Input Type | Accessed Type | Description | Notes |
dict, frozendict.frozendict, | frozendict.frozendict, |
Key | Input Type | Accessed Type | Description | Notes |
analysisStorage | AnalysisStorage | AnalysisStorage | ||
code | str, | str, | The code of the pipeline | |
tenantId | str, uuid.UUID, | str, | value must be a uuid | |
description | str, | str, | The description of the pipeline | |
language | str, | str, | The language that is used by the pipeline | must be one of ["CWL", "NEXTFLOW", "UNKNOWN", ] |
timeCreated | str, datetime, | str, | value must conform to RFC-3339 date-time | |
id | str, uuid.UUID, | str, | value must be a uuid | |
pipelineTags | PipelineTag | PipelineTag | ||
ownerId | str, uuid.UUID, | str, | value must be a uuid | |
timeModified | str, datetime, | str, | value must conform to RFC-3339 date-time | |
tenantName | None, str, | NoneClass, str, | [optional] | |
urn | None, str, | NoneClass, str, | The URN of the pipeline. The format is urn:ilmn:ica:\<type of the object\>:\<ID of the object\>#\<optional human readable hint representing the object\>. The hint can be omitted, in that case the hashtag (#) must also be omitted. | [optional] |
languageVersion | PipelineLanguageVersion | PipelineLanguageVersion | [optional] | |
any_string_name | dict, frozendict.frozendict, str, date, datetime, int, float, bool, decimal.Decimal, None, list, tuple, bytes, io.FileIO, io.BufferedReader | frozendict.frozendict, str, BoolClass, decimal.Decimal, NoneClass, tuple, bytes, FileIO | any string name can be used but the value must be the correct type | [optional] |