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Android Mpesa API : Android MPESA SDK Library to provide smooth MPESA Experience in Android - Dubbed Daraja by Juma Allan
Django Mpesa : This repo is meant to simplify Safaricom's mpesa API integration in simple steps by Ekirapa Paul
Django Mpesa : Mpesa B2C, C2B, STKPush Django framework based on the new Api's by Lemaiyan
Django Mpesa : A python django library for interacting with the MPESA Daraja API by Martin Mogusu
Fupisha : A modern url shortening service. Fupisha is a swahili word for Shorten by Nairobi Gophers
Laravel Mpesa : A simple mpesa package for laravel framework by Gathuku
Mpesa Typescript Wrapper : M-Pesa TypeScript Wrapper for integrating the Daraja API by Osenco
Osenco WooCommerce Mpesa : WordPress Plugin that extends WooCommerce functionality to integrate MPESA for making payments, remittances, checking account balance, transaction status and reversals by Osenco
Python Django Mpesa : A simple mpesa package for laravel framework by Lemayian
Fupisha : A Ruby interface/gem for Mpesa daraja APIs by Gathuku
Swot : Identify email addresses or domains names that belong to colleges or universities by Abado Jack
Whatalanggo : Natural language detection library for Go by Abado Jack