2.3.0 (2023-04-26)
- break word instead of break all in hubmenu (ecec1fb)
- fetch hubs, links and linkgroups by id order (6afd1ec)
- fix logo size (49d410e)
- hub menu alignment (d1c4ec9)
- remove footer link updating when edit modal opened (1b4b747)
- update the correct hub in edit hub modal (10ca5a8)
- use the same create modal across the app (d7d59fd)
2.2.21 (2023-04-26)
- add format:checkl to precommit check (6830cff)
- add static tests workflow (f927705)
- fix dev container (96eb479)
- improve fetch performance (53f4c1d)
- re lint some files and remove workflows (9f4626c)
- use the json protocol in prisma (a177fc9)
- Revert "fix: improve eslint rules" (31a638f)
2.2.21 (2023-04-26)
- add format:checkl to precommit check (6830cff)
- add static tests workflow (f927705)
- fix dev container (96eb479)
- improve fetch performance (53f4c1d)
- re lint some files and remove workflows (9f4626c)
- use the json protocol in prisma (a177fc9)
- Revert "fix: improve eslint rules" (31a638f)
2.2.20 (2023-04-16)
- adjust docker images to work with prisma (e16288d)
- crossOrigin value in fonts (ea402ee)
- deps: update dependency framer-motion to v10 (8a52bc5)
- deps: update mantine monorepo to v6 (8432163)
- deps: update mantine monorepo to v6 (da52771)
- mantine v6 (cb83f56)
2.2.19 (2022-11-18)
- change the correct message (c038189)
2.2.18 (2022-11-18)
- adjust release commit message (a2acdaa)
2.2.17 (2022-11-18)
- change token (4972b07)
2.2.16 (2022-11-18)
- use checkout v2 (607d721)
2.2.15 (2022-11-18)
2.2.14 (2022-11-18)
- adjust release script (567db79)
2.2.13 (2022-11-17)
- adjust env release (48a4376)
2.2.12 (2022-11-17)
2.2.11 (2022-11-17)
- add token to release (6097149)
- adjust build hubone (8487e1b)
- adjust release (17ae542)
- adjust release (a57bb62)
- adjust release name (90835e7)
- fix release (730248a)
- remove env from release (f7584f9)
2.2.10 (2022-11-17)
- adjust build (14af66a)
2.2.9 (2022-11-17)
- add label to renovate (f653450)
- add version tags to docker image (#63) (3c36ca8)
- adjust build (8447f76)
- adjust renovate config (3b48a86)
- change base branch (958a6a3)
- remove unused file (#54) (01c3801)
2.2.8 (2022-11-17)
- adjust deps (78b3860)
2.2.7 (2022-11-17)
- adjust build workflows (fd756cd)
2.2.6 (2022-11-17)
- trigger build on tag (7eeea7c)
2.2.5 (2022-11-12)
- fix hubone schema docker file, docker compose (d1c5a92)
2.2.4 (2022-11-12)
- hubone schema dockerfile (29193ec)
2.2.3 (2022-11-12)
2.2.2 (2022-11-12)
2.2.1 (2022-11-12)
2.2.0 (2022-10-16)
- add link group not showing up when hub empty (8e24184)
- make all delete icons consistent (#41) (15bca47)
- refactor link section files (94e5939)
- add loading page (#43) (ec71d38)
- add optimistic update (#42) (ab3b138)
- add toasters to show feedback (#45) (dfdc824)
- make hub colors editable (#44) (52c636d)
- redesign the hero image to match hub colors (#46) (758d3f0)
2.1.1 (2022-10-06)
2.1.0 (2022-10-06)
- click on link card in view mode opens link (330a127)
- fix hub edit (2882baf)
- refactor mutations and queries (da1dbf5)
- add context provider (96041c4)
- add delete button to link in edit mode (3bee561)
- add edit calls on blur for link groups (0559baa)
- add edit modals for hub, link and linkGroup (8cf00ea)
- add footer link edit (2426cad)
- add link in db when add link card clicked (c423ac7)
- add linkgroup in db when add link group is clicked (1850edc)
- add react query and mutations (2d2e543)
- add the add link groups and link cards (a179e25)
2.0.1 (2022-09-17)
- use client side rendering (de2a461)
2.0.0 (2022-08-27)
- reliance on data storage in file has been removed.