# Load required libraries, if not installed, install them
+= c("tidyverse","survey","foreign","janitor", "here")
+ required_libraries
+= required_libraries %in% installed.packages()
+ is_installed
+for(i in which(!is_installed)){
+ }
+Pakistan 2017-18 DHS: Household contacts
+The number and nature of contacts are important for exposure to infectious disease. Here we use household and age data to examine age structure and household age contacts
+Load packages, installing as necessary
+Read household survey data from a Stata file
+# Load Stata file by unzipping select file
+# data_local is relative the project directory and is gitignored (at least locally)
+= here::here("data_local/PKHR71DT.zip")
+ filename_hh_recode
+#filename_hh_recode = "data_local/PKHR71FL.DTA"
+= function(zipfile){
+ unzip_dtafile = unzip(zipfile, list = T)
+ avail unzip(zipfile, files = avail$Name[grep("DTA",avail$Name)])
+ }
+# file load
+= unzip_dtafile(filename_hh_recode)
+ tmp_file = read.dta(tmp_file) svy_data
Prepare data for analysis; examine age data
+# create design and convert to svydesign
+# identify psu, weight files, and strata
+= "hv021"
+ psu_field = "hv005"
+ weight_field = c("hv024","hv025")
+ strata_interim = formula(paste("~", paste(strata_interim, collapse = "+"),
+ strata_formula sep = ""))
+# Note that GB and AJK provinces are treated specially and we will exclude
+ svy_data group_by(hv024) |>
+ summarize(
+ official_weight = sum(hv005/1000000),
+ special_weight = sum(shv005/1000000))
+# A tibble: 8 × 3
+ hv024 official_weight special_weight
+ <fct> <dbl> <dbl>
+1 punjab 6596. 0
+2 sindh 2789. 0
+3 kpk 1595. 0
+4 balochistan 565. 0
+5 gb 0 974.
+6 ict 119. 0
+7 ajk 0 1697.
+8 fata 205. 0
+= svy_data |>
+ svy_data filter(hv024 != "gb", hv024 != "ajk") |>
+ mutate(country = "Pakistan")
+# create age bins
+= seq(0,75,5)
+ ages
+# number of household contacts between age groups.
+= svy_data |>
+ hh_ages_df select(hv001,hv002,contains("hv105")) |>
+ pivot_longer(cols = contains("hv105"), names_to = "key", values_to = "val") |>
+ filter(!is.na(val))
+# examine properties of the data
+ hh_ages_df ggplot(aes(x = val)) +
+ geom_histogram() +
+ xlab("Age") +
+ ggtitle("Ages of household members") +
+ theme_bw()
+# Codes suggest truncation at 95 with 98 indicating unknown age
+print(attr(svy_data, "label.table")$HV105_01)
+ 95+ don't know
+ 95 98
+# How many ages are unknown?
+print(mean(hh_ages_df$val == 98))
+[1] 2.41176e-05
+# Exclude unknown ages
+= hh_ages_df |>
+ hh_ages_df filter(val != 98)
Reshape and recode age data for HH structure (horizontal) and contacts (vertical)
+# Add hh_size summarized from ages (self consistent)
+= hh_ages_df |>
+ hh_ages_df group_by(hv001,hv002) |>
+ mutate(hh_size = n()) |>
+ ungroup()
+# create age bins
+= function(.val, .age_breaks = ages){
+ age_label paste0("age", str_pad(findInterval(.val, .age_breaks), 2, pad = "0"))
+ }
+= hh_ages_df |>
+ hh_ages_df mutate(age_bin = age_label(val)) |>
+ select(-val)
+# join by household but don't allow self contacts, which will be relabeled
+= hh_ages_df |>
+ contact_df rename(key_from = key,
+ age_bin_from = age_bin) |>
+ inner_join(hh_ages_df |>
+ select(-hh_size) |>
+ rename(key_to = key,
+ age_bin_to = age_bin),
+ by=c("hv001","hv002")) |>
+ filter(!(key_from == key_to & hh_size > 1)) |>
+ mutate(age_bin_to = if_else(key_from == key_to, "single", age_bin_to))
+# Create hh composition and hh contact data, to be added to survey data
+= hh_ages_df |>
+ hh_comp_df select(-key) |>
+ group_by(hv001,hv002,hh_size,age_bin) |>
+ tally() |>
+ ungroup() |>
+ pivot_wider(names_from = age_bin, values_from = n, values_fill = 0,
+ names_sort = TRUE)
+= contact_df |>
+ contact_df group_by(hv001, hv002, key_from, hh_size, age_bin_from, age_bin_to) |>
+ tally() |>
+ ungroup() |>
+ pivot_wider(names_from = age_bin_to, values_from = n, values_fill = 0,
+ names_sort = TRUE)
+# join to survey but only use a subset of fields
+= svy_data |>
+ svy_data_small_hh_comp select(country, hv001, hv002, hv005, hv021, hv024, hv025, shv005, hv009, hv012, hv013) |>
+ left_join(hh_comp_df)
+= svy_data |>
+ svy_data_small_contact select(country, hv001, hv002, hv005, hv021, hv024, hv025, shv005) |>
+ left_join(contact_df)
Compare difference in HH size measures
+# Difference between measure of hh size in aggregate
+expand_grid(hh_size_fields = c("hh_size", "hv009", "hv012", "hv013"),
+hh_size_fields_compare = c("hh_size", "hv009", "hv012", "hv013")) |>
+ mutate(diff = map2_dbl(hh_size_fields, hh_size_fields_compare,
+ function(x, y){
+ = svy_data_small_hh_comp[[x]]
+ size_x = svy_data_small_hh_comp[[y]]
+ size_y sum(abs(size_x - size_y)) /
+ sum(size_x) + sum(size_y))/2)
+ ((|>
+ })) pivot_wider(names_from = hh_size_fields_compare, values_from = diff)
+# A tibble: 4 × 5
+ hh_size_fields hh_size hv009 hv012 hv013
+ <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
+1 hh_size 0 0.0000362 0.0174 0.0265
+2 hv009 0.0000362 0 0.0173 0.0264
+3 hv012 0.0174 0.0173 0 0.0409
+4 hv013 0.0265 0.0264 0.0409 0
+Create survey design objects, important to account for probability design
+# create design objects
+= svydesign(id = svy_data_small_hh_comp[,psu_field],
+ survey_design_hh_comp strata=strata_formula,
+ weights = ~I(hv005/1000000),
+ data = svy_data_small_hh_comp)
+= svydesign(id = svy_data_small_contact[,psu_field],
+ survey_design_contact strata=strata_formula,
+ weights = ~I(hv005/1000000),
+ data = svy_data_small_contact)
+Here we produce multiple results, including various aggregations of:
- Average household size +
- Age distribution +
- Household size experienced by age groups (egocentric) +
- HH contacts by age group (egocentric) +
+# age_fields
+= sort(unique(contact_df$age_bin_from))
+ age_fields = as.formula(paste0("~",paste(age_fields,collapse="+")))
+ age_formula
+# Avg HH size
+= ~hh_size
+ hh_size_formula = ~country+hv024+hv025
+ form_strata = ~country+hv024
+ form_province = ~country
+ form_national
+= tibble(
+ results_hh_size aggregation = c("strata","province","national"),
+ formulas = c(form_strata, form_province, form_national)) |>
+ mutate(results = map(formulas,
+ function(fm){
+ svyby(hh_size_formula,
+ fm,FUN=svymean,
+ design = survey_design_hh_comp)
+ }))
+# age distribution
+= tibble(
+ results_age_distribution aggregation = c("strata","province","national"),
+ formulas = c(form_strata, form_province, form_national)) |>
+ mutate(results = map(formulas,
+ function(fm){
+ svyby(age_formula,
+ fm,den=~hh_size,
+ FUN=svyratio,
+ design = survey_design_hh_comp)
+ }))
+# HH size distribution from the point of view of ages (experienced)
+= tibble(
+ results_hh_size_ego aggregation = c("strata","province","national"),
+ formulas = c(form_strata, form_province, form_national)) |>
+ mutate(formulas = map(formulas, ~update(.x, ~. + age_bin_from))) |>
+ mutate(results = map(formulas,
+ function(fm){
+ svyby(hh_size_formula,
+ fm,FUN=svymean,
+ design = survey_design_contact)
+ }))
+# contacts by age
+= results_hh_size_ego |>
+ results_contacts_ego select(-results) |>
+ mutate(results = map(formulas,
+ function(fm){
+ svyby(age_formula,
+ fm,FUN=svymean,
+ design = survey_design_contact)
+ }))
+# Utility to convert survey output into ggplot-able
+= data.frame(hv024 = c("punjab", "sindh", "kpk", "balochistan",
+ province_map "gb", "ict", "ajk", "fata"),
+ province = c("Punjab", "Sindh","KP",
+ "Balochistan","Gilgit Baltistan",
+ "ICT","AJK","FATA"))
+= function(svyby_output, age_bin_convert=T){
+ convert_to_df = attr(svyby_output, "svyby")$variables
+ fields if(attr(svyby_output, "svyby")$statistic == "svyratio"){
+ = gsub("/(.*)","",fields)
+ fields
+ }
+ = seq(ncol(svyby_output),length.out = length(fields)*2, by=-1) |> rev()
+ field_idx
+ = svyby_output
+ output names(output)[field_idx] = paste(rep(fields, 2),
+ rep(c("est","se"), each = length(fields)),
+ sep = ".")
+ = output |>
+ output pivot_longer(cols = all_of(names(output)[field_idx])) |>
+ mutate(metric = if_else(grepl("est", name), "est", "se"),
+ name = substring(name, 1,
+ nchar(name) - if_else(metric=="se",3,4))) |>
+ pivot_wider(names_from = metric, values_from = value)
+ if(age_bin_convert){
+ = tibble(
+ age_map age_start = seq(0,by=5,length.out = 16),
+ code = paste0("age", str_pad(1:16, 2, pad="0")))
+ if(any(names(output) == "name")){
+ if(all(grepl("age",output$name))){
+ = output |>
+ output mutate(name = age_map$age_start[
+ match(name, age_map$code)])
+ }
+ }
+ # age_bin
+ = output |>
+ output mutate(across(starts_with("age_bin"),
+ ~age_map$age_start[
+ match(.x, age_map$code)]))
+ }
+ if(any(names(output) == "hv024")){
+ = output |>
+ output left_join(province_map)
+ }
+ output
+ }
+= function(results_df){
+ extract_and_convert |>
+ results_df select(-formulas) |>
+ mutate(results = map(results, convert_to_df)) |>
+ unnest(results)
+ }
+# convert outputs
+= results_hh_size |> extract_and_convert()
+ results_hh_sizs_df = results_age_distribution |> extract_and_convert()
+ results_age_distribution_df = results_hh_size_ego |> extract_and_convert()
+ results_hh_size_ego_df = results_contacts_ego |> extract_and_convert() results_contacts_ego_df
+# select plots
+# Plot 1: HH size by province
+ggplot(results_hh_sizs_df |> filter(aggregation == "province"),
+aes(x=province, y=est, ymin=pmax(est-2*se, 0), ymax=est+2*se))+
+ geom_point()+geom_errorbar(aes())+
+ ylim(0,NA)+
+ ggtitle("Avg HH size by location") +
+ xlab(NULL) + ylab(NULL) +
+ theme_bw()
+# Plot 2a: Population age structure, country-wide
+ggplot(results_age_distribution_df |> filter(aggregation == "national"),
+ geom_bar(stat="identity", width = 5, just = 0, col = "lightgray") +
+ ylab("Age fractions")+
+ xlab("Age group")+
+ ggtitle("Age structure")+
+ theme_bw()
+# Plot 2b: Population age structure, by province
+ggplot(results_age_distribution_df |> filter(aggregation == "province"),
+ geom_bar(stat="identity", width = 5, just = 0, col = "lightgray") +
+ ylab("Age fractions")+
+ xlab("Age group")+
+ ggtitle("PAge structure by province")+
+ facet_wrap(~province) +
+ theme_bw()
+# Plot 3: "Experienced" HH size by age, i.e. egocentric
+ggplot(results_hh_size_ego_df |> filter(aggregation == "national"),
+aes(x=age_bin_from,y=est, ymin=pmax(est-2*se, 0), ymax=est+2*se))+
+ geom_point()+geom_errorbar(aes())+
+ ylim(0,NA)+
+ ggtitle("Avg HH size by location and age bin\n(experienced HH size)") +
+ xlab("Age group") + ylab("Avg HH size") +
+ theme_bw()
+# Plot 4a: HH contacts by age
+ggplot(results_contacts_ego_df |> filter(aggregation == "national"),
+aes(x=age_bin_from, y = name, fill=est)) +
+ geom_raster(hjust = 1, vjust = 1) + #scale_fill_gradient(low="grey90",high="red") +
+ scale_fill_viridis_c("# HH contacts", limits = c(0, NA)) +
+ ylab("Age group of HH contacts")+
+ xlab("Age group")+
+ coord_equal() +
+ ggtitle("Avg HH contacts by 5 year age")+
+ theme_bw()+
+ theme(panel.grid = element_blank())
+# Plot 4b: HH contacts by age, by province, with alternative binning,
+# point estimates only
+= tibble(age_bin_from = seq(0,75,5),
+ bin_map age_bin_new = cut(age_bin_from,
+ breaks = c(0, 5, 15, 45, Inf),
+ labels = c("0-5", "5-15", "15-45", "45+"),
+ right = FALSE))
+= results_contacts_ego_df |>
+ new_contact_df filter(aggregation == "national") |>
+ inner_join(bin_map, by = c("name" = "age_bin_from")) |>
+ select(country, age_bin_from, age_bin_to = age_bin_new, est) |>
+ group_by(across(-est)) |>
+ summarize(contacts = sum(est)) |>
+ ungroup() |>
+ inner_join(results_age_distribution_df |>
+ filter(aggregation == "national") |>
+ inner_join(bin_map, by = c("name" = "age_bin_from")) |>
+ select(name, age_bin_new, est) |>
+ group_by(age_bin_new) |>
+ mutate(wt = est / sum(est)) |>
+ ungroup(),
+ by = c("age_bin_from" = "name")) |>
+ mutate(age_bin_from = age_bin_new) |>
+ group_by(country, age_bin_from, age_bin_to) |>
+ summarize(contacts = sum(contacts * wt)) |>
+ ungroup()
+aes(x=age_bin_from, y = age_bin_to, fill=contacts)) +
+ geom_raster() +
+ scale_fill_viridis_c("# HH contacts", limits = c(0, NA)) +
+ ylab("Age group of HH contacts")+
+ xlab("Age group")+
+ coord_equal() +
+ ggtitle("Avg HH contacts by binned age") +
+ theme_bw()