How is ALttPO different from emu-coop and others?
- You can see other players in real time when they're in the same location as you
- Sound effects from other players on the same screen are synced
- Custom player sprites are supported and are visible to other players
- Nearly all game state that is synced is synced at the full 60fps that the game runs at
- Network communication among players is done via raw UDP sockets, not over IRC or other TCP-based means
- Multiple players (more than two) are supported in the same game
- Designed in a peer-to-peer fashion with a custom server responsible only for peer discovery and traffic forwarding between peers
Is it open-source?
- Yes! Any and all help is welcome.
Does it run on my system?
- If your system is Windows, MacOS, or Linux, then yes.
- Cross-platform support is one of the goals of the project.
- If your system is not Win/Mac/Linux then it would require some porting effort but that effort is entirely contained within the bsnes project and not ALttPO itself.
What is ALttPO implemented in?
- AngelScript 2.34.0
- C++17 extensions on the bsnes emulator to integrate AngelScript support
Is it compatible with real SNES consoles?
- Not currently.
- At some point in the future this avenue could be explored but for now it requires the bsnes emulator.
Does it work with any SNES emulator?
- Not currently.
- Only bsnes is supported at this time.
Why bsnes and why not snes9x or my favorite emulator?
- Bsnes was chosen for its high emulation accuracy and for the quality and maintainability of its codebase
- Bsnes natively supports multiple platforms out of the box, not just Windows
- Bsnes has its own cross-platform GUI library for handling windows, buttons, checkboxes, labels, etc.
- Other emulators could be supported in the future but this would require porting effort; time is better spent on improving ALttPO right now rather than extending support to more emulators.
What ALTTP ROMs are supported?
- US v1.2
- JP v1.0
- VeeTorp's Randomizer ROMs based on JP 1.0 as of v31
What world state IS synced?
- Temporary real-time overworld area changes e.g. picked up bushes, stones, signs, cut grass, shovel dig sites
- Permanent overworld area changes e.g. lumberjack tree cut down, revealed secrets, bombed walls
- Permanent underworld area changes e.g. doors opened, bombed, chests opened
- Underworld torch lit/unlit state
- General progress indicators for NPCs e.g. bottle salesman, hobo, dwarven swordsmiths, witch
- Temporary objects on screen:
- Bombs
- Arrows
- Ice rod shots
- Fire rod shots
- Somaria blocks
- Moving gravestones
- Explosions
What world state IS NOT synced?
- Temporary real-time underworld area changes e.g. picked up pots, star tile changes, trap floors, trap doors
- Enemies on the screen
- Item drops on the screen
- Players cannot directly interact but can indirectly harm one another via bombs
Which player items ARE synced?
- Bow & silver upgrade
- Boomerang (blue, red)
- Hookshot
- Mushroom, powder (randomizer note: cannot lose mushroom once gained)
- Fire rod
- Ice rod
- Bombos medallion
- Ether medallion
- Quake medallion
- Lantern
- Hammer
- Shovel, flute
- Bug net
- Book of Mudora
- Bottle count (NOT contents)
- Cane of Somaria
- Cane of Byrna
- Magic Cape
- Magic Mirror
Which player items ARE NOT synced?
- Arrows count
- Bombs count
- Rupees count
- Bottle contents (only new pre-filled bottles are synced)
- Life meter
- Magic meter
Which player stats ARE synced?
- Pegasus boots
- Mitts/gloves
- Flippers
- Moon pearl
- Arrows capacity
- Bombs capacity
- 1/2 and 1/4 magic
- Sword level (fighter, master, tempered, butter)
- Shield level (no shield, fighter, fire, mirror)
- Armor level (aka mail/tunic color, green, blue, red)
- Heart containers and quarter heart pieces
What dungeon progress IS synced?
- Pendants and crystals
- Dungeon big keys
- Dungeon compasses
- Dungeon maps
What dungeon progress IS NOT synced?
- Dungeon small keys