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ItFlyingStart edited this page Sep 1, 2020 · 6 revisions

Cindy is a student and she has heard from her friends about the possibility to setup a stake pool with Cardano Shelley. She would like to try this out. She needs to follow the steps like Frank did. Cindy's action list

1. Build cardano-node executable files

Build cardano-node

Step 1: Debian/Ubuntu

Prepare a machine with the operating system Debian or Ubuntu.

Step 2: Install packages

Install the next packages:

$ sudo apt-get update -y
$ sudo apt-get -y install build-essential pkg-config libffi-dev libgmp-dev libssl-dev libtinfo-dev libsystemd-dev zlib1g-dev make g++ tmux git jq wget libncursesw5

Step 3: Download, unpack, install and update Cabal

Install Cabal

$ wget
$ tar -xf cabal-install-
$ rm cabal-install- cabal.sig
$ mkdir -p ~/.local/bin
$ mv cabal ~/.local/bin/

Add PATH to .bashrc-file

export PATH="~/.cabal/bin:$PATH"
export PATH="~/.local/bin:$PATH"

Update cabal

$ source .bashrc
$ cabal update

Install GHC

$ wget
$ tar -xf ghc-8.6.5-x86_64-deb9-linux.tar.xz
$ rm ghc-8.6.5-x86_64-deb9-linux.tar.xz
$ cd ghc-8.6.5
$ ./configure
$ sudo make install
$ cd ..

Install Libsodium

$ git clone
$ cd libsodium
$ git checkout 66f017f1
$ ./
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install
$ cd ..
$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/local/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"

Step 4: Download the source code for cardano-node

$ git clone
$ cd cardano-node
$ git fetch --all --tags

Step 5: Build and install the node

First build

Replace <the-tag-you-want> with the tag that you want to retrieve and build the codes.

$ git checkout tags/<the-tag-you-want>

Add overwrite-policy: alwaysin .cabal/config-file

$ cabal install cardano-node cardano-cli

Next fetch and build

Retrieve the latest codes

$ cd cardano-node
$ git fetch --all --tags
$ git tag
$ git checkout tags/<the-tag-you-want>
$ cabal install cardano-node cardano-cli

Step 6: Copy executable files

Copy the executable files to the host servers.

2. Setup nodes

Setup cardano nodes

Cindy has planned to have the next configuration for her nodes:

Cindy's nodes configuration

Step 1: Prepare node configuration files

Create the next directories in the working directory:

mkdir configuration
mkdir relay
mkdir block-one

Download genesis, configuration and topology files from

wget -O configuration/topology.json
wget -O configuration/genesis.json
wget -O configuration/config.json

Run the next command to update the config.json file, because we have renamed shelley_testnet-genesis.json to genesis.json.

sed -i 's/shelley_testnet-genesis.json/genesis.json/g' configuration/config.json

Copy the configuration files to relay, block-one and block-two:

cp -avr configuration/ relay/
cp -avr configuration/ block-one/

She makes the next modification in relay/configuration/topology.json:

  "Producers": [
      "addr": "",
      "port": 3001,
      "valency": 2
      "addr": "",
      "port": 7510,
      "valency": 1

And in block-one/configuration/topology.json:

  "Producers": [
      "addr": "",
      "port": 7500,
      "valency": 1

Step 2: Run relay node

The relay node is now ready and can be started:

cardano-node run \
    --topology relay/configuration/topology.json \
    --database-path relay/db \
    --socket-path relay/db/node.socket \
    --host-addr \
    --port 7500 \
    --config relay/configuration/config.json

Step 3: Create cold keys

Create a new subdirectory keys under block-one:

mkdir block-one/keys

Run the next command to create the cold keys for block-one:

cardano-cli shelley node key-gen \
    --cold-verification-key-file block-one/keys/cold.vkey \
    --cold-signing-key-file block-one/keys/cold.skey \
    --operational-certificate-issue-counter block-one/keys/coldcounter

Step 4: Create hot keys

Run the next command to create the hot keys for block-one:

cardano-cli shelley node key-gen-KES \
    --verification-key-file block-one/keys/kes.vkey \
    --signing-key-file block-one/keys/kes.skey

cardano-cli shelley node key-gen-VRF \
    --verification-key-file block-one/keys/vrf.vkey \
    --signing-key-file block-one/keys/vrf.skey

Her folder structure looks like this now:

Cindy's folder structure

Step 5: Create operational certificates

Determine the number slots per KES period:

cat relay/configuration/genesis.json | grep KESPeriod


  "slotsPerKESPeriod": 3600,

Next check the current slot number:

export CARDANO_NODE_SOCKET_PATH=relay/db/node.socket
cardano-cli shelley query tip \
    --testnet-magic 42


Tip (SlotNo {unSlotNo = 483680}) (ShelleyHash {unShelleyHash = HashHeader {unHashHeader = 4397c421aec9e3efe23a94e03b1a92c49f3d697dd987d4eb5a5c27832fbde8ea}}) (BlockNo {unBlockNo = 22551})

Calculate the KES period:

expr 483680 / 3600

Result is 134.

Create the operational certificate:

cardano-cli shelley node issue-op-cert \
    --kes-verification-key-file block-one/keys/kes.vkey \
    --cold-signing-key-file block-one/keys/cold.skey \
    --operational-certificate-issue-counter block-one/keys/coldcounter \
    --kes-period 134 \
    --out-file block-one/keys/operational.cert

operational.cert-files contain the operational certificates.

Step 6: Run block producing nodes with the operational keys and certificates

cardano-node run \
    --topology block-one/configuration/topology.json \
    --database-path block-one/db \
    --socket-path block-one/db/node.socket \
    --host-addr \
    --port 7510 \
    --config block-one/configuration/config.json \
    --shelley-kes-key block-one/keys/kes.skey \
    --shelley-vrf-key block-one/keys/vrf.skey \
    --shelley-operational-certificate block-one/keys/operational.cert

3. Create stake & payment account

Create the addresses directory in the next directories:

mkdir block-one/addresses

And follow the next steps to create a new stake & payment account:

New stake payment account

Step 1: create new payment key

cardano-cli shelley address key-gen \
    --verification-key-file block-one/addresses/payment1.vkey \
    --signing-key-file block-one/addresses/payment1.skey

Step 2: create new stake key

cardano-cli shelley stake-address key-gen \
    --verification-key-file block-one/addresses/stake1.vkey \
    --signing-key-file block-one/addresses/stake1.skey

Step 3: create payment address with payment key and stake key

The payment address can be used to transfer funds.

cardano-cli shelley address build \
    --payment-verification-key-file block-one/addresses/payment1.vkey \
    --stake-verification-key-file block-one/addresses/stake1.vkey \
    --out-file block-one/addresses/payment1.addr \
    --testnet-magic 42

Step 4: create stake address with stake key

The stake address will be used to collect the delegation rewards.

cardano-cli shelley stake-address build \
    --staking-verification-key-file block-one/addresses/stake1.vkey \
    --out-file block-one/addresses/stake1.addr \
    --testnet-magic 42

Step 5: check funds in the payment address Set environment variable CARDANO_NODE_SOCKET_PATH to the socket-path specified in the node configuration. For example:

export CARDANO_NODE_SOCKET_PATH=relay/db/node.socket

Check funds with the next command

cardano-cli shelley query utxo \
    --address $(cat block-one/addresses/payment1.addr) \
    --testnet-magic 42

Example result:

                           TxHash                                 TxIx        Lovelace
ba354621f4268684a31bf5f0b90031567c952d727a057153aac39a7eaafec5d0     0       10000000000

4. Register stake certificate

Register stake certificate

Step 1: get the protocol parameters

Get the protocol parameters if not done yet.

cardano-cli shelley query protocol-parameters \
    --testnet-magic 42 \
    --out-file configuration/protocol.json

Step 2: create a stake certificate

cardano-cli shelley stake-address registration-certificate \
    --staking-verification-key-file block-one/addresses/stake1.vkey \
    --out-file block-one/addresses/stake1.cert

Step 3: retrieve the UTXO details from the payment address

export CARDANO_NODE_SOCKET_PATH=relay/db/node.socket

Retrieve the UTXO details from the payment1.addr address of block-one.

cardano-cli shelley query utxo \
    --address $(cat block-one/addresses/payment1.addr) \
    --testnet-magic 42

Example result:

                           TxHash                                 TxIx        Lovelace
ba354621f4268684a31bf5f0b90031567c952d727a057153aac39a7eaafec5d0     0       10000000000

Step 4: determine the appropiate TTL (Time to live)

cardano-cli shelley query tip \
    --testnet-magic 42

Example result:

Tip (SlotNo {unSlotNo = 581365}) (ShelleyHash {unShelleyHash = HashHeader {unHashHeader = 782cb7383827f5c10555735bb173d52c0f9699d49ed536136662e79f5829bca1}}) (BlockNo {unBlockNo = 27484})

Extract the current slot number unSlotNo, which is 581365 in this example. And increase it with 2000. --ttl is:

581365 + 2000 = 583365

Step 5: calculate the fee

cardano-cli shelley transaction calculate-min-fee \
    --tx-in-count 1 \
    --tx-out-count 1 \
    --ttl 583365 \
    --testnet-magic 42 \
    --signing-key-file block-one/addresses/payment1.skey \
    --signing-key-file block-one/addresses/stake1.skey \
    --certificate block-one/addresses/stake1.cert \
    --protocol-params-file configuration/protocol.json

Example result:

runTxCalculateMinFee: 171133

Which means that we need to pay a transaction fee --fee of 171133 Lovelace.

Retrieve the registration fee for our stake certificate:

cat configuration/genesis.json | grep keyDeposit
"keyDeposit": 400000,

Step 6: select UTXO and calculate the remainder funds

For block-one we will use the UTXO ba354621f4268684a31bf5f0b90031567c952d727a057153aac39a7eaafec5d0 to pay the transaction fee:

                           TxHash                                 TxIx        Lovelace
ba354621f4268684a31bf5f0b90031567c952d727a057153aac39a7eaafec5d0     0       10000000000

--tx-in is:

--tx-in ba354621f4268684a31bf5f0b90031567c952d727a057153aac39a7eaafec5d0#0

--tx-out is the remainder funds, which need to be sent back to the sender payment address. Therefore we need to calculate the change first: current total funds - registration fee - transfer fee.

10000000000 - 400000 - 171133 = 9999428867

Thus --tx-out can be constructed like this:

--tx-out $(cat block-one/addresses/payment1.addr)+9999428867

Step 7: build the transaction Now we have all required input parameters to build the transaction.

cardano-cli shelley transaction build-raw \
    --tx-in ba354621f4268684a31bf5f0b90031567c952d727a057153aac39a7eaafec5d0#0 \
    --tx-out $(cat block-one/addresses/payment1.addr)+9999428867 \
    --ttl 583365 \
    --fee 171133 \
    --out-file block-one/transactions/tx1.txbody \
    --certificate block-one/addresses/stake1.cert

tx1.txbody contains the output raw file.

Step 8: sign the transaction We use the sender key pay.skey and stake.skey to sign the transaction file tx1.txbody.

cardano-cli shelley transaction sign \
    --tx-body-file block-one/transactions/tx1.txbody \
    --signing-key-file block-one/addresses/payment1.skey \
    --signing-key-file block-one/addresses/stake1.skey \
    --testnet-magic 42 \
    --tx-file block-one/transactions/tx1.signed

tx1.signed contains the signed transaction file.

Step 9: submit the transaction We submit the signed transaction file tx1.signed.

cardano-cli shelley transaction submit \
    --tx-file block-one/transactions/tx1.signed \
    --testnet-magic 42

4. Register stake pool

Register stake pool

Step 1: get the protocol parameters

This is an optional step. Get the protocol parameters if not done yet.

cardano-cli shelley query protocol-parameters \
    --testnet-magic 42 \
    --out-file configuration/protocol.json

Step 2: create a registration certificate for our stake pool

Create two JSON files which store the pool's metadata and upload to a web folder. Once done, then download them to the host servers.

mkdir block-one/pool

wget -P ./block-one/pool/

Create the hash for these pool's metadata files:

cardano-cli shelley stake-pool metadata-hash \
    --pool-metadata-file block-one/pool/Cindy_pool_1.json \
    > block-one/pool/Cindy_pool_1_hash

Create a shortened version of URL, for example: with Use the shortened URL for the follow-up CLI command.

Full URL to JSON metadata file Shortened URL

Create the certificate for both stake pools. The input parameters are:

Parameter Explanation
stake-pool-verification-key-file verification cold key
vrf-verification-key-file verification VRS key
pool-pledge pledge (lovelace)
pool-cost operational costs per epoch (lovelace)
pool-margin operator margin
pool-reward-account-verification-key-file verification staking key for the rewards
pool-owner-staking-verification-key-file verification staking key(s) for the pool owner(s)
out-file output file to write the certificate to
pool-relay-port port
pool-relay-ipv4 relay node ip address
metadata-url url of your json file
metadata-hash the hash of pools json metadata file

Example registration certificate:

cardano-cli shelley stake-pool registration-certificate \
    --cold-verification-key-file block-one/keys/cold.vkey \
    --vrf-verification-key-file block-one/keys/vrf.vkey \
    --pool-pledge 5000000000 \
    --pool-cost 90000000 \
    --pool-margin 0.04 \
    --pool-reward-account-verification-key-file block-one/addresses/stake1.vkey \
    --pool-owner-staking-verification-key block-one/addresses/stake1.vkey \
    --testnet-magic 42 \
    --metadata-url \
    --metadata-hash $(cat block-one/pool/Cindy_pool_1_hash) \
    --out-file block-one/addresses/pool.cert

So in the example above, we use the cold- and VRF-keys that we have created when configuring the nodes, promise to pledge 5.000 ADA to our pool block-one, declare operational costs of 90 ADA per epoch for block-one, set the operational margin (i.e. the ratio of rewards we take after taking our costs and before the rest is distributed amongst owners and delegators according to their delegated stake) to 4% for block-one, use the staking key we created the previous chapter to receive our rewards and use the same key as pool owner key for the pledge.

Step 3: pledge stake to our stake pool

cardano-cli shelley stake-address delegation-certificate \
    --staking-verification-key-file block-one/addresses/stake1.vkey \
    --stake-pool-verification-key-file block-one/keys/cold.vkey \
    --out-file block-one/addresses/delegation.cert

Step 4: retrieve the UTXO details from the payment address

export CARDANO_NODE_SOCKET_PATH=relay/db/node.socket

Retrieve the UTXO details from the payment1.addr address of block-one.

cardano-cli shelley query utxo \
    --address $(cat block-one/addresses/payment1.addr) \
    --testnet-magic 42

Example result:

                           TxHash                                 TxIx        Lovelace
25c5c62108b92ee55381dfd6d60dc74688497c4be6527cb0617fd90e7e22dccf     0        9999428867

Step 5: determine the appropiate TTL (Time to live)

cardano-cli shelley query tip \
    --testnet-magic 42

Example result:

Tip (SlotNo {unSlotNo = 582000}) (ShelleyHash {unShelleyHash = HashHeader {unHashHeader = 2e0f9a5ce096a09883e52644a468a65593654ef5746f76e80fc17046af4b180e}}) (BlockNo {unBlockNo = 27511})

Extract the current slot number unSlotNo, which is 582000 in this example. And increase it with 2000. --ttl is:

582000 + 2000 = 584000

Step 6: calculate the fee

cardano-cli shelley transaction calculate-min-fee \
    --tx-in-count 1 \
    --tx-out-count 1 \
    --ttl 584000 \
    --testnet-magic 42 \
    --signing-key-file block-one/addresses/payment1.skey \
    --signing-key-file block-one/keys/cold.skey \
    --signing-key-file block-one/addresses/stake1.skey \
    --certificate block-one/addresses/pool.cert \
    --certificate block-one/addresses/delegation.cert \
    --protocol-params-file configuration/protocol.json

Example result:

runTxCalculateMinFee: 186709

Which means that we need to pay a transaction fee --fee of 186709 Lovelace.

Retrieve the registration fee for our stake pool:

cat configuration/genesis.json | grep poolDeposit
"poolDeposit": 500000000,

Step 7: select UTXO and calculate the remainder funds

Block-one We will use the UTXO 25c5c62108b92ee55381dfd6d60dc74688497c4be6527cb0617fd90e7e22dccf to pay the transaction fee and the registration fee:

                           TxHash                                 TxIx        Lovelace
25c5c62108b92ee55381dfd6d60dc74688497c4be6527cb0617fd90e7e22dccf     0        9999428867

--tx-in is:

--tx-in 25c5c62108b92ee55381dfd6d60dc74688497c4be6527cb0617fd90e7e22dccf#0

--tx-out is the remainder funds, which need to be sent back to the sender payment address. Therefore we need to calculate the change first: current total funds - registration fee - transfer fee.

9999428867 - 500000000 - 186709 = 9499242158

Thus --tx-out can be constructed like this:

--tx-out $(cat block-one/addresses/payment1.addr)+9499242158

Step 8: build the transaction Now we have all required input parameters to build the transaction.

cardano-cli shelley transaction build-raw \
    --tx-in 25c5c62108b92ee55381dfd6d60dc74688497c4be6527cb0617fd90e7e22dccf#0 \
    --tx-out $(cat block-one/addresses/payment1.addr)+9499242158 \
    --ttl 584000 \
    --fee 186709 \
    --tx-body-file block-one/transactions/tx1.txbody \
    --certificate block-one/addresses/pool.cert \
    --certificate block-one/addresses/delegation.cert

tx1.txbody contains the output raw file.

Step 9: sign the transaction We use the sender key payment1.skey, cold.skey and stake1.skey to sign the transaction file tx1.txbody.

cardano-cli shelley transaction sign \
    --tx-body-file block-one/transactions/tx1.txbody \
    --signing-key-file block-one/addresses/payment1.skey \
    --signing-key-file block-one/keys/cold.skey \
    --signing-key-file block-one/addresses/stake1.skey \
    --testnet-magic 42 \
    --tx-file block-one/transactions/tx1.signed

tx1.signed contains the signed transaction file.

Step 10: submit the transaction We submit the signed transaction file tx1.signed.

cardano-cli shelley transaction submit \
    --tx-file block-one/transactions/tx1.signed \
    --testnet-magic 42

5. Verify the stake pool registration

Verify stake pool registration

Determine the pool ID:

cardano-cli shelley stake-pool id \
    --verification-key-file block-one/keys/cold.vkey \
    > block-one/keys/

Check for the presence of our pool ID of block-one in the network ledger state (or using

cardano-cli shelley query ledger-state --testnet-magic 42 | grep poolPubKey | grep $(cat block-one/keys/
                    "_poolPubKey": "82093603b88f18cc7c14c157a674c9da7f80946bb7faab1140d9e615339938d3",

6. Deregister stake pool

Unfortunately Cindy doesn't have enough time to maintain her stake pool. Therefore she has decided to deregrister her stake pool. Register stake pool

Step 1: get the protocol parameters

This is an optional step. Get the protocol parameters if not done yet.

cardano-cli shelley query protocol-parameters \
    --testnet-magic 42 \
    --out-file configuration/protocol.json

Step 2: determine retirement epoch

Get the number of slots per epoch:

cat configuration/genesis.json | grep epoch
  "epochLength": 21600,

Get the current slot by querying the tip:

cardano-cli shelley query tip \
    --testnet-magic 42

Example result:

Tip (SlotNo {unSlotNo = 583225}) (ShelleyHash {unShelleyHash = HashHeader {unHashHeader = 14fe98381d71cc138f15c49b49015a118520ff7826f760bf03f187d4d0f976ff}}) (BlockNo {unBlockNo = 27570})

Extract the current slot number unSlotNo, which is 583225 in this example. Calculate the current epoch:

expr 583225 / 21600

Which is the epoch 27. Look up the max future retirement epoch eMax by querying the current protocol parameters:

cat configuration/protocol.json | grep eMax
    "eMax": 18,

This means the earliest epoch for retirement is 28 (one in the future), and the latest is 45 (current epoch plus eMax).

Step 3: create deregistration certificate for our stake pool

cardano-cli shelley stake-pool deregistration-certificate \
    --cold-verification-key-file block-one/keys/cold.vkey \
    --epoch 28 \
    --out-file block-one/addresses/pool-deregistration.cert

Step 4: retrieve the UTXO details from the payment address

export CARDANO_NODE_SOCKET_PATH=relay/db/node.socket

Retrieve the UTXO details from the payment1.addr address of block-one.

cardano-cli shelley query utxo \
    --address $(cat block-one/addresses/payment1.addr) \
    --testnet-magic 42

Example result:

                           TxHash                                 TxIx        Lovelace
130f907864baccf1b12d9a310bdab94a524bf3c8feb185b353385d7dedd9c7a0     0        9499242158

Step 5: determine the appropiate TTL (Time to live)

cardano-cli shelley query tip \
    --testnet-magic 42

Example result:

Tip (SlotNo {unSlotNo = 583807}) (ShelleyHash {unShelleyHash = HashHeader {unHashHeader = 9a3c4df61d6f0dce9940ac17f7b84dd6d36bc9e5e290d1bf0d114a482e436ad0}}) (BlockNo {unBlockNo = 27601})

Extract the current slot number unSlotNo, which is 583807 in this example. And increase it with 2000. --ttl is:

583807 + 2000 = 585807

Step 6: calculate the fee

cardano-cli shelley transaction calculate-min-fee \
    --tx-in-count 1 \
    --tx-out-count 1 \
    --ttl 585807 \
    --testnet-magic 42 \
    --signing-key-file block-one/addresses/payment1.skey \
    --signing-key-file block-one/keys/cold.skey \
    --certificate block-one/addresses/pool-deregistration.cert \
    --protocol-params-file configuration/protocol.json

Example result:

runTxCalculateMinFee: 171133

Which means that we need to pay a transaction fee --fee of 171133 Lovelace.

Step 7: select UTXO and calculate the remainder funds

We will use the UTXO 130f907864baccf1b12d9a310bdab94a524bf3c8feb185b353385d7dedd9c7a0 to pay the transaction fee and the registration fee:

                           TxHash                                 TxIx        Lovelace
130f907864baccf1b12d9a310bdab94a524bf3c8feb185b353385d7dedd9c7a0     0        9499242158

--tx-in is:

--tx-in 130f907864baccf1b12d9a310bdab94a524bf3c8feb185b353385d7dedd9c7a0#0

--tx-out is the remainder funds, which need to be sent back to the sender payment address. Therefore we need to calculate the change first: current total funds - transfer fee.

9499242158 - 171133 = 9499071025

Thus --tx-out can be constructed like this:

--tx-out $(cat block-one/addresses/payment1.addr)+9499071025

Step 8: build the transaction Now we have all required input parameters to build the transaction.

cardano-cli shelley transaction build-raw \
    --tx-in 130f907864baccf1b12d9a310bdab94a524bf3c8feb185b353385d7dedd9c7a0#0 \
    --tx-out $(cat block-one/addresses/payment1.addr)+9499071025 \
    --ttl 585807 \
    --fee 171133 \
    --tx-body-file block-one/transactions/tx1.txbody \
    --certificate-file block-one/addresses/pool-deregistration.cert

tx1.txbody contains the output raw file.

Step 9: sign the transaction We use the sender key payment1.skey and cold.skey to sign the transaction file tx1.txbody.

cardano-cli shelley transaction sign \
    --tx-body-file block-one/transactions/tx1.txbody \
    --signing-key-file block-one/addresses/payment1.skey \
    --signing-key-file block-one/keys/cold.skey \
    --testnet-magic 42 \
    --out-file block-one/transactions/tx1.signed

tx1.signed contains the signed transaction file.

Step 10: submit the transaction We submit the signed transaction file tx1.signed.

cardano-cli shelley transaction submit \
    --tx-file block-one/transactions/tx1.signed \
    --testnet-magic 42