8.5.2 Bash fresh install, 'Error: Unknown command "shell" for "oh-my-posh"' on eval #2428
asked this question in
Code of Conduct
What happened?Installed homebrew, set its stuff, restarted terminal app. Installed oh-my-posh, tried to I don't see any errors on ThemeTried both with the default (just init) and sonicboom_light themes, none worked. What OS are you seeing the problem on?Linux Which shell are you using?bash Log output�[1mVersion:�[0m 8.5.2
ConsoleTitle(true) - 27 ms - bash in ~
session(true) - 0 ms - �[38;2;243;174;53m�[0m�[48;2;243;174;53m�[38;2;38;43;68m jciocca �[0m�[38;2;243;174;53m�[0m
path(true) - 0 ms - �[38;2;240;118;35;49m�[7m�[0m�[48;2;240;118;35m�[38;2;224;222;244m �]8;;file:/home/jciocca�\~�]8;;�\ �[0m
git(false) - 0 ms -
root(false) - 0 ms -
exit(true) - 1 ms - �[38;2;240;118;35m�[0m�[38;2;75;149;233;49m�[7m�[0m�[48;2;75;149;233m�[38;2;224;222;244m �[0m�[38;2;75;149;233m�[0m
node(false) - 0 ms -
go(false) - 0 ms -
python(false) - 0 ms -
shell(true) - 0 ms - �[38;2;224;222;244min �[0m�[38;2;75;149;233m�[1mbash�[22m�[0m�[38;2;224;222;244m �[0m
time(true) - 0 ms - �[38;2;224;222;244mat �[0m�[38;2;75;149;233m�[1m21:44:53�[22m�[0m
�[1mRun duration:�[0m 1.768460104s
�[1mCache path:�[0m /home/jciocca/.cache/oh-my-posh
�[1mConfig path:�[0m /home/jciocca/.cache/oh-my-posh/config.omp.json
2022/06/20 21:44:51 debug: Getenv
2022/06/20 21:44:51 Getenv duration: 7.054µs, args: XDG_CACHE_HOME
2022/06/20 21:44:51 CachePath duration: 15.08µs, args:
2022/06/20 21:44:51 debug: Getenv
2022/06/20 21:44:51 Getenv duration: 3.927µs, args: POSH_THEME
2022/06/20 21:44:51 debug: Getenv
2022/06/20 21:44:51 Getenv duration: 529ns, args: XDG_CACHE_HOME
2022/06/20 21:44:51 CachePath duration: 3.525µs, args:
2022/06/20 21:44:53 debug: HTTPRequest
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"background_templates": [
"{{ if or (.Working.Changed) (.Staging.Changed) }}p:yellow{{ end }}",
"{{ if and (gt .Ahead 0) (gt .Behind 0) }}p:red{{ end }}",
"{{ if gt .Ahead 0 }}#49416D{{ end }}",
"{{ if gt .Behind 0 }}#7A306C{{ end }}"
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"foreground_templates": [
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"{{ if and (gt .Ahead 0) (gt .Behind 0) }}p:white{{ end }}",
"{{ if gt .Ahead 0 }}p:white{{ end }}"
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"template": " {{ if gt .Code 0 }}\uf00d{{ else }}\uf00c{{ end }} ",
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"template": "at <p:blue><b>{{ .CurrentDate | date \"15:04:05\" }}</b></>",
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"template": " \ufd03 {{ .Name }} ",
"tips": [
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"type": "az"
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"template": "<p:yellow,transparent>\ue0b6</><,p:yellow> {{ .Folder }} </><p:yellow,transparent>\ue0b0</> "
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2022/06/20 21:44:53 HTTPRequest duration: 1.735789871s, args: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JanDeDobbeleer/oh-my-posh/v8.5.2/themes/default.omp.json
2022/06/20 21:44:53 downloadConfig duration: 1.736076361s, args: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JanDeDobbeleer/oh-my-posh/v8.5.2/themes/default.omp.json
2022/06/20 21:44:53 resolveConfigPath duration: 1.736096716s, args:
2022/06/20 21:44:53 Init duration: 1.736161711s, args:
2022/06/20 21:44:53 Flags duration: 216ns, args:
2022/06/20 21:44:53 config.loadConfig duration: 1.737282ms, args:
2022/06/20 21:44:53 Flags duration: 204ns, args:
2022/06/20 21:44:53 debug: Getenv
2022/06/20 21:44:53 Getenv duration: 4.707µs, args: OMP_CACHE_DISABLED
2022/06/20 21:44:53 Root duration: 1.074µs, args:
2022/06/20 21:44:53 Shell duration: 26.273612ms, args:
2022/06/20 21:44:53 ErrorCode duration: 167ns, args:
2022/06/20 21:44:53 debug: Getenv
2022/06/20 21:44:53 Getenv duration: 4.186µs, args: WSL_DISTRO_NAME
2022/06/20 21:44:53 IsWsl duration: 12.438µs, args:
2022/06/20 21:44:53 debug: Pwd
2022/06/20 21:44:53 Pwd duration: 51.995µs, args:
2022/06/20 21:44:53 PathSeparator duration: 184ns, args:
2022/06/20 21:44:53 PathSeparator duration: 75ns, args:
2022/06/20 21:44:53 debug: User
2022/06/20 21:44:53 User duration: 2.427µs, args:
2022/06/20 21:44:53 debug: Host
2022/06/20 21:44:53 Host duration: 4.888µs, args:
2022/06/20 21:44:53 GOOS duration: 172ns, args:
2022/06/20 21:44:53 TemplateCache duration: 26.494987ms, args:
2022/06/20 21:44:53 Flags duration: 221ns, args:
2022/06/20 21:44:53 debug: Pwd
2022/06/20 21:44:53 Pwd duration: 2.816µs, args:
2022/06/20 21:44:53 GOOS duration: 134ns, args:
2022/06/20 21:44:53 debug: Getenv
2022/06/20 21:44:53 Getenv duration: 2.889µs, args: SSH_CONNECTION
2022/06/20 21:44:53 debug: Getenv
2022/06/20 21:44:53 Getenv duration: 2.645µs, args: SSH_CLIENT
2022/06/20 21:44:53 TemplateCache duration: 166ns, args:
2022/06/20 21:44:53 TemplateCache duration: 185ns, args:
2022/06/20 21:44:53 Shell duration: 316ns, args:
2022/06/20 21:44:53 debug: Pwd
2022/06/20 21:44:53 Pwd duration: 2.962µs, args:
2022/06/20 21:44:53 GOOS duration: 212ns, args:
2022/06/20 21:44:53 debug: Pwd
2022/06/20 21:44:53 Pwd duration: 1.621µs, args:
2022/06/20 21:44:53 Flags duration: 166ns, args:
2022/06/20 21:44:53 debug: Pwd
2022/06/20 21:44:53 Pwd duration: 1.39µs, args:
2022/06/20 21:44:53 GOOS duration: 68ns, args:
2022/06/20 21:44:53 GOOS duration: 75ns, args:
2022/06/20 21:44:53 PathSeparator duration: 120ns, args:
2022/06/20 21:44:53 PathSeparator duration: 66ns, args:
2022/06/20 21:44:53 PathSeparator duration: 65ns, args:
2022/06/20 21:44:53 PathSeparator duration: 68ns, args:
2022/06/20 21:44:53 GOOS duration: 65ns, args:
2022/06/20 21:44:53 debug: Getenv
2022/06/20 21:44:53 Getenv duration: 1.988µs, args: WSL_DISTRO_NAME
2022/06/20 21:44:53 IsWsl duration: 5.36µs, args:
2022/06/20 21:44:53 StackCount duration: 169ns, args:
2022/06/20 21:44:53 DirIsWritable duration: 9.877µs, args:
2022/06/20 21:44:53 TemplateCache duration: 118ns, args:
2022/06/20 21:44:53 TemplateCache duration: 146ns, args:
2022/06/20 21:44:53 Shell duration: 227ns, args:
2022/06/20 21:44:53 debug: Pwd
2022/06/20 21:44:53 Pwd duration: 6.862µs, args:
2022/06/20 21:44:53 GOOS duration: 126ns, args:
2022/06/20 21:44:53 debug: Getenv
2022/06/20 21:44:53 Getenv duration: 2.07µs, args: WSL_DISTRO_NAME
2022/06/20 21:44:53 IsWsl duration: 5.95µs, args:
2022/06/20 21:44:53 GOOS duration: 68ns, args:
2022/06/20 21:44:53 HasCommand duration: 82.764µs, args: git
2022/06/20 21:44:53 debug: Pwd
2022/06/20 21:44:53 Pwd duration: 3.066µs, args:
2022/06/20 21:44:53 error: HasParentFilePath
stat /.git: no such file or directory
2022/06/20 21:44:53 HasParentFilePath duration: 31.548µs, args: .git
2022/06/20 21:44:53 debug: Pwd
2022/06/20 21:44:53 Pwd duration: 1.936µs, args:
2022/06/20 21:44:53 GOOS duration: 188ns, args:
2022/06/20 21:44:53 Root duration: 582ns, args:
2022/06/20 21:44:53 debug: Pwd
2022/06/20 21:44:53 Pwd duration: 2.054µs, args:
2022/06/20 21:44:53 GOOS duration: 71ns, args:
2022/06/20 21:44:53 ErrorCode duration: 221ns, args:
2022/06/20 21:44:53 TemplateCache duration: 187ns, args:
2022/06/20 21:44:53 TemplateCache duration: 271ns, args:
2022/06/20 21:44:53 Shell duration: 282ns, args:
2022/06/20 21:44:53 TemplateCache duration: 159ns, args:
2022/06/20 21:44:53 Flags duration: 202ns, args:
2022/06/20 21:44:53 debug: Pwd
2022/06/20 21:44:53 Pwd duration: 2.779µs, args:
2022/06/20 21:44:53 GOOS duration: 127ns, args:
2022/06/20 21:44:53 debug: Pwd
2022/06/20 21:44:53 Pwd duration: 1.653µs, args:
2022/06/20 21:44:53 debug: Pwd
2022/06/20 21:44:53 Pwd duration: 3.279µs, args:
2022/06/20 21:44:53 GOOS duration: 131ns, args:
2022/06/20 21:44:53 debug: Pwd
2022/06/20 21:44:53 Pwd duration: 1.671µs, args:
2022/06/20 21:44:53 debug: Pwd
2022/06/20 21:44:53 Pwd duration: 1.746µs, args:
2022/06/20 21:44:53 GOOS duration: 74ns, args:
2022/06/20 21:44:53 debug: Pwd
2022/06/20 21:44:53 Pwd duration: 1.685µs, args:
2022/06/20 21:44:53 debug: Pwd
2022/06/20 21:44:53 Pwd duration: 1.638µs, args:
2022/06/20 21:44:53 PathSeparator duration: 182ns, args:
2022/06/20 21:44:53 debug: HasFiles
2022/06/20 21:44:53 HasFiles duration: 157.018µs, args: *.py
2022/06/20 21:44:53 debug: Pwd
2022/06/20 21:44:53 Pwd duration: 451ns, args:
2022/06/20 21:44:53 PathSeparator duration: 20ns, args:
2022/06/20 21:44:53 debug: HasFiles
2022/06/20 21:44:53 HasFiles duration: 39.358µs, args: *.ipynb
2022/06/20 21:44:53 debug: Pwd
2022/06/20 21:44:53 Pwd duration: 399ns, args:
2022/06/20 21:44:53 PathSeparator duration: 19ns, args:
2022/06/20 21:44:53 debug: HasFiles
2022/06/20 21:44:53 HasFiles duration: 3.206µs, args: pyproject.toml
2022/06/20 21:44:53 debug: Pwd
2022/06/20 21:44:53 Pwd duration: 2.992µs, args:
2022/06/20 21:44:53 PathSeparator duration: 31ns, args:
2022/06/20 21:44:53 debug: HasFiles
2022/06/20 21:44:53 HasFiles duration: 5.534µs, args: venv.bak
2022/06/20 21:44:53 debug: HasFolder
2022/06/20 21:44:53 HasFolder duration: 1.167µs, args: .venv
2022/06/20 21:44:53 debug: HasFolder
2022/06/20 21:44:53 HasFolder duration: 1.015µs, args: venv
2022/06/20 21:44:53 debug: HasFolder
2022/06/20 21:44:53 HasFolder duration: 1.069µs, args: virtualenv
2022/06/20 21:44:53 debug: HasFolder
2022/06/20 21:44:53 HasFolder duration: 974ns, args: env
2022/06/20 21:44:53 debug: HasFolder
2022/06/20 21:44:53 HasFolder duration: 1.279µs, args: venv-win
2022/06/20 21:44:53 debug: HasFolder
2022/06/20 21:44:53 HasFolder duration: 930ns, args: pyenv-win
2022/06/20 21:44:53 debug: Pwd
2022/06/20 21:44:53 Pwd duration: 511ns, args:
2022/06/20 21:44:53 GOOS duration: 31ns, args:
2022/06/20 21:44:53 Shell duration: 48ns, args:
2022/06/20 21:44:53 Flags duration: 39ns, args:
2022/06/20 21:44:53 TemplateCache duration: 38ns, args:
2022/06/20 21:44:53 TemplateCache duration: 45ns, args:
2022/06/20 21:44:53 Shell duration: 73ns, args:
2022/06/20 21:44:53 debug: Pwd
2022/06/20 21:44:53 Pwd duration: 561ns, args:
2022/06/20 21:44:53 GOOS duration: 38ns, args:
2022/06/20 21:44:53 TemplateCache duration: 32ns, args:
2022/06/20 21:44:53 TemplateCache duration: 48ns, args:
2022/06/20 21:44:53 Shell duration: 48ns, args:
2022/06/20 21:44:53 debug: Getenv
2022/06/20 21:44:53 Getenv duration: 614ns, args: XDG_CACHE_HOME
2022/06/20 21:44:53 CachePath duration: 5.401µs, args:
2022/06/20 21:44:53 Flags duration: 43ns, args: |
Beta Was this translation helpful? Give feedback.
Answered by
Jun 21, 2022
Replies: 1 comment 3 replies
@joaociocca are you certain this is a clean install without any oh-my-posh in |
Beta Was this translation helpful? Give feedback.
3 replies
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@joaociocca are you certain this is a clean install without any oh-my-posh in
? As I can see a powerline prompt, so there could be stuff interfering with our script.