The following example in VisualStates demonstrates the Prius Toyota Car behavior at a crossing in Gazebo 9 developed through ROS Kinetic. The following examples illustrates the several functionalities of the tool. The example starts with prius on-road, waits for a person to cross, detects speed-limit sign, and then makes a left turn. The Prius car follows the road maintaining steer, break and throttle based on vision and control algorithm. The vision algorithm detects the lane in the camera using a pipeline of HSV color filteration followed by a P controller for steer and throttle control. Video Demo: Prius Crossing
We assume that you already installed ROS Kinetic and Gazebo 9 on Ubuntu 16.04 system to be able to test the behaviors. However, if you did not install yet, you can do so following these pages:
- Copy Prius messages, world, description packages from PriusData and paste it in the ROS Workshop. Also clone the VisualStates package and copy the VisualStates prius_crossing.xml file which contains the crossing behavior.
mkdir catkin_ws
cd catkin_ws
mkdir src
cd src
git clone
cp -r <path_to_visualstates_examples>/prius/* .
cp -r <path_to_visualstates_examples>/prius_crossing/* .
cd ..
- The example requires opencv installed as
cd ..
source devel/setup.bash
- Generate the ROS Package of the behavior using the visualstates.
rosrun visualstates <path_to_ros_workspace>/src/prius_crossing/prius_crossing.xml
Generate ROS package using Actions -> Generate Python
Recompile the ROS Workspace and you would find a new package prius_example in the package list. After compiling source the workspace again.
source devel/setup.bash
Add the Prius Crossing Environment model to Gazebo models by adding the following line to your environment variables.
export GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH=<path_to_PriusSpawnExample>/prius_gazebo/models:$GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH
Start the Gazebo simulator and spawn Toyota Prius Car with Prius world, using the toyota prius world launch file
roslaunch prius_gazebo prius_crossing.launch
Run our generated ROS Node and visualize Toyota Prius Car Example Behavior.
rosrun prius_crossing --displaygui=true