This tool is used to for Lewis and Lewis Insurance Agency, Inc. and their agents to quote Insurance Rates for clients traveling to Mexico.
You can fork, clone or simply download a zip file. This is a static application in HTML, CSS and JS.
Please make sure you have Javascript enabled in your browser or the rates and fucntionality will not work.
Download the zip, extract to your desktop and open the applicaiton by clicing on the index.html OR short.html
Index.html and short.html.
There are certain fields and options you must select in order to generate a quotation.
- Select a Coverage Type. Full Coverage or Liability Only
- Select a Coverage Plan. Baja and Sonora, Plan A, Plan b
- Select a Vehicle Value (this will only be availalbe if you selected Full Coverage in step 1). No $ signs, or punctuation, simply numbers
- Select any optional coverage you need as well. There are several options below with descriptions
- BOOTSTRAP CDN are included as well
- MOMENT.JS CDN is included as well (short.html)
- jQuery CDN is included for Bootstrap to function
- James Crane Lewis III
- Hat tip to anyone whose code was used
- Inspiration
- etc