Stat blocks for monsters as I make them, with some amount of organization.
A Monster's strength is represented by a challenge rating, usually abbreviated as C or CR. When building encounters first start by adding together the levels of all the characters in your party. To make an average difficulty encounter you'll want a group of monsters whose CR adds up to your party's level.
For example, if you were building an average encounter for a party with 4, 2nd level characters you would want a group of monsters who adds up to 8 CR. You could use a single owlbear, or a group of monsters such as a goblin shaman, 1-2 fighters and 4-6 normal goblins.
You can make the encounter easier by adding or removing monsters. The table below gives a rough guideline on what CR you should aim for when building an encounter of a given difficulty.
Difficulty | Monster Level |
Easy | 50-75% Party Level |
Average | Party Level |
Hard | 125-200% Party Level |
- Kobold - C1
- Kobold Alchemist - C2
- Young-adult Green Dragon - C45
- Adult Green Dragon - C65
- Ancient Green Dragon - C85
- Magma Sprite - C1
- Mud Sprite - C1
- Fire Elemental - C5
- Water Elemental - C5
- Air Elemental - C5
- Earth Elemental - C5
- Goblin - C1/2
- Goblin Fighter - C1
- Goblin Shaman - C3
- Twili Assassin - C7
- Twili Witch - C9
- Orc - C10
- Orc Wargrider - C12
- Orc Shaman - C14
- Frogbeast - C2
- Frogbeast Mutant - C4
- Frogbeast Witch - C4
- Gloom Stalker - C3
- Harpy - C4
- Owlfeather Harpy - C7
- Harpy Sorcerer - C9
- Wendigo - C8
- Remorhaz - C20
- Zombie - C2
- Skeleton - C2
- Skeleton Knight - C6
- Ghost - C4
- Shadow - C6
- Corpse Beast - C9
- Helmed Horror - C10
- Boneclaw - C13
Defense: | 0/2 | AP: | 10 |
Wounds: | 2 | Challenge: | 1 |
Move/Sprint | 5/5 | Size: | Medium |
1/1 | 2/2 | 1/1 | -2/0 | 0/0 | 0/0 |
Pack-Tactics. This creature has Combat Advantage when attacking a creature that is adjacent to an ally.
Bite. Melee Attack: 5 AP, 2/0/3/0/0
Deals a wound and 1 wound die.
Leap. Maneuver, Melee Attack: 7 AP, Range 2, 2/0/4/0/0
The wolf leaps up to 2 tiles, ending in a tile adjacent to the target dealing a wound and 1 wound die on hit. On crit the target is knocked prone.
Defense: | 1/2 | AP: | 10 |
Wounds: | 5 | Challenge: | 2 |
Move/Sprint | 3/2 | Size: | Medium |
3/2 | -1/0 | 3/2 | -2/0 | 1/0 | 0/0 |
Actions This creature can only make one Bite and one Claw attack each turn.
Claw. Melee Attack: 5 AP, 2/1/2/0/0
Deals a wound and 2 wound dice.
Bite. Melee Attack: 5 AP, 2/1/2/0/0
Deals a wound and 1 wound die, adding 2 wound dice on crit.
Defense: | 0/3 | AP: | 10 |
Wounds: | 4 | Challenge: | 2 |
Move/Sprint | 4/4 | Size: | Medium |
2/2 | 1/0 | 2/1 | -2/0 | 1/0 | 0/0 |
Charge. This creature deals an extra wound die in damage if they move at least 2 tiles before attacking.
Tusks. Melee Attack: 5 AP, 1/1/3/0/0
Deals a wound.
Gore. Maneuver, Melee Attack: 5 AP, Range 2, 1/1/4/0/0
The boar charges towards a creature, dealing a wound and 1 wound die on hit. On a crit the creature is knocked prone.
Defense: | 0/3 | AP: | 12 |
Wounds: | 9 | Challenge: | 7 |
Move/Sprint | 5/3 | Size: | Huge |
4/2 | 1/1 | 3/2 | -1/0 | 1/0 | 2/0 |
Magic Eater. When making saving throws or defense rolls against magic, this creature adds 1 Superior die.
Claw. Melee Attack: 5 AP, 4/1/1/0/0
Deals a wound and 1 wound die. On crit add a wound die.
Beak. Maneuver, Melee Attack: 8 AP, 2/3/1/0/0
Deals 1 wounds and 3 wound die.
Arcane Screech. Maneuver, Special: 7 AP, 1/1/3/0/0
The Owlbears screech dispels magical effects. If a creature is effected by a spell requiring concentration, or is concentrating themselves they make a concentration check. Otherwise roll a proficient die for every level of the spell that created the effect. On fail the spell ends.
Defense: | 2/2 | AP: | 11 |
Wounds: | 9 | Challenge: | 8 |
Move/Sprint | 5/3 | Size: | Large |
4/2 | 0/0 | 4/2 | -2/0 | 1/0 | -2/0 |
Burrow. As part of it's movement the Bulette may burrow or unburrow as long as it is on earth or sand. After burrowing or unburrowing, it cannot do this again until its next turn.
Claw. Melee Attack: 4 AP, 2/2/1/0/0
Deals a wound and 1 wound dice.
Bite. Melee Attack: 7 AP, 3/2/1/0/0
Deals a wound and 3 wound dice.
Leap. Maneuver, Melee Attack: 7 AP, Range 3, 2/2/1/0/0
The bulette can jump up to 3 tiles, landing on one or more creatures. All creatures the bulette land on make a Strength or Dexterity save or take 3 wound dice in damage. On crit the creature is knocked prone.
Defense: | 1/4 | AP: | 15 |
Wounds: | 17 | Challenge: | 15 |
Move/Sprint | 5/3 | Size: | Huge |
6/3 | -2/0 | 5/3 | -1/0 | 2/0 | 1/0 |
Claws. Melee Attack: 5 AP, 4/1/1/0/0
Deals a wound and 1 wound die. On crit add a wound die.
Bite. Maneuver, Melee Attack: 8 AP, 2/3/1/0/0
Deals 1 wound and 3 wound dice.
Defense: | 2/2 | AP: | 12 |
Wounds: | 17 | Challenge: | 18 |
Move/Sprint | 5/6 | Size: | Large |
2/0 | 3/3 | 1/0 | 6/3 | 2/2 | 4/3 |
Spellcaster. This creature has an Arcane and Curse spellcasting proficiency of 4, 27 mana, and is a 6th level caster. They do not require a codex and know the following spells: Phantasmal Blades, Counter Spell, Fire Shell, Judgement, Spirit Warriors, Power word: Harm, Power word: Heal.
Spell-Eater. The owl devours a spell targeting it or a point within 2 tiles. Roll 3 superior dice, if this roll is higher than the casters spellcasting roll the spell is countered and the owl gains 1 temporary wound.
Bite. Melee Attack: 5 AP, 3/0/2/0/0
Deals a wound and 2 wound dice.
Defense: | 0/2 | AP: | 10 |
Wounds: | 4 | Challenge: | 2 |
Move/Sprint | 4/4 | Size: | Medium |
2/0 | 2/0 | 0/0 | -/- | 1/0 | -1/0 |
Construct. This creature has no living parts and is immune to Stun, Daze, Poison, and cannot get Lesser or Greater Wounds. This construct has no Intelligence and passes Intelligence saving throws.
Facsimile. This creature hides in plain sight, looking like a normal scarecrow. A successful impossible perception challenge will spot this creature for what it is.
Scythe. Melee Attack: 5 AP, 1/1/3/0/0
Deals 1 wound. Attacking a Feared target inflicts the effects of Curse of Misfortune.
Terror Maneuver, Range 3, Special: 7 AP, 0/1/4/0/0
Targeting a creature that can see the Scarecrow, they make a Willpower save. On fail they are afraid of the scarecrow for 1 minute.
Defense: | 2/3* | AP: | 10 |
Wounds: | 5 | Challenge: | 5 |
Move/Sprint | 4/2 | Size: | Medium |
3/0 | -1/0 | 2/2 | -/- | 0/0 | 0/0 |
Construct. This creature has no living parts and is immune to Stun, Daze, Poison, and cannot get Lesser or Greater Wounds. This construct has no Intelligence and passes Intelligence saving throws.
Brittle. This creature loses 1 defense die for every wound it has taken, removing Defense dice before Superior Defense.
Magical Creation. This creature is incapacitated while inside an anti-magic field. When the target of Dispel Magic, roll 4 Proficiency dice, becoming incapacitated for 10 minutes on fail.
Punch. Melee Attack: 4 AP, 1/2/2/0/0
Deals 2 wound dice.
Crushing Blow. Maneuver, Melee Attack: 7 AP, 0/3/3/0/0
Crushes an opponent with a powerful attack, dealing 4 wound dice. On crit the target is staggered until the start of their next turn.
Defense: | 1/2 | AP: | 10 |
Wounds: | 2 | Challenge: | 1 |
Move/Sprint | 5/4 | Size: | Small |
0/0 | 2/0 | 1/0 | -2/0 | 1/0 | 0/0 |
Pack Tactics. This creature has combat advantage when attacking a creature with the Kobolds ally in its zone of control.
Quick. This creature does not provoke opportunity attacks when taking the Move action, but still provokes when Sprinting.
Bone Spear. Melee Attack: 5 AP, 0/2/3/0/0
Deals a wound.
Sling. Ranged 5/10 Attack: 5 AP, 1/1/3/0/0
Deals a wound.
Defense: | 0/2 | AP: | 10 |
Wounds: | 3 | Challenge: | 2 |
Move/Sprint | 5/5 | Size: | Small |
0/0 | 3/0 | 1/0 | -1/0 | 2/0 | 0/0 |
Pack Tactics. This creature has combat advantage when attacking a creature with the Kobolds ally in its zone of control.
Quick. This creature does not provoke opportunity attacks when taking the Move action, but still provokes when Sprinting.
Scorpion on a Stick. Melee Attack: 5 AP, 0/3/2/0/0
Deals a wound. On crit the target gains Poison 1.
Wasps in a Jar. Special: 7 AP
Releases a swarm of wasps into an adjacent tile. The wasps randomly attack nearby creatures, dispersing after 1 minute. After releasing the Kobold must find more wasps before using again.
Green Slime. Special, Ranged 5 Attack: 7 AP
Throws a green slime at a target creature. On hit they are covered in green slime, taking 1 wound of Poison damage at the start of each of their turns. A creature can remove the slime by spending 5 AP to make a Strength check against 2 bad dice, destroying the slime. If the attack misses the slime lands on an adjacent tile, attaching itself to the next creature to step on it. After using the Kobold must find more green slime before using again.
Defense: | 3/2 | AP: | 15 |
Wounds: | 29 | Challenge: | 45 |
Move/Sprint | 5/- | Size: | Huge |
6/4 | 1/1 | 4/3 | 2/0 | 3/1 | 1/0 |
Dragonfear. Any hostile creature within 20 tiles that can see the Dragon makes a Willpower save at the start of their turn against 2 Superior dice. On fail they are afraid of the Dragon and cannot willingly move closer, adding 1 Bad die to all their rolls while in line of sight of the Dragon. On save they are immune to the effects. The Fear lasts for 1 minute.
Magic Resistance. The Dragon's scales naturally protect it against magic. This creature adds 1 Superior die when rolling saving throws against magic.
Green Dragon. The Dragon has Resistance 2 against Fire and Poison damage. If affected by the Poison condition, remove a level of poison at the end of each turn without rolling a Stamina save.
Claws. Melee Attack: 4 AP, 3/2/1/0/0
Deals a wound and 2 wound dice.
Bite. Maneuver, Melee Attack: 8 AP, 1/4/2/0/0
Deals 2 wounds and 3 wound dice.
Firebreath. Maneuver, Melee Attack: 10 AP, 1/3/2/0/0
Breathes fire in a 90 degree arc 6 tiles long. All creatures inside the area make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 7 wound dice on fail. After using the Firebreath must recharge. At the start of each of the Dragons turns roll 3 Superior dice, removing 1 for every use of Firebreath this day. On a crit the firebreath can be used again.
Wing Burst. Maneuver, Reach 2, Melee Attack: 7 AP, 2/3/2/0/0
Blasts air from the Dragon's wings to all creatures in its zone of control. Every creature hit makes a Strength save, being pushed back 2 tiles on fail and being knocked prone on crit.
Flight. Maneuver: 5 AP
The Dragon lifts into the air, flying up to 10 tiles. Replaces the Sprint action but follows normal Maneuver rules.
Defense: | 3/3 | AP: | 17 |
Wounds: | 42 | Challenge: | 65 |
Move/Sprint | 5/- | Size: | Huge |
7/5 | 0/0 | 5/4 | 2/0 | 3/2 | 1/0 |
Dragonfear. Any hostile creature within 20 tiles that can see the Dragon makes a Willpower save at the start of their turn against 3 Superior dice. On fail they are afraid of the Dragon and cannot willingly move closer, adding 1 Bad die to all their rolls while in line of sight of the Dragon. On save they are immune to the effects. The Fear lasts for 1 minute.
Magic Resistance. The Dragon's scales naturally protect it against magic. This creature adds 2 Superior dice when rolling saving throws against magic.
Green Dragon. The Dragon has Resistance 2 against Fire and Poison damage. If affected by the Poison condition, remove a level of poison at the end of each turn without rolling a Stamina save.
Claws. Melee Attack: 4 AP, 4/1/2/0/0
Deals a wound and 3 wound dice.
Bite. Maneuver, Melee Attack: 8 AP, 2/3/3/0/0
Deals 2 wounds and 4 wound dice.
Firebreath. Maneuver, Melee Attack: 10 AP, 3/3/1/0/0
Breathes fire in a 90 degree arc 9 tiles long. All creatures inside the area make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 10 wound dice on fail. After using the Firebreath must recharge. At the start of each of the Dragons turns roll 4 Superior dice, removing 1 for every use of Firebreath this day. On a crit the firebreath can be used again.
Wing Burst. Maneuver, Reach 3, Melee Attack: 7 AP, 3/2/3/0/0
Blasts air from the Dragon's wings to all creatures in its zone of control. Every creature hit makes a Strength save, being pushed back 3 tiles on fail and being knocked prone on crit.
Flight. Maneuver: 5 AP
The Dragon lifts into the air, flying up to 12 tiles. Replaces the Sprint action but follows normal Maneuver rules.
Defense: | 4/3 | AP: | 19 |
Wounds: | 66 | Challenge: | 85 |
Move/Sprint | 5/- | Size: | Gargantuan |
8/6 | -1/0 | 6/5 | 2/0 | 3/3 | 1/0 |
Dragonfear. Any hostile creature within 20 tiles that can see the Dragon makes a Willpower save at the start of their turn against 4 Superior dice. On fail they are afraid of the Dragon and cannot willingly move closer, adding 1 Bad die to all their rolls while in line of sight of the Dragon. On save they are immune to the effects. The Fear lasts for 1 minute.
Magic Resistance. The Dragon's scales naturally protect it against magic. This creature adds 3 Superior dice when rolling saving throws against magic.
Green Dragon. The Dragon has Resistance 3 against Fire and Poison damage. If affected by the Poison condition, remove a level of poison at the end of each turn without rolling a Stamina save.
Claws. Melee Attack: 4 AP, 5/2/1/0/0
Deals a wound and 3 wound dice.
Bite. Maneuver, Melee Attack: 8 AP, 4/2/3/0/0
Deals 2 wounds and 5 wound dice.
Firebreath. Maneuver, Melee Attack: 10 AP, 4/2/2/0/0
Breathes fire in a 90 degree arc 12 tiles long. All creatures inside the area make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 14 wound dice on fail. After using the Firebreath must recharge. At the start of each of the Dragons turns roll 5 Superior dice, removing 1 for every use of Firebreath this day. On a crit the firebreath can be used again.
Wing Burst. Maneuver, Reach 4, Melee Attack: 7 AP, 5/1/2/0/0
Blasts air from the Dragon's wings to all creatures in its zone of control. Every creature hit makes a Strength save, being pushed back 4 tiles on fail and being knocked prone on crit.
Flight. Maneuver: 5 AP
The Dragon lifts into the air, flying up to 14 tiles. Replaces the Sprint action but follows normal Maneuver rules.
Defense: | 0/2 | AP: | 10 |
Wounds: | 2 | Challenge: | 1 |
Move/Sprint | 4/5 | Size: | Small |
0/0 | 3/0 | 0/0 | 0/0 | 1/0 | -1/0 |
Turn Vulnerability. This creature counts as Undead for the purposes of the Holy Weapon and Turn Undead spells.
Limited Flight. This creature has limited flight. They may fly using their movement but must land the next turn or fall from the sky. Once landed they cannot fly until their next turn.
Claws. Melee Attack: 5 AP, 1/2/2/0/0
Deals 2 wound dice in damage.
Barbed Tail. Maneuver, Melee Attack: 7 AP, 2/1/2/0/0
Deals 1 wound die in damage. On crit the target gains Poison 1 and takes an extra wound die in Poison damage for every crit rolled.
Defense: | 0/3 | AP: | 10 |
Wounds: | 5 | Challenge: | 7 |
Move/Sprint | 5/6 | Size: | Medium |
1/0 | 4/0 | 2/0 | -1/0 | 0/0 | -1/0 |
Magic Resistance. This creature adds 1 Superior die to saving throws against magic.
Actions The Vrock can only take 1 Talons or Bite attack a turn.
Talons. Melee Attack: 5 AP, 1/3/1/0/0
Deals 1 wound and 1 wound die in damage.
Bite. Melee Attack: 5 AP, 2/2/1/0/0
Deals 3 wound die in damage.
Screech. Maneuver, Special Attack: 8 AP, 0/2/3/0/0
Lets out a sonic scream hitting all creatures adjacent to the Vrock. Each creature makes a Stamina save, being stunned until the end of their next turn on fail.
Defense: | 0/4 | AP: | 11 |
Wounds: | 11 | Challenge: | 10 |
Move/Sprint | 3/6 | Size: | Large |
1/0 | 3/3 | 2/0 | 1/0 | 3/0 | 0/0 |
Flight. This creature can fly when using it's movement, hovering in place at the end of its movement.
Trident Spear. Reach 1, Melee Attack: 4 AP, 2/1/2/0/0
Deals 1 wound and 1 wound die in damage.
Dive Bomb. Maneuver, Melee Attack: 5 AP, 2/2/2/0/0
Deals 1 wound and 1 wound die in damage. The Spine devil must be flying before attacking. If the Spine devil drops 2 or more tiles before making the attack add a wound die to the damage.
Rain of Spines. Maneuver, Special Attack: 5 AP, 1/2/3/0/0
Fires razor sharp spines in a 90 degree arc 3 tiles long in front of it. All creatures in range make a Defense roll, taking 3 wound die on fail.
Defense: | 1/2 | AP: | 12 |
Wounds: | 12 | Challenge: | 18 |
Move/Sprint | 4/7 | Size: | Medium |
2/0 | 4/0 | 3/0 | 1/0 | 4/0 | 1/0 |
Magic Resistance. This creature adds 1 Superior die to saving throws against magic.
Shadow Healing. Regain 1 wound when dealing death damage to a creature.
Sacrificial Dagger. Melee Attack: 4 AP, 3/1/1/0/0
Deals 1 wound and 1 wound die in damage.
Summoning. Maneuver, Special: 7 AP, 3/0/0/0/0
Summon an Imp for each success. Can only be used once per day, the Imps return to the abyss after 10 minutes.
Insane Whispers. Maneuver, Range 10: 6 AP, 0/4/1/0/0
Whisper insanities into a target creatures mind. The target makes an Intelligence save, on fail becoming insane for 10 minutes. While insane at the start of your round roll a normal die: Success you act normally, Blank you move randomly muttering gibberish, and fail you make a single weapon attack against a random creature in range. Every time you take damage or a creature spends 5 AP to break your insanity you may make the save again.
Shadow Bolt. Maneuver, Ranged Attack: 9 AP, 2/2/1/0/0
Fire a barrage of 3 shadow bolts at up up to 3 targets in range. The target makes a Defense roll, taking 2 wound die per shadow bolt in death damage on hit and gaining Hex 1 on crit.
Defense: | 2/3 | AP: | 15 |
Wounds: | 26 | Challenge: | 35 |
Move/Sprint | 4/4 | Size: | Medium |
7/4 | 1/0 | 4/3 | 2/1 | 3/1 | 1/0 |
Body Purification. At the end of this creatures turn it reduces the level of Hex, Poison, and Slow by 1.
Great Spear. Reach 1, Melee Attack: 4 AP, 4/1/2/0/0
Deals 1 wound and 2 wound dice in damage. On crit the target is pushed back 1 tile.
Summoning. Maneuver, Special: 7 AP, 2/0/0/0/0
Summon a Lesser Demon (CR 7 and below) for each success. Can only be used once per day, the Demons return to the abyss after 1 hour.
Gore. Maneuver, Melee Attack: 6 AP, 5/1/2/0/0
Only usable after moving at least 2 tiles before attacking. Deals 2 wounds and 3 wound dice on hit. If the target takes 5 wounds in damage they get a random Greater Wound.
Fireballs. Maneuver, Ranged 10, Special: 8 AP, 1/4/1/0/0
Choose 3 3x3 tile areas, launching a fireball at each location. Each creature makes a Defense roll, taking 3 wound dice in fire damage on hit.
Defense: | 2/0 | AP: | 10 |
Wounds: | 2 | Challenge: | 1 |
Move/Sprint | 4/4 | Size: | Small |
2/0 | 2/2 | 0/0 | -1/0 | 0/0 | 0/0 |
Fire Resistance. This creature has Resistance 2 against fire damage and takes 1 wound when exposed to water.
Volatile. If this creature is reduced to 0 health from a source other than water it violently explodes. All adjacent creatures make a Dexterity save, taking 2 wound dice in Fire damage on fail.
Fists. Melee Attack: 5 AP, 1/1/3/0/0
Deals a wound die each of Fire and Bludgeoning damage.
Defense: | 1/2 | AP: | 10 |
Wounds: | 3 | Challenge: | 1 |
Move/Sprint | 4/2 | Size: | Small |
2/0 | 0/0 | 2/0 | 0/0 | -1/0 | 0/0 |
Physical Resistance. This creature has Resistance 1 against physical damage and Vulnerability 1 against fire damage.
Fists. Melee Attack: 5 AP, 1/1/3/0/0
Deals a wound.
Restrain. Maneuver, Melee Attack: 5 AP, 0/2/3/0/0
Attempt to bind a creature in mud. The target creature makes a Strength or Dexterity save, on fail they are restrained and the Mud Sprite occupies the same tile as the creature. Any attack that targets the Mud Sprite also targets the restrained creature with both creatures rolling saves and taking damage.
Defense: | 0/3 | AP: | 10 |
Wounds: | - | Challenge: | 5 |
Move/Sprint | 3/3 | Size: | Medium |
3/0 | 2/1 | 2/0 | -1/0 | 1/0 | 0/0 |
Conjured. This Elemental is conjured, it's max wounds is determined by the spell that conjured it.
Elemental. This creature has Resistance 2 to Fire damage.
Fists. Melee Attack: 5 AP, 0/3/2/0/0
Deals 1 wound and 1 wound die in fire damage.
Firebolt. =Ranged 10 Attack: 5 AP, 0/2/3/0/0
Deals 1 wound in fire damage on hit, adding a wound die on crit.
Defense: | 0/3 | AP: | 10 |
Wounds: | - | Challenge: | 6 |
Move/Sprint | 3/3 | Size: | Medium |
3/0 | 2/1 | 2/0 | -1/0 | 1/0 | 0/0 |
Conjured. This Elemental is conjured, it's max wounds is determined by the spell that conjured it.
Elemental. This creature has Resistance 2 to Cold damage.
Fists. Melee Attack: 5 AP, 0/3/2/0/0
Deals 1 wound and 1 wound die in cold damage.
Freeze. Maneuver, Melee Attack: 5 AP, 0/3/2/0/0
Target makes a Stamina save. On fail they take 1 wound in Cold damage and gain Slow 1 for 1 minute, and are restraining until the end of their next turn on crit.
Defense: | 0/3 | AP: | 10 |
Wounds: | - | Challenge: | 6 |
Move/Sprint | 3/3 | Size: | Medium |
3/0 | 2/1 | 2/0 | -1/0 | 1/0 | 0/0 |
Conjured. This Elemental is conjured, it's max wounds is determined by the spell that conjured it.
Elemental. This creature has Resistance 2 to Thunder and Lightning damage.
Fists. Melee Attack: 5 AP, 0/3/2/0/0
Deals 1 wound and 1 wound die in thunder damage.
Gust. Maneuver, Special: 7 AP
Creates a torrent of wind in a direction away from the elemental. The gust is 3 tiles wide and 7 tiles long and lasts until the start of the elementals next turn. All creatures moving into the wind use an extra tile of movement for each tile moved. All ranged attacks moving into the wind add 1 Terrible dice to their attack.
Defense: | 0/3 | AP: | 10 |
Wounds: | - | Challenge: | 6 |
Move/Sprint | 3/3 | Size: | Medium |
3/0 | 2/1 | 2/0 | -1/0 | 1/0 | 0/0 |
Conjured. This Elemental is conjured, it's max wounds is determined by the spell that conjured it.
Elemental. This creature has Resistance 1 to Physical and Poison damage.
Fists. Melee Attack: 5 AP, 0/3/2/0/0
Deals 1 wound and 1 wound die in thunder damage.
Harden. Maneuver, Special: 2 AP
Improve all defense dice to superior defense dice.
Defense: | 0/1 | AP: | 10 |
Wounds: | 1 | Challenge: | 1/2 |
Move/Sprint | 4/3 | Size: | Small |
0/0 | 3/1 | -1/0 | 0/0 | 1/0 | 2/0 |
Enchanting Presence. This creature cannot wear armor, instead any attack, maneuver or spell attack against this target adds 2 Bad dice to their rolls.
Razor Dust. Ranged 2 Attack: 5 AP, 0/3/2/0/0
Deals 1 wound die. On crit the target gains Hex 1 for 1 minute.
Trickery. Maneuver, Reaction: 2 AP
If this creature or an adjacent ally is targeted by a melee attack you add 1 bad die to their attack roll. If they critically fail the attack they gain Hex 1 for 1 minute.
Defense: | 0/2 | AP: | 10 |
Wounds: | 9 | Challenge: | 8 |
Move/Sprint | 4/3 | Size: | Large |
3/1 | 3/1 | 2/0 | 0/0 | 1/0 | 2/0 |
Enchanting Presence. This creature cannot wear armor, instead any attack, maneuver or spell attack against this target adds 2 Bad dice to their rolls.
Charge. If this creature move at least 2 tiles before making an attack it adds 1 wound die to the damage and knocks the target prone on crit.
Slam. Melee Attack: 5 AP, 1/2/2/0/0
Deals 3 wound dice. If the attack does 3 or more damage the target gets the Lesser Wound: Bleeding, if an attacker rolls a crit against this target, add a wound die to the roll.
Tail Wind. Maneuver, Special: 5 AP, 0/3/2/0/0
Blasts wind at all creatures in its zone of control. Creatures make a Strength save against the attack. On fail they take 1 wound die in damage and are pushed back 1 tile, being knocked prone on crit.
Defense: | 0/3 | AP: | 11 |
Wounds: | 9 | Challenge: | 8 |
Move/Sprint | 4/5 | Size: | Medium |
1/0 | 3/1 | 2/2 | 0/0 | 1/1 | 4/2 |
Enchanting Presence. Any attack, maneuver or spell attack against this target adds 2 bad dice to their rolls.
Innate Magic. This creature does not require a codex to cast spells. They have a Divine spellcasting proficiency of 3 and add 2 Superior dice against effects that try to stop their spellcasting, such as Counter Spell. The are a 3rd level caster with 14 mana and know the following spells: Vine Whip, Bramble, Healing Word.
Tree Stride. As part of its movement, the dryad can enter a tree and exit out of another tree within 10 tiles.
Vine Club. Melee Attack: 5 AP, 0/1/5/0/0
Deals 2 wound dice.
Barkskin and Summon Creature can be used once per day.
Barkskin. Concentration, Special: 5 AP
The dryad grows a thick layer of bark, improving all defense dice to superior defense dice. This effect lasts for 10 minutes and must be concentrated on like a spell.
Summon Creatures. Special: 10 AP, 2/0/0/0/0
Summon a woodland beast of Challenge 3 or less for each success rolled.
Defense: | 2/0 | AP: | 11 |
Wounds: | 10 | Challenge: | 13 |
Move/Sprint | 5/2 | Size: | Medium |
3/0 | 1/1 | 1/0 | 0/0 | 0/0 | 3/0 |
Enchanting Presence. Any attack, maneuver or spell attack against this target adds 2 Terrible dice to their rolls.
Innate Magic. This creature does not require a codex to cast spells. Regardless of spell type they roll 2/2/1/0/0 for all spells, and add 2 Superior dice when the target of Counter Spell. The are a 3rd level caster with 11 mana and know the following spells: Phantasmal Blades, Fireball, Beacon, Sword Burst, Healing Word.
Claymore. Melee Attack: 4 AP, 2/1/2/0/0
Deals 1 wound die and 1 wound die.
Cleave. Maneuver, Melee Attack: 5 AP, 2/1/3/0/0
Attacks all creatures inside its zone of control, dealing 1 wound to all targets on hit.
Defense: | 2/2 | AP: | 13 |
Wounds: | 17 | Challenge: | 14 |
Move/Sprint | 5/5 | Size: | Large |
2/0 | 4/4 | 2/2 | -2/0 | -1/0 | 5/3 |
Enchanting Presence. This creature cannot wear armor, instead any attack, maneuver or spell attack against this target adds 1 Terrible die to their rolls.
Flying. This creature can fly using its move or sprint.
Magic Resistance. This creature adds 1 superior die to saving throws against magic.
Claw. Melee Attack: 5 AP, 2/0/3/0/0
Deals 1 wound and 2 wound dice in damage.
Faerie Orb. Maneuver, Special: 7 AP, Range 5, 2/3/0/0/0
The faerie dragon turns into an orb of blue fire and dashes 5 tiles in a straight line, hitting all creatures in its path. All creatures targeted make a Dexterity save taking 2 wounds and 2 wound dice in fire damage. The Dragon appears next to the creature and avoids opportunity attacks or damaging effects while travelling.
Blink. Maneuver, Reaction: 3 AP
On being hit by an attack, maneuver, or spell the faerie dragon can momentarily blink out of existence. The dragon takes no effects from the attack and appears in their position at the start of their next turn.
Confusion Breath. Once Per Day, Special: 8 AP
Breathes a euphoric fire that clouds creatures minds hitting all creatures in a 6 tile arc from the dragon. Creatures make a Willpower save, becoming confused for the next 10 minutes on fail. While confused, at the start of each turn they roll a wound die. On a wound they take no action, instead moving in a random direction. Each time they take damage they make a Willpower save against 2 superior dice, ending the effect on success.
Defense: | 0/4 | AP: | 13 |
Wounds: | 10 | Challenge: | 7 |
Move/Sprint | 4/2 | Size: | Small |
4/2 | 1/0 | 4/3 | -2/0 | -1/0 | -2/0 |
Regeneration. As long as this creature hasn't taken Holy or Fire damage they regenerate 2 wound dice of damage every round.
Troll Resistance. This creature has Resistance 2 to Poison damage and Vulnerability 1 to Fire and Holy damage.
Actions This creature can only take 1 Bite action per turn.
Claws. Melee Attack: 6 AP, 2/2/1/0/0
deals 3 wound dice.
Bite. Melee Attack: 6 AP, 2/2/2/0/0
deals 1 wound and 3 wound dice.
Defense: | 1/3 | AP: | 11 |
Wounds: | 14 | Challenge: | 9 |
Move/Sprint | 4/1 | Size: | Large |
5/3 | -2/0 | 5/5 | -1/0 | 1/0 | -1/0 |
Great Club. Melee Attack: 6 AP, 2/3/0/0/0
deals 4 wound dice.
Grab. Melee Attack: 7 AP, 2/3/0/0/0
Target makes a Strength or Dexterity save against the ogre. On fail the target is grappled, and the ogre can throw the creature without spending AP.
Throw. Ranged Attack: 6 AP, Range 7, 1/4/0/0/0
Throws a nearby boulder, or whatever is in their hand at the time dealing 1 wound and 2 wound dice on hit. If the ogre is holding a creature it also takes damage from this attack without making a roll and they are no longer grappled.
Defense: | 4/1 | AP: | 11 |
Wounds: | 15 | Challenge: | 13 |
Move/Sprint | 4/1 | Size: | Large |
6/3 | -2/0 | 5/5 | -1/0 | 1/0 | -1/0 |
Great Axe. Melee Attack: 6 AP, 3/2/1/0/0
deals 1 wound and 3 wound dice.
Grab. Melee Attack: 7 AP, 3/2/1/0/0
Target makes a Strength or Dexterity save against the ogre. On fail the target is grappled, and the ogre can throw the creature without spending AP.
Throw. Ranged Attack: 6 AP, Range 7, 2/3/1/0/0
Throws a nearby boulder, or whatever is in their hand at the time dealing 1 wound and 2 wound dice on hit. If the ogre is holding a creature it also takes damage from this attack without making a roll and they are no longer grappled.
Shield-Bash. Maneuver, Reaction: 2 AP, 1/2/4/0/0
After blocking a melee attack, the ogre can retaliate with its shield dealing 2 wound dice on hit. On crit the target is staggered until the start of its next turn.
Defense: | 0/4 | AP: | 12 |
Wounds: | 13 | Challenge: | 14 |
Move/Sprint | 4/1 | Size: | Large |
4/3 | -2/0 | 4/2 | 2/2 | 3/2 | -1/0 |
Spellcaster. This creature has 3 proficiency with Curse spells and 1 proficiency with Arcane spells. They are a 3rd level caster, have 15 mana and have a codex with the following spells: Bleed, Firefly Swarm, Hexbolt, Command, Fireball.
Staff. Melee Attack: 6 AP, 2/2/1/0/0
deals 3 wound dice.
Defense: | 0/4 | AP: | 14 |
Wounds: | 16 | Challenge: | 15 |
Move/Sprint | 4/1 | Size: | Large |
6/4 | -1/0 | 5/2 | -1/0 | 1/0 | -2/0 |
Twin-Heads. The ettin rolls initiative twice, taking two turns but only can only move once. Effects that Blind, Charm, Stun, or Daze have no effect unless they effect both heads.
Actions This creature can only make 1 attack with the Great Club and Bone Axe each turn.
Great Club. Melee Attack: 7 AP, 3/2/1/0/0
deals 4 wound dice.
Bone Axe. Melee Attack: 7 AP, 3/2/1/0/0
deals 1 wound and 3 wound dice.
Defense: | 0/2 | AP: | 10 |
Wounds: | 1 | Challenge: | 1/2 |
Move/Sprint | 4/3 | Size: | Small |
1/1 | 2/1 | 0/0 | -1/0 | 1/0 | 0/0 |
Quick. This creature is immune to opportunity attacks when using the Move action (but not sprint).
Dagger. Melee Attack: 5 AP, 1/1/3/0/0
deals 1 wound.
Sneak Attack. Maneuver, Melee Attack: 5 AP, 2/1/3/0/0
Must be flanking the target. Deals 1 wound, and rolls an additional wound die for every crit rolled.
Defense: | 0/3 | AP: | 10 |
Wounds: | 2 | Challenge: | 1 |
Move/Sprint | 4/3 | Size: | Small |
1/1 | 3/1 | 0/0 | -1/0 | 1/0 | 0/0 |
Quick. This creature is immune to opportunity attacks when using the Move action (but not sprint).
Dagger. Melee Attack: 5 AP, 2/1/2/0/0
deals 1 wound.
Sneak Attack. Maneuver, Melee Attack: 5 AP, 3/1/2/0/0
Must be flanking the target. Deals 1 wound, and rolls an additional wound die for every crit rolled.
Defense: | 0/2 | AP: | 10 |
Wounds: | 2 | Challenge: | 3 |
Move/Sprint | 4/3 | Size: | Small |
1/0 | 1/0 | 0/0 | 2/0 | 1/1 | 0/0 |
Quick. This creature is immune to opportunity attacks when using the Move action (but not sprint).
Spellcaster. This creature has 2 proficiency in Arcane spells. They are a 2nd level caster with 5 mana and have a codex with the following spells: Firebolt, Cold Snap, Static Shock, Poison Trap.
Staff. Melee Attack: 5 AP, 0/1/4/0/0
deals 1 wound.
Defense: | 1/3 | AP: | 11 |
Wounds: | 7 | Challenge: | 7 |
Move/Sprint | 4/6 | Size: | Medium |
1/0 | 4/3 | 1/1 | 1/0 | 1/0 | -1/0 |
Poison Dagger. When making attacks with their daggers they give the target Poison 1 for 1 minute on crit.
Poison Dagger. Melee Attack: 3 AP, 3/1/1/0/0
You may reroll 1 die in the attack roll and this deals 1 wound on hit.
Poison Dagger (off-hand). Melee Attack: 2 AP, 0/4/1/0/0
You may reroll 1 die in the attack roll and this deals 1 wound on hit.
Sneak Attack. Maneuver, Melee Attack: 3 AP, 3/1/1/0/0
Only usable if you are flanking or have Combat Advantage. You may reroll 4 dice in the attack roll and this deals 1 wound on hit. For every crit in your attack roll add an extra wound die to the damage.
Sucker Punch. Maneuver, Reaction: 2 AP, 3/1/1/0/0
When an adjacent creature is casting a spell you may attack them before their spell completes, dealing 1 wound die on hit. If the attack lands the creature adds 1 bad die, plus a bad die for every crit in your attack roll to their spellcasting roll.
Defense: | 0/3 | AP: | 11 |
Wounds: | 6 | Challenge: | 9 |
Move/Sprint | 4/5 | Size: | Medium |
-1/0 | 3/2 | 1/1 | 0/0 | 4/3 | 1/0 |
Spellcaster. This creature has 3 proficiency in Curse spells. They are a 4th level caster with 17 mana and have a codex with the following spells: Eldritch Blast, Hex, Quicken, Apathy, Shifting-Image, Invisibility.
Dagger. Melee Attack: 5 AP, 0/3/2/0/0
deals 1 wound.
Defense: | 1/3 | AP: | 10 |
Wounds: | 9 | Challenge: | 10 |
Move/Sprint | 4/3 | Size: | Medium |
4/3 | 1/1 | 3/1 | -1/0 | 1/0 | -1/0 |
Enduring. When taking lethal damage, as long as the attack dealt 3 or fewer wounds the Orc survives with 1 wound. Can only be used once per day.
Brutal Strikes. When the Orc crits with an attack, add a wound die to the damage.
Deadly Warrior. The Orc may reroll up to 3 dice when making attack rolls, taking the new value.
Great Sword. Melee Attack: 4 AP, 2/2/1/0/0
Deals 1 wound and 1 wound die.
Javelin. Ranged 5/10 Attack: 4 AP, 1/0/4/0/0
Deals 1 wound.
Wild Attack. Maneuver, Melee Attack: 5 AP, 2/3/1/0/0
Deals 1 wound and 2 wound dice. If the attack deals 3 or more wounds the target gains a random Lesser Wound. After attacking, the Orc grants combat advantage to all attackers until the start of their next turn.
Defense: | 1/3 | AP: | 11 |
Wounds: | 12 | Challenge: | 12 |
Move/Sprint | 6/6 | Size: | Large |
3/3 | 3/3 | 3/0 | -1/0 | 1/0 | -1/0 |
Enduring. When taking lethal damage, as long as the attack dealt 3 or fewer wounds the Orc survives with 1 wound. Can only be used once per day.
Brutal Strikes. When the Orc crits with an attack, add a wound die to the damage.
Deadly Warrior. The Orc may reroll up to 3 dice when making attack rolls, taking the new value.
Bone Spear. Melee Attack: 4 AP, 2/1/2/0/0
Deals 1 wound.
Javelin. Ranged 5/10 Attack: 4 AP, 3/0/2/0/0
Deals 1 wound.
Aimed Shot. Maneuver, Ranged 5/10 Attack: 5-8 AP, 3/0+/2/0/0
Deals 1 wound. For every AP above 5 spent on this attack add a proficiency die to the attack roll. Add a wound die to the damage for each crit, up to a max of 3.
Pinning Jump. Maneuver, Melee Attack: 7 AP, 2/2/2/0/0
Deals 3 wound dice. Only usable after moving at least 3 tiles. The Warg jumps at a target. On hit the target is knocked prone and grappled by the Warg on crit. If the attack misses the target is pushed aside 1 tile and the Wargrider moves to their space if possible.
Defense: | 0/3 | AP: | 11 |
Wounds: | 8 | Challenge: | 14 |
Move/Sprint | 4/3 | Size: | Medium |
2/0 | -1/0 | 2/0 | -1/0 | 3/0 | 3/1 |
Enduring. When taking lethal damage, as long as the attack dealt 3 or fewer wounds the Orc survives with 1 wound. Can only be used once per day.
Spellcaster. The Orc Shaman has 3 proficiency with Curse spells and 1 proficiency with Divine spells. They are a 4th level caster with 10 mana and a codex with the following spells: Hex, Quicken, Web, Frog Morph, Healing Word, Regeneration.
Staff. Melee Attack: 5 AP, 0/2/3/0/0
Deals 1 wound.
Defense: | 0/3 | AP: | 10 |
Wounds: | 3 | Challenge: | 1 |
Move/Sprint | 4/3 | Size: | Medium |
2/1 | 1/1 | 1/0 | 0/0 | -1/0 | 1/0 |
Short Sword. Melee Attack: 5 AP, 1/1/3/0/0
Deals 1 wound.
Defense: | 1/3 | AP: | 11 |
Wounds: | 5 | Challenge: | 5 |
Move/Sprint | 4/2 | Size: | Medium |
3/1 | 1/1 | 1/0 | 0/0 | 0/0 | 1/0 |
Leadership. All allied bandits add 1 proficiency die to their saving throws while within 5 tiles of the Bandit Leader.
Short Sword. Melee Attack: 4 AP, 1/1/3/0/0
Deals 1 wound.
Healing Surge. Special: 3 AP
Usable once per day. Roll 3 wound dice, healing for the wounds rolled.
Defense: | 0/2 | AP: | 10 |
Wounds: | 4 | Challenge: | 4 |
Move/Sprint | 4/2 | Size: | Medium |
-1/0 | 0/0 | 1/0 | 3/1 | 1/1 | 1/0 |
Spellcaster. This creature has 2 proficiency with Arcane spells. They are a 2nd level caster with 6 mana and a codex with the following spells prepared: Firebolt, Static Shock, Arcane Blasts, Call Lightning, Combust, Misty Step.
Dagger. Melee Attack: 5 AP, 0/0/5/0/0
Deals 1 wound.
Defense: | 0/3 | AP: | 10 |
Wounds: | 5 | Challenge: | 6 |
Move/Sprint | 4/5 | Size: | Medium |
-1/0 | 3/0 | 0/0 | 2/1 | 1/1 | 0/0 |
Spellcaster. This creature has 1 proficiency with Arcane spells. They are a 2nd level caster with 5 mana and a codex with the following spells prepared: Cold Snap, Chilling Ray, Ray of Sickness, Detect Magic, Misty Step.
Infiltrator. Has Expertise in Stealth and Perception.
Poisoned Dagger. Melee Attack: 4 AP, 2/1/2/0/0
Deals 1 wound. On crit the target gains Poison 1.
Defense: | 0/2 | AP: | 11 |
Wounds: | 6 | Challenge: | 8 |
Move/Sprint | 4/2 | Size: | Medium |
-1/0 | 0/0 | 1/0 | 3/1 | 2/1 | 1/0 |
Spellcaster. This creature has 3 proficiency with Arcane spells. They are a 3rd level caster with 9 mana and a codex with the following spells prepared: Firebolt, Static Shock, Arcane Blasts, Call Lightning, Misty Step, Fireball, Phantasmal Blades.
Dagger. Melee Attack: 5 AP, 0/0/5/0/0
Deals 1 wound.
Defense: | 2/1 | AP: | 10 |
Wounds: | 4 | Challenge: | 2 |
Move/Sprint | 4/4 | Size: | Medium |
2/1 | 2/1 | 1/0 | -1/0 | 1/0 | -1/0 |
Deep strider. This creature has Slow 1 as long as it not in water.
Monstrous Resistance. This creature adds 1 crit success against attacks and 1 crit failure against spells.
Spear. Melee Attack: 5 AP, 1/1/3/0/0
Deals 1 wound.
Poison Claws. Maneuver, Melee Attack: 4 AP, 1/1/3/0/0
Deals 2 wound dice. On crit the target creature gains Poison 1 for 10 minutes. Until the creature cures this poison they go into a frenzy, attacking the closest target to them each round.
Defense: | 2/2 | AP: | 11 |
Wounds: | 5 | Challenge: | 4 |
Move/Sprint | 4/4 | Size: | Medium |
3/2 | 2/1 | 2/1 | -1/0 | 1/0 | -1/0 |
Deep strider. This creature has Slow 1 as long as it not in water.
Monstrous Resistance. This creature adds 1 crit success against attacks and 1 crit failure against spells.
Spear. Melee Attack: 3 AP, 2/1/2/0/0
Deals 1 wound.
Poison Claws. Maneuver, Melee Attack: 4 AP, 2/1/2/0/0
Deals 2 wound dice. On crit the target creature gains Poison 1 for 10 minutes. Until the creature cures this poison they go into a frenzy, attacking the closest target to them each round.
Defense: | 0/2 | AP: | 11 |
Wounds: | 3 | Challenge: | 4 |
Move/Sprint | 4/4 | Size: | Medium |
1/0 | 1/0 | 1/0 | -1/0 | 3/0 | 0/0 |
Deep strider. This creature has Slow 1 as long as it not in water.
Monstrous Resistance. This creature adds 1 crit success against spells and 1 crit failure against attacks.
Spellcaster. This creature has 1 proficiency with Curse spells. They are a 2nd level caster with 8 mana and can cast the following spells without a codex: Black Tendrils, Hex Bolt, Curse of Fragility, Curse of Suffering.
Staff. Melee Attack: 5 AP, 0/1/4/0/0
Deals 1 wound die.
Defense: | 0/2 | AP: | 10 |
Wounds: | 4 | Challenge: | 3 |
Move/Sprint | 5/4 | Size: | Medium |
1/0 | 3/2 | 0/0 | -1/0 | 0/0 | 2/1 |
Sunlight Sensitivity. This creature grants Combat Advantage while in direct sunlight.
Flying. This creature can use it's movement to fly, Hovering in place if ending their turn in the air.
Talons. Melee Attack: 5 AP, 1/2/2/0/0
Deals 2 wound dice.
Terrifying Gaze. Special: 5 AP, Range 5, 0/2/3/0/0
Targetting a creature in range that can see the gloom stalker, the creature makes a Willpower save becoming afraid of the gloom stalker for 1 minute on fail. While in line of sight of the gloom stalker the creature cannot willingly move closer.
Defense: | 1/2 | AP: | 10 |
Wounds: | 4 | Challenge: | 4 |
Move/Sprint | 5/5 | Size: | Medium |
0/0 | 3/1 | 0/0 | 0/0 | 2/1 | -1/0 |
Monstrous Resistance. This creature gains 2 Superior dice when saving against effects that cause Charm, Fear, or Sleep.
Flying. This creature can use it's movement to fly, Hovering in place if ending their turn in the air.
Talons. Melee Attack: 3 AP, 1/2/2/0/0
Deals 2 wound dice.
Song of Allure. Special: 5 AP, 0/1/5/0/0
The harpy sings a magical melody, effecting all Humanoids within 30 tiles. A creature in range that can hear the melody makes a Charisma save, becoming Charmed by the Harpy on fail. While Charmed the creature takes no action other than moving closer to the harpy. The creature will not avoid hazards, taking the most direct route. If the movement will cause harm to the creature, they take damage, or another creature spends 5 AP trying to wake them they may make another Charisma save, ending the effects on success. Once a creature has saved against the song they are immune to it for 24 hours. The creature has no memory of the time they were charmed.
The Harpy cannot attack while singing and must sing every turn or the Charm ends.
Defense: | 1/2 | AP: | 10 |
Wounds: | 5 | Challenge: | 7 |
Move/Sprint | 5/5 | Size: | Medium |
0/0 | 3/1 | 0/0 | 0/0 | 3/2 | -1/0 |
Monstrous Resistance. This creature gains 2 Superior dice when saving against effects that cause Charm, Fear, or Sleep.
Flying. This creature can use it's movement to fly, Hovering in place if ending their turn in the air.
Talons. Melee Attack: 3 AP, 0/3/2/0/0
Deals 2 wound dice.
Dream eater. Maneuver, Special Attack: 5 AP, 0/3/2/0/0
Works only on sleeping targets. Deals 3 wound dice in Death damage, healing the Harpy for the damage dealt. If this would kill the creature, they are incapacitated instead, taking 2 levels of exhaustion and waking with 1 health after a long rest.
Song of Sleep. Special: 5 AP, 0/1/5/0/0
The harpy sings a magical melody, effecting all Humanoids within 30 tiles. A creature in range that can hear the melody makes a Charisma save, becoming Dazed until the end of their next turn. A dazed creature that fails their save falls asleep instead. The sleep is restless, giving no benefit from a long or short rest while asleep. After taking damage or another creature spends 5 AP to wake them they may make a Charisma save, automatically succeeding if the harpy is no longer singing.
The Harpy cannot attack while singing and must sing every turn or the effects end.
Defense: | 1/2 | AP: | 11 |
Wounds: | 9 | Challenge: | 9 |
Move/Sprint | 5/5 | Size: | Medium |
-1/0 | 3/1 | 0/0 | 3/1 | -1/0 | 2/1 |
Monstrous Resistance. This creature gains 2 Superior dice when saving against effects that cause Charm, Fear, or Sleep.
Flying. This creature can use it's movement to fly, Hovering in place if ending their turn in the air.
Spellcaster. This creature has 2 proficiency with Arcane spells. They are a 4th level caster with 16 mana and can cast the following spells: Static Shock, Call Lightning, Lightning Bolt.
Talons. Melee Attack: 3 AP, 1/2/2/0/0
Deals 2 wound dice.
Song of Storms. Special: 2 AP, 2/0/4/0/0
The harpy sings a magical melody, creating strong winds and stormy weather. While singing, any ranged attacks or spells targeting a creature inside the winds can use this roll instead of their defense or saving roll. If the song continues for at least 1 minute storm clouds form and change the weather, lasting for 10 minutes after the song stops.
The Harpy cannot attack while singing and must sing every turn or the Charm ends.
Defense: | 2/1 | AP: | 11 |
Wounds: | 7 | Challenge: | 8 |
Move/Sprint | 4/5 | Size: | Medium |
4/2 | 3/2 | 2/0 | -2/0 | 0/0 | 1/0 |
Poison Resistance. At the end of this creatures turn it reduces the effects of Poison by 1 level.
Voice Mimicry. This creature can emulate the voice of the creatures its killed or heard in the past 24 hours. A successful Insight check against this creatures Conversation (1 proficiency) will determine the voice is fake.
Claw. Melee Attack: 4 AP, 1/3/1/0/0
Deals 2 wound dice.
Bite. Melee Attack: 6 AP, 2/3/1/0/0
Deals 1 wound and 2 wound dice. On crit the target creature gains Poison 1. While poisoned any damage taken reduces your max wounds as well, recovering after a long rest. If the Wendigo is cursed, the target creature is also cursed with the same curse.
Defense: | 2/3 | AP: | 14 |
Wounds: | 23 | Challenge: | 20 |
Move/Sprint | 5/5 | Size: | Huge |
7/6 | 2/0 | 5/5 | -2/0 | 0/0 | -1/0 |
Monstrous Resistance. This creature has Resistance 1 to Fire and Cold damage.
Burrow. This creature can burrow through the snow as part of its movement, becoming untargetable. It cannot burrow or unburrow during the same turn.
Bite. Melee Attack: 7 AP, Reach 1, 5/1/1/0/0
Deals 3 wounds of piercing damage, adding 4 wound dice in fire damage on crit. If this attack hits the creature is grappled in the remorhaz's mouth as long as it is medium or smaller.
Swallow. Melee Attack: 7 AP, Reach 1, 5/1/1/0/0
Only usable against a creature grappled by the remorhaz. The grappled creature makes a Strength save, taking 4 wound dice in fire damage and is swallowed on fail. While swallowed they take 4 wound dice in poison damage at the start of their turn and are Blind, Restrained, and gain Poison 1. Each time the remorhaz takes damage it must make a concentration check as if it is concentrating on a spell, spitting out the creature on fail.
Defense: | 0/3 | AP: | 10 |
Wounds: | 4 | Challenge: | 4 |
Move/Sprint | 4/4 | Size: | Medium |
0/0 | 2/2 | 1/0 | 3/2 | -1/0 | 1/0 |
Magic Sight. The Nothic's large eye can see the lingering effects of magic. It can see creatures under magical effects, see creatures hidden through magic, and can see disguised creatures as their true form. This feat has no effect if the Nothic is blinded.
Claws. Melee Attack: 4 AP, 1/1/3/0/0
Deals 2 wound dice in damage.
Tearing Gaze. Maneuver, Ranged 3 Special: 6 AP, 1/2/2/0/0
The target creature makes an Intelligence save. On fail they take 1 wound and 1 wound die in Psychic damage and the Nothic learns a secret or piece of information from the targets mind. On crit the target is stunned until the end of their next turn.
Defense: | 1/3 | AP: | 10 |
Wounds: | 6 | Challenge: | 6 |
Move/Sprint | 4/2 | Size: | Medium |
4/0 | 1/0 | 1/0 | -1/0 | -1/0 | 1/0 |
Claws. Melee Attack: 4 AP, 1/3/1/0/0
Deals 3 wound dice in damage.
Savage Leap. Maneuver, Melee Attack: 5 AP, 1/3/1/0/0
Leap 2 tiles towards a target, avoiding opportunity attacks. On hit the target takes 1 wound and 2 wound dice in damage.
Defense: | 0/3 | AP: | 11 |
Wounds: | 8 | Challenge: | 7 |
Move/Sprint | 4/4 | Size: | Medium |
-1/0 | 2/0 | 0/0 | 3/0 | 2/0 | 0/0 |
Mimicry Casting. This creature does not require a codex to cast spells. Regardless of spell type they roll 0/3/2/0/0 for all spells, and add 2 Superior dice when the target of Counter Spell. They have 5 2nd level spell slots, but do not know any spells naturally. Instead the Merculent copies spells cast around them of 2nd level and below. The Merculent can cast the spell for the next 24 hours, after which the spell is forgotten.
Hover. This creature has flying and hovers over the ground.
Tentacle. Reach 1, Melee Attack: 3 AP, 0/2/3/0/0
Deals 1 wound. Target gains Poison 1 for 10 minutes.
Defense: | 0/3 | AP: | 11 |
Wounds: | 10 | Challenge: | 12 |
Move/Sprint | 4/2 | Size: | Medium |
3/3 | 1/0 | 1/0 | 3/3 | 2/2 | -1/0 |
Telepathic Sight. In addition to normal sight this creature can sense any creature with an Intelligence of -1 or more within 30 tiles of it. When this creature is Dazed or Stunned it is also Blind.
Grappling Attack. Melee Attack: 4 AP, 3/0/2/0/0
Target creature makes a Strength or Dexterity save, taking 1 wound in piercing damage and is grappled on fail. While grappled they cannot make reactions. At the start of the creatures turn it makes an Intelligence save against this creatures Intelligence save, being incapacitated until the start of its next turn on fail.
Psychic Stare. Maneuver, Special: 5 AP, Range 5, 3/0/2/0/0
Can only target a creature it can see with its Telepathic Sight. Target creature makes an Intelligence save, being dazed on fail or incapacitated on crit until the end of their next turn.
Devour Mind. Melee Attack: 10 AP, 3/0/2/0/0
Only usable against a creature grappled by the mind flayer and automatically critically succeeds if they are incapacitated. Target makes a Strength save, taking 3 wounds in piercing damage, adding 4 wound dice on crit. If this drops a creature to 0 health they immediately die.
Defense: | 1/3 | AP: | 12 |
Wounds: | 16 | Challenge: | 22 |
Move/Sprint | 4/2 | Size: | Medium |
3/2 | 1/0 | 1/0 | 5/4 | 3/2 | -1/0 |
Telepathic Sight. In addition to normal sight this creature can sense any creature with an Intelligence of -1 or more within 100 tiles of it. When this creature is Dazed or Stunned it is also Blind.
Spellcaster. This creature has 4 proficiency with Arcane spells. They are a 6th level caster with 38 mana and have a codex with the following spells: Dispel Magic, Misty Step, Counter Spell, Phantasmal Blades, Fireball, Lightning Bolt, Wall of Fire, Forcewave, Anti-Magic Field.
Grappling Attack. Melee Attack: 4 AP, 3/0/2/0/0
Target creature makes a Strength or Dexterity save, taking 1 wound in piercing damage and is grappled on fail. While grappled they cannot make reactions. At the start of the creatures turn it makes an Intelligence save against this creatures Intelligence save, being incapacitated until the start of its next turn on fail.
Psychic Scream. Maneuver, Special: 5 AP, Range 5, 3/2/0/0/0
All hostile creatures in range make an Intelligence save, taking 2 wounds and 2 wound dice in psychic damage and are stunned for 2 turns on fail. At the end of their next turn they may make the save again, ending the effects on success.
Devour Mind. Melee Attack: 10 AP, 3/0/2/0/0
Only usable against a creature grappled by the mind flayer and automatically critically succeeds if they are incapacitated. Target makes a Strength save, taking 3 wounds in piercing damage, adding 4 wound dice on crit. If this drops a creature to 0 health they immediately die.
Defense: | 0/2 | AP: | 10 |
Wounds: | 6 | Challenge: | 2 |
Move/Sprint | 3/1 | Size: | Medium |
3/2 | 0/0 | 2/2 | -2/0 | 0/0 | 0/0 |
Undead. This creature gets 2 wounds per Stamina instead of 1. When taking lethal damage, as long as the attack did not crit roll a wound die. On blank the Zombie survives with 1 health.
Slam. Melee Attack: 5 AP, 0/3/2/0/0
Deals 3 wound dice.
Bite. Maneuver, Melee Attack: 7 AP, 1/2/2/0/0
Deals 1 wound and 1 wound die. On crit gives the target Poison 1.
Defense: | 0/4 | AP: | 10 |
Wounds: | 3 | Challenge: | 2 |
Move/Sprint | 4/2 | Size: | Medium |
2/0 | 1/0 | 2/0 | -1/0 | 0/0 | -1/0 |
Skeletal Form. This creature has Resistance 1 to Piercing damage and Vulnerability 1 to Bludgeoning damage.
Rusty Sword. Melee Attack: 5 AP, 2/0/3/0/0
Deals 1 wound.
Press the Attack. Maneuver, Melee Attack: 5 AP, 2/1/3/0/0
Deals 1 wound. On hit the target is pushed back 1 tile and the skeleton moves to occupy the space, avoiding opportunity attacks. On crit the target is staggered until the start of their next turn.
Defense: | 1/4 | AP: | 11 |
Wounds: | 5 | Challenge: | 6 |
Move/Sprint | 4/2 | Size: | Medium |
3/1 | 1/1 | 3/1 | -1/0 | 0/0 | -1/0 |
Skeletal Form. This creature has Resistance 1 to Piercing damage and Vulnerability 1 to Bludgeoning damage.
Spear. Reach 1, Melee Attack: 5 AP, 2/1/2/0/0
Deals 1 wound.
Press the Attack. Maneuver, Melee Attack: 4 AP, 2/2/2/0/0
Deals 1 wound and 1 wound die. On hit the target is pushed back 1 tile and the skeleton moves to occupy the space, avoiding opportunity attacks. On crit the target is staggered until the start of their next turn.
Shield Slam. Maneuver, Melee Attack: 3 AP, 2/1/2/0/0
Deals 1 wound. Hit a target with your shield, on crit the target is staggered until the start of their next turn.
Defense: | 0/2 | AP: | 10 |
Wounds: | 4 | Challenge: | 4 |
Move/Sprint | 4/4 | Size: | Medium |
-1/0 | 2/0 | 0/0 | 0/0 | 2/0 | 1/0 |
Ethereal. This creature has Resistance 2 to all physical damage from non-silvered weapons and Vulnerability 1 to Force damage and attacks from magical weapons. This creature may move through walls and solid objects at will, but cannot enter a wall if they would end their turn there.
Ghostly Form. This creature has no physical body and is immune to the Charm, Possession, and Poison conditions.
Flying. This creature can fly with its movement.
Grasp. Melee Attack: 5 AP, 0/2/3/0/0
Deals 2 wound dice in cold damage.
Possess. Maneuver, Melee Special: 10 AP, 0/1/4/0/0
The target makes a Charisma save, becoming Possessed by the Ghost on fail. While possessed the Ghost controls all actions the creature takes and is untargetable. Every time the creature takes 1 wound in damage they may make the Charisma save again, ending the possession on success. If the creature becomes incapacitated the possession ends with the Ghost appearing in an adjacent tile.
Defense: | 0/3 | AP: | 10 |
Wounds: | 5 | Challenge: | 6 |
Move/Sprint | 4/4 | Size: | Medium |
-1/0 | 3/0 | 1/0 | 0/0 | 1/0 | 1/0 |
Ethereal. This creature has Resistance 2 to all physical damage from non-silvered weapons and Vulnerability 1 to Force damage and attacks from magical weapons. This creature may move through walls and solid objects at will, but cannot enter a wall if they would end their turn there.
Ghostly Form. This creature has no physical body and is immune to the Charm, Possession, and Poison conditions.
Flying. This creature can fly with its movement.
Grasp. Melee Attack: 5 AP, 1/2/2/0/0
Deals 2 wound dice in death damage.
Strength Drain. Maneuver, Melee Attack: 7 AP, 1/0/4/0/0
The target makes a Stamina save, taking 1 wound in death damage, healing the Shadow for 1 wound. The target loses 1 Strength for every crit rolled, up to 2. Creatures regain their Strength after a long rest or after Cleanse has been cast. A creature with a Strength of -4 or less dies, becoming a Shadow in 1 hour.
Defense: | 0/4 | AP: | 13 |
Wounds: | 13 | Challenge: | 9 |
Move/Sprint | 4/2 | Size: | Large |
4/2 | -2/0 | 4/1 | 0/0 | 1/0 | 1/1 |
Aura of Gloom. All undead within 5 tiles of this creature gain an extra proficiency die on all attacks and saving throws.
Ghoul Form. This creature is highly resistant to poison and paralysis. Paralysis is removed at the end of its turn and it reduces the level of Poison each turn without making a Stamina save.
Claw. Melee Attack: 5 AP, 1/3/1/0/0
Deals 3 wound dice. On crit the target is paralyzed for 1 minute.
Devour. Maneuver, Melee Attack: 7 AP, 0/4/1/0/0
Only usable against paralyzed living creatures with a size of Medium or smaller. Target takes 2 wound dice in damage and are swallowed by the Corpse Beast. While they are devoured the Corpse Beasts movement is reduced to 1. The creature is incapacitated and at the start of their turn takes a wound in damage and gains a random Lesser Wound. After taking 5 or more damage in a single round the Corpse Beast regurgitates the creature leaving them prone in an adjacent tile. Only one creature may be Devoured at a time. A creature that dies inside a Corpse Beast is regurgitated as a Zombie.
Defense: | 3/2 | AP: | 12 |
Wounds: | 13 | Challenge: | 10 |
Move/Sprint | 3/2 | Size: | Medium |
4/4 | -2/0 | 4/3 | 0/0 | 2/1 | 0/0 |
Undead. This creature gets 2 wounds per Stamina instead of 1. When taking lethal damage, as long as the attack did not crit roll a wound die. On blank the Helmed Horror survives with 1 health.
Serrated Blade. Melee Attack: 4 AP, 2/2/1/0/0
Deals 1 wound in damage.
Unholy Smite. Maneuver, Melee Attack: 4 AP, 3/2/1/0/0
Deals 1 wound and 3 wound dice in death damage. Can only be used 3 times per day.
Shield Bash. Maneuver, Melee Attack: 2 AP, 1/4/1/0/0
Deals 1 wound in damage and the target is staggered until the start of their next turn.
Defense: | 1/3 | AP: | 12 |
Wounds: | 14 | Challenge: | 13 |
Move/Sprint | 4/3 | Size: | Medium |
4/3 | 2/2 | 2/0 | -1/0 | 1/1 | -1/0 |
Turn Resistance. This creature adds 1 superior die to effects that turn undead.
Undying. If this creature dies without having taken Holy damage in the past hour it will resurrect after 24 hours.
Rake. Melee Attack: 4 AP, Reach 2, 2/2/1/0/0
Deals 3 wound dice in damage. On crit the target creature gains a Lesser Wound: Bleeding - attackers reroll wound dice from physical attacks against this creature.
Impaling Claw. Maneuver, Melee Attack: 5 AP, Reach 3, 3/1/1/0/0
Deals 1 wound and 1 wound die. On crit the target is pulled 2 tiles towards the boneclaw.
Blinding Shadows. Maneuver, Melee Attack: 6 AP, 2/0/3/0/0
All adjacent creatures are bathed in shadows. Creatures make a Stamina save, taking 2 wound dice on fail. On crit the target is blind for one minute.