, run_type), some runs may have special name-value pairs, that are not relevant for other runs. For example one may have trigger study with some trigger specific values that doesn't make sense for physics runs. The same could be imagined for for calibration runs.

With this feature in mind, it is not optimal to create just one table with all possible conditions as columns and all values as rows (huge rows). Instead, RCDB uses so called "hybrid approach to object-attribute-value model". The are two tables: conditions that stores actual values and condition_types that holds information of condition names and their real types. conditions table has several columns to store different types of values.

Storage column Data type
text_value strings, json, blobs, long texts
int_value integers
float_value floats
bool_value booleans
time_value date time values

Why is it so? - because we would like to have queries like: "give me runs where event_count > 100 000"

i.e., if we know that *event_count is int, we would like database to treat it as int. At the same time we would like to store strings and more general data with blobs.

If value is int, float, bool or time, it is stored in appropriate field, which allows to use its type when querying and searching over them. At the same time, more complex objects as JSON or blobs can be stored... to figure out them lately

This approach adds some complexity for its flexibility. But those complexities are minimized by APIs, which automate type checks. So finally users work with just run-name-values, leaving the complexities under the hood of APIs.

Lets look at python API as an example


Python API data model classes resembles this structure. Most common python classes that you work with:

  • Run - represents run
  • Condition - stores data for the run
  • ConditionType - stores condition name, field type and other

All classes have properties to reference each other. The main properties for conditions management are:

class Run(ModelBase):
    number                  # int - The run number
    start_time              # datetime - Run start time
    end_time                # datetime - Run end time
    conditions              # list[Condition] - Conditions associated with the run

class ConditionType(ModelBase):
    name               # str(max 255) - A name of condition
    value_type         # str(max 255) - Type name. One of XXX_FIELD below
    values             # query[Condition] - query to look condition values for runs

    # Constants, used for declaration of value_type
    STRING_FIELD = "string"
    INT_FIELD = "int"
    BOOL_FIELD = "bool"
    FLOAT_FIELD = "float"
    JSON_FIELD = "json"
    BLOB_FIELD = "blob"
    TIME_FIELD = "time"

class Condition(ModelBase):
    time           # datetime - time related to condition (when it occurred in example)
    run_number     # int - the run number

    value          # int, float, bool or string - depending on type. The condition value

    text_value     # holds data if type STRING_FIELD,JSON_FIELD or BLOB_FIELD
    int_value      # holds data if type INT_FIELD
    float_value    # holds data if type FLOAT_FIELD
    bool_value     # holds data if type BOOL_FIELD

    run            # Run - Run object associated with the run_number
    type           # ConditionType - link to associated condition type
    name           # str - link to See
    value_type     # str - link to type.value_type. See ConditionType.value_type

How data is stored in the DB

In general, one just uses Condition.value to get the right value for the condition. But what happens under the hood?

As you may noticed from comments above, in reality data is stored in one of the fields:

Storage field Value type
int_value INT_FIELD
float_value FLOAT_FIELD
bool_value BOOL_FIELD
time_value TIME_FIELD

When you call Condition.value property, Condition class checks for type.value_type and returns an appropriate xxx_value.