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File metadata and controls

91 lines (80 loc) · 5.54 KB


This repository holds the main server side module the web and mobile clients interact with, it also hold the web and mobile related code.


Site's uptime

Architecture Diagram


Technology stack

The technology stack of this site is based on the following frameworks:

Server Side

Client Side

Architecture and folder structure of the client side

The architecture is based heavily on Angular:

  • application - where all the application code is, topmost folder.
    • components - this layer handles the UI calls and bindings along with the relevant css and html files.
    • directives - folder for all the directives.
    • models - used to store data types that are common to the entire app.
    • reducers - used for redux reducers, actions and payloads.
    • services - this layer holds the lower level data handling.
      • layers - where the layers logic is - POI, route, wiki, nakeb, relevant services, etc...
  • content - used for images and static content.
  • environments - used for angular-cli to define production and dev variables.
  • fonts - icomoon generated font for icons instead of images.
  • scss - used for global style files
  • translations - all relevant data related to i18n.

Architecture and folder stucture of the server side

The architecture is based on layers:

  • Contollers - the topmost layer to catch all the requests
  • Services - responsible for orchestrating executors
  • Converters - converters logic between types of geo structures
  • Executers - basic logical building blocks
  • DataAccessInterfaces - a slim layer to decouple business logic from data access
  • DataAccess - database, file system and network request are processed in this layer
  • Common - Mainly for POCOs

Setting Up the Project for site Development (To setup iOS and Android follow the capacitor guides)

In order to be able to build this site you'll need some tools:

  • Install Docker
  • Install .Net core SDK 7.0
  • Install node.js (20+).
  • Run from command line dotnet restore and after that dotnet build
  • Go to IsraelHiking.Web and run from command line:
    • npm install to install all npm packages for the client side code
    • npm run build to generate the Angular UI client. It should create wwwroot folder on a successful run
  • Run docker compose up graphhopper - it should fail for the first time
  • Run gh-update.ps1 (set chmod +x if needed) to generate the graphhopper routing data
  • Run docker compose up to load the rest of the sercives
  • Run dotnet run --project IsraelHiking.Web
  • If you want to update the translations or upload images from your debug environment, you'll need to add the following secrets to IsraelHiking.Web. Otherwise, skip this step.
    2017-10-22 10_47_32-
    In the secrets.json at the end there should be these fields.
      "wikiMediaUserName": "your wikimedia user",
      "wikiMediaPassword": "your wikimedia password"
      "imgurClientId": "your imgur client ID"

Starting a debug session

See the relevant page in our wiki