Toolbox for data visualisation and integration.
GUI to load and display and replay different raw and/or preprocessed signals for a given recording session. This includes:
- Modular and in-GUI toggable "plot areas" for:
- Behavioural movies (with tracking overlay if available)
- Calcium imaging movies (raw, with optional and adjustable filtering option, overlay of extracted ROIs)
- Heatmaps (e.g. heart rate or neuronal activity mapped onto the paradigm, adjustable binning size and contrast)
- Occupancy map or trajectory, location of events within the paradigm (e.g. optogenetics stimulations)
- Traces data:
- Heart rate, speed, motion measure, etc
- Behaviours and/or Keypoint Moseq sylables as rasters, subselection possible from a dropdown list
- Calcium imaging traces (the ROIs on the movies possess callback that allow to select the neurons to display)