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The printer mechanism for the CakeML REPL.

CakeML interactive mode (the Read-Eval-Print-Loop or REPL) involves printer code being added to the target program prior to regular compilation.

Printing code is added in two unverified passes.

Before type checking, each datatype declaration has an implicit pretty-print function defined, e.g. "pp_box" for a type named "box". These functions may be shadowed in the usual way, which a user may want to do, to set a custom printing function.

After type checking, each global declaration which binds a name (e.g. "val x = f 1") is elaborated to print the result (e.g. print "val x = 2").

Both passes depend on the standard library providing the necessary functions, and both passes only activate after those functions appear in the source AST.

addPrintValsScript.sml: The second pass of the add-printing process. Type checks the AST and adds code to print "val x = ..." for every variable "x" bound in a declaration. This requires type checking to know the type of "x".

addTypePPScript.sml: The first pass of adding print functions to source AST. Runs prior to type inference, and defines a pretty-print function per datatype definition.

printTweaksScript.sml: The top-level printing adjustment, as called by the REPL.

test: Tests for the pretty-printer apparatus.