change version number system, the first three components are now identical to QGIS version used to build the package and the dev component indicates version of the package
addition of .complete_output, .quiet and .messages to all the functions to allow control of what is printed to R console
allow handling of the parameters, mentioned above, using R options: options(qgis.quiet = TRUE), options(qgis.messages = FALSE), options(qgis.complete_output = TRUE)
- add checks to verify that QGIS is available and the selected algorithm exists (because local QGIS installation can vary from the QGIS installation used to build the package)
- update qgis
add search to website
change the build order so that version only changes if any R code actually changed
- try to build website
add DESCRIPTION, LICENSE, LICENSE.md, .Rhistory to package-development branch
changed development to its own branch