- Endpoint for genesis data without DDI
- Improve Kubernetes deployment
- Genesis endpoint (new names)
- Logs
- BPM to 1.0.3 that adds support for dynamic tables and roundabouts from Lunatic specification, and refactor lunatic spec reading
- Trevas 1.6.0, then 1.7.0
- DuckDB, Cucumber, Coverall, Minio
- Springboot 3.3.5
- Upgrade BPM version to 1.0.2 that adds support for dynamic tables and roundabouts from DDI specification
- Fix : misreading of dates from reporting data in csv format
- Fixed conflict : remove xslt transformation from Kraftwerk as it is now in BPM library.
- Update BPM version
- Execution crash when vtl error on genesis service (kraftwerkExecutionContext null)
- Metadata parsing shared with Genesis using BPM (Basic Parser of Metadata)
- Regrouped kraftwerkError list and kraftwerk execution log into kraftwerkExecutionContext object
- kraftwerk.properties renamed to kraftwerk_exemple.properties and now optional
- No reporting data when withAllReportingData = false
- Fixed genesis not looking in default directory to find specs
- \r\n in lunatic calculated variables breaks the CSV
- Temporary data file directories creation (for local execution)
- IOException due to permission on temp directory
- Launch treatment with command line
- S3/MinIO support : All file system calls goes through an interface with both OS file system and MinIO implementations
- DuckDB implementation for output
- Transfer Vtl datasets into DuckDB before output step
- SQL util class for SQL operations
- Health-check
- (File-by-file) Kraftwerk now exports only one .parquet file
- Output is now made from DuckDB instead of VTL dataset
- Loop without name
- Avro
- Refactor of Lunatic reader
- SAS import script : bad format on two STRING variables
- New pairwise link group (from new DDI model) is ignored
- Improve quality of code
- Error 204 when no data in Genesis database when using the Genesis endpoint
- Kraftwerk now get modes from Genesis by campaign
- Kraftwerk genesis endpoint now uses idCampaign like the other endpoints
- Changed some error message to be more explicit
- Fix crash when empty reporting data file
- Genesis response not parsed from JSON when calling on get QuestionnaireModelIds endpoint
- Genesis uses questionnaireModelId since Kraftwerk used idCampaign. Now the first step is to get questionnaireMOdelIds from idCampaigne to loop.
- Add property to configure Genesis
- Fix encoding for properties
- Pass idQuestionnaire param as body for genesis service
- Fix CVE >8
- Prepare dockerfile
- Parquet files are numbered and then merged in the import script
- Log and error files are created with output files
- Rolling logs
- Output files are stored in separate execution time folders
- Fixed crash when no COLLECTED tag in .xml data file
- Update some dependencies
- Add a utility service to split large data files
- Configure VTL execution for some specifics sequences (TCM)
- Add outcome spotting variable with reporting data
- Remove json-simple dependency
- Fix files in log output
- Log for functional purpose
- Update dependencies, including Trevas (error with nvl())
- Look for data in Genesis
- Migrated to Java 21
- Fix issue with null interviewerId
- Fix exception when reporting VTL script not found
- New format for output : parquet
- Add new reporting data in output
- Add possibility to calculate variables from reporting data with VTL script
- Export of reporting data variables into a separate table
- Export of last survey validation date from paradata into root
- Functional tests module
- Add Pairwise
- Add VTL user script execution between two variable calculation (VTL from DDI)
- Fix issue with rank in loop names
- Fix issue CERTFR-2023-AVI-0763
- Fix issue with empty paradata (missing start session)
- Service to read metadata from Lunatic in case no DDI is available
- Add date for contact-outcome and last attempt from reporting Data, instead of current day, month, year
- In case of file by file execution, reportingData without questionnaires were duplicated. Fix with skipping these reportingData
- Paradata : fix the method for calculating sessions time
- Exclude boolean variables from length errors
- Security issue by updating Springboot
- Read paradata file by file (survey unit by surveyunit based on filename)
- Remove SLF4J and use Log4j2 instead
- Security issue
- Warning when variable length is not compatible with associated metadata (error + SAS script)
- Endpoint to process data file by file
- Remove XOM to read DDI. DOM is used
- Read external variables in subgroups
- Fix format for numeric variables from paradata
- Fix memory error with temporary Json files
- Statistical identifier concatenates some other variables, first version
- Variables are added only if they are present in the specification
- Improve script classes
- Lunatic V2 input data (Lunatic-Model v2.3+) are now supported
- Add possibility to specify a path for data, paradater and reporting data outside in folder
- Change to Java 17 and Spring boot 3
- Packaging as JAR instead of WAR
- Initialize API