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File metadata and controls

90 lines (56 loc) · 3.4 KB


Get Support

Feature Requests

If you have a feature request please make sure to include a detailed and comprehensible description of the requested feature in the ticket. Make sure to check if someone already requested a similar feature.

For issues with your remote storage user account credentials, please instead write to your hosting service provider. 

Bug Reports

Open a new ticket with a description of what you have done and what went wrong. Make sure to look or search for existing issues first. If you have trouble connecting to a server or your login credentials are not valid, try to resolve the issue with the assistance of your hosting service provider.

Discuss features and issues you are having in [GitHub Discussions]( For issues with the registration key, please send an email to [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]).
Please be aware that you are possibly using our software at no charge if you have not purchased a registration key. Thus the support provided here is best effort only.

Logging Output

````{group-tab} macOS

Log output can be found in the `cyberduck.log` file in`~/Library/Logs/Cyberduck`. Select _Show_ in _Cyberduck → Preferences → Connection_ to reveal the log file. Alternatively, you can find `cyberduck.log` in ** (Open from `/Applications/Utilities`) under `Reports → Log Reports → cyberduck.log`.

```{image} _images/
:width: 600px  

### Transcript

You can access the transcript which will log protocol request and responses from the command line particularly useful for protocols using HTTP. Open a ** window and enter 

`log stream --predicate '(process == "Cyberduck") && (category == "transcript")' --level info`

The transcript will be written in the ** window. Make sure to keep the window open after executing the command.

````{group-tab} Windows

Log output can be found in the `cyberduck.log` file in `%AppData%\cyberduck`. Select _Show_ in _Cyberduck → Preferences → Connection_ to reveal the log file named *cyberduck.log*.


Debug Log

To enable verbose log output select Enable debug log in Cyberduck → Preferences → Connection.

Application Support Folder

Inside the application support folder, the application saves files needed for their operations e.g. settings, log data, history files, etc.

````{group-tab} macOS

You can reach the application support folder by choosing `Go → Go to folder` within the *Finder* menu and paste the path `~/Library/Group Containers/ Support/duck/` into the window.

````{group-tab} Windows

You can reach the application support folder by navigating to `%AppData%\Cyberduck` by copying the path into the address bar of the Explorer and press *Return* afterward.


Crash Reports

````{group-tab} macOS

Crash reports are saved to `~/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/Cyberduck_*.crash`. On macOS 12 or later crash reports are saved to `~/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/Cyberduck_*.ips`.

````{group-tab} Windows

Crash reports are saved to `%AppData%\cyberduck\CrashReporter`.
