- Add linting
- Add prediction system functionality tests
- Add an evaluation test
- Add a training system infrastructure test
- Set up continuous integration using CircleCI
We have upgraded some packages, so we should install them with make pip-tools
git pull
conda activate fsdl-text-recognizer-2021 # If on your own system
make pip-tools # If on your own system
cd lab8/
In the top-level directory, the new files are:
And in the lab8
directory, we added a number of files:
For linting:
For functionality tests:
For evaluation test:
For infrastruture test:
Linting refers to automatically checking code files for style, documentation, and some basic bugs using static analysis. Setting up a linting system is a little tricky at first, but pays off very quickly. It is a must for any multi-developer codebase, in order to maintain a basic code quality and prevent endless back-and-forth about code style and conventions.
Running the new file tasks/lint.sh
fully lints our codebase with a few different checkers:
scans our Python package dependencies for known security vulnerabilities -
does static analysis of Python files and reports both style and bug problems -
checks for simple code style guideline violations (somewhat overlapping withpylint
) -
checks for docstring guideline violations -
performs static type checking of Python files -
finds common security vulnerabilities -
finds bugs and potential bugs in shell scrips
A note: in writing Bash scripts, I often refer to this excellent guide.
Note that the linters are configured using .pylintrc
and setup.cfg
files, as well as flags specified in lint.sh
Lastly, we use the automated Python formatter black
to make it even easier for us to be compatible with some linters and avoid arguing about style.
You can run it in the directory with black .
, or better yet, configure your text editor to automatically run it every time you save a file: https://dev.to/adamlombard/how-to-use-the-black-python-code-formatter-in-vscode-3lo0
In Lab 7, we added ParagraphTextRecognizer
which takes an image and returns the text recognized in it.
We now add a test for this module in text_recognizer/tests/test_paragraph_text_recognizer.py
The test simply runs several known images from text_recognizer/tests/support
through ParagraphTextRecognizer
and compare the results to expected results, stored in text_recognizer/tests/support/paragraphs/data_by_file_id.json
To run this test (along with any other tests in test_
files, along with docstring tests), simply run pytest -s .
These tests shouldn't take more than a minute or so to run.
In addition to the quick prediction tests, we want to evaluate performance of our current model on the test dataset.
This is a longer test, and benefits from having a GPU available.
To run, do pytest -s text_recognizer/evaluation/evaluate_paragraph_text_recognizer.py
Lastly, we want to have a test for our training system (training/run_experiment.py
), to make sure it correctly reads command-line flags and doesn't fail in training.
To do this, we add training/tests/test_run_experiment.sh
, which runs a quick experiment using a special FakeImages
dataset (so we don't have to download any data).
The linting, as well prediction and training tests, should be run every time we push code upstream to our repo.
We use CircleCI to do this, and so add a file outside of the lab8
directory (in the top-level directory): .circleci/config.yml
To set this up:
- Fork our repository at https://github.com/full-stack-deep-learning/fsdl-text-recognizer-2021-labs (click the Fork button in the top right)
- Go to https://circleci.com and log in with your Github account.
- Click on Add Project. Select your fork
- It will ask you to place the
file in the repo. Since it's already there, you can just hit the "Start building" button.
While CircleCI starts the build, let's look at the config.yml
It simply downloads and installs requirements which are not already present on the circleci Python image, then runs linting via tasks/lint.sh
and tests via tasks/test.sh
If anything fails, CircleCI will mark the build as failing, and GitHub will alert us.
Now that CircleCI is done building, let's push a commit so that we can see it build again, and check out the nice green chechmark in our commit history.
Fork the repo, set up CircleCI, and see it build.