diff --git a/content/post/try-cpython-jit/index.html b/content/post/try-cpython-jit/index.html index 0392bb81..ec77b9f9 100644 --- a/content/post/try-cpython-jit/index.html +++ b/content/post/try-cpython-jit/index.html @@ -53,7 +53,8 @@

Trying CPython's JIT

Building CPython with a JIT

I don't know of any major platforms that are distributing pre-built binaries of CPython with the JIT built-in. (Please let me know if I'm wrong.) So, we'll have to build our own!


The CPython core puts a lot of effort into making Python straightforward to build. I won't rehash their setup and build instructions here, as they're fairly comprehensive. This post is written assuming you're building in a POSIX/Linux environment - see the section at the end for information on building for Windows.


The CPython core puts a lot of effort into making Python straightforward to build. I won't rehash their setup and build instructions here, as they're fairly comprehensive.


This post is written assuming you're building in a POSIX/Linux environment - see the section at the end for information on building for Windows.

Suffice to say, we'll pick up assuming you have: