Single Page Progressive Web Application for Increment Fitness.
- package.json
- specifies dependencies and scripts for npm
- webpack.config.js
- specifies configuration for webpack bundling
- src
- contains source code written in ECMAscript 2015
- not included in production
- lib
- contains code transpiled by Babel
- not included in development
- node_modules
- contains node dependencies
- not included in development
- build/bundle.js
- contains all the front end dependencies bundled and packed by webpack
- install node (version ^9.5)
- install nodemon globally
npm install -g nodemon
- install dependencies
npm install
- add google chrome react devtools extension
- transpile
$ npm run build
- run webpack
$ npm run webpack
- start the server
$ npm start
- visit
in your browser
download gcloud SDK
configure project
$ gcloud config set project inc-web
$ gcloud app deploy
note: https won't work since AWS EC2 instance (dbs) is not https - must use http
$ gcloud app logs read