This is a humble little math library that is designed to provide efficient and flexible code while having an easy-to-use interface for scientific and graphic applications.
So far, the library includes interfaces and functions for working with following types
- 2d, 3d, 4d Vectors
- 4d Matrices
- Random number generation
- Sampling
- Quaternions
- Complex numbers
I've also integrated the ASA container developed by Robert Strzodkaf. It allows users to easily switch from AoS to SoA with a single line of code e.g.
typedef ASX::Array<ASX::SOA, 1000, cml::vec3f> vec3_array; // Structure of Arrays Memory Layout.
typedef ASX::Array<ASX::AOS, 1000, cml::vec3f> vec3_array; // Array of Structures Memory Layout.
And regardless of the layout specified, objects always act as if they were structs
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
C[i] += cml::dot(A[i], B[i]);
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
cml::vec3f a = A[i];
cml::vec3f b = B[i];
cml::vec3f v = cml::normalize(cml::cross(a, b));
C[i] = v;
The original intent of this library was to make my own life easier when using CUDA. It's also been a lot of fun messing around with C++ templates. I hope others who happen to stumble across this will also find it as useful.
A lot of what you see here was inspired/taken from tools that already exist, such as the popular glm library and from the fantastic book Physically Based Rendering: From Theory To Implementation.
Please feel free to open an issue or pull request if you have any suggestions or find any bugs.
- Better unit test coverage
VectorsComplex Numbers- Qauternions
- 2D Matrix
- 3D Matrix
- 4D Matrix
- Speed testing
- Graphics specific functions
2D and 3D Matrix implementation