English | 简体中文
is a tool for diagnosing Redis/Tair
client connection errors and supports detecting the response rtt of the DB Server in the Redis/Tair
This diagnostic tool is only applicable to clients connecting to Alibaba Cloud's Redis and Tair instances
- The client attempts to establish a TCP connection with the
instance - Execute the
command to verify the username and password. If no password is specified, execute thePING
command to verify whether the password-free function is enabled - Use the
command and Alibaba Cloud proxy self-developedIINFO
command andRIINFO
command to detect the response rtt of the DB Server
Install from pip, requires Python 3.6 or higher
# 1. Install from pypi
pip install redis-diagnose-tool
# 2. Intall from source
git clone https://github.com/tair-opensource/tair-tools.git
cd redis-diagnose-tool
pip install .
the executable program diag
will be installed in the bin directory of the Python interpreter.
Use pip show redis-diagnose-tool
to find the installation path of the redis-diagnose-tool package. The argument template arguments.yaml
is stored in the diagnose directory under the installation path.
Install from yum, requires Alibaba mirror source
sudo yum install redis-diagnose-tool -b current
There will be an executable program arguments.yaml
and an argument template arguments.yaml
in the path /opt/redis-diagnose-tool-{version}
The tool supports basic mode and advanced mode.
The basic mode can only detect whether the client can establish a TCP connection with the Redis/Tair
instance and give an error message if the connection fails.
In advanced mode, you can use the OpenAPI of Redis/Tair
to obtain basic information, network information, whitelist, and other information about the instance. If the client is on ECS, it can also use the ECS OpenAPI to obtain information about the ECS instance. Therefore, advanced mode can diagnose specific problems that cause connection failures, including incorrect connection information, connecting to the instance through the instance's intranet address in a public network environment, incorrect configuration of the whitelist or instance security group, and ECS security group interception.
Both basic mode and advanced mode support verifying user passwords and detecting the response of the DB Server inside the instance.
Arguments Description:
Redis diagnose tool configuration
optional arguments:
--help Help information
-c CONFIG, --config CONFIG Configuration file path (YAML format). If the configuration file is specified, the command arguments won't work.
Tool options:
-A, --advanced Enable advanced mode, default off
-d, --detect_server Detect server, default off
-l {zh,en}, --language {zh,en} Language, zh for Chinese and en for English, default zh
Redis instance connection information:
-h HOST, --host HOST Connection hostname
-p PORT, --port PORT Connection port, default 6379
-t TIMEOUT, --timeout TIMEOUT Connection timeout, second, default 2s
-u USER, --user USER Username
-a PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD Password
Redis instance information:
Following arguments should be specified in advanced mode. You only need to specify one of redis_region_id and redis_endpoint.
-r REDIS, --redis REDIS Redis instance id
-g REDIS_REGION_ID, --redis_region_id REDIS_REGION_ID Redis instance region id
-o REDIS_ENDPOINT, --redis_endpoint REDIS_ENDPOINT Redis instance endpoint
ECS instance information:
Following arguments should be specified in advanced mode if the client is on ECS. You only need to specify one of ecs_region_id and ecs_endpoint.
-e ECS, --ecs ECS ECS instance id
-G ECS_REGION_ID, --ecs_region_id ECS_REGION_ID ECS instance region id
-O ECS_ENDPOINT, --ecs_endpoint ECS_ENDPOINT ECS instance endpoint
SDK information:
Following arguments should be specified in advanced mode.
-k AK, --ak AK Access key id
-s SK, --sk SK Access key secret
Usage Examples:
# 1. Installed from pip, you can run diag directly when the bin directory is added to the environment path
diag --help
# 2. Installed from yum
cd /opt/redis-diagnose-tool-{version}
./diag --help
run in basic mode
diag -h "connection_address" -p 6379 -u "user" -a "password"
run in advanced mode
diag -h "connection_address" -p 6379 -u "user" -a "password" -k "ak" -s "sk" -r "redis_instance_id" -g "redis_region_id" -A
Use argument template arguments.yaml
In advanced mode, you need to set multiple optional arguments in the command line, which is cumbersome and error-prone, so an argument template is provided
diag --config "arguments.yaml"
If the argument template is used, the command line arguments will be invalid.
diagnose.log: diagnostic logs, which record the diagnostic process, detailed connection diagnostic reports, and DB Server diagnostic reports
sdk.log: record the call log of Open API, including interface, return value, and error
error.log: record exception information and exception throwing links