The case-control analysis is performed by a Python3 script
located inside scripts
directory. The locus-based analysis can be run
like so:
python3 locus \
--manifest manifest.txt \
--multisample-profile multisample_profile.json \
--output-prefix output
The command to run the motif-based analysis is nearly identical:
python3 motif \
--manifest manifest.txt \
--multisample-profile multisample_profile.json \
--output-prefix output
The input parameters manifest.txt and multisample_profile.json are as described previously.
Optional parameter | Description | Default |
--min-count | Minimum number reads in a region for downstream analysis | 5 |
--target-regions | BED file with regions to which analysis should be restricted | NA |
--test-method | Method of calculating Wilcoxon Rank-Sum Test p-value* | normal |
* The default value normal
invokes the Normal approximation appropriate for
larger samples. To compute the p-value directly for smaller samples, use
where N is the number of permutations. For example,
permute_1000000 invokes a test with 1000000 permutations.
The program produces two output files. One of them summarizes per-locus comparison of in-repeat reads. The other file summarizes the overall genome-wide comparison of motifs.