- Merged caseyryan#155 /// Fix decimal separator issue for countries using "," as decimal separator #155
- caseyryan#153 /// Add Won sign
- caseyryan#152 /// New mask for Germany
- Added one more UZ_CARD format and HUMO according to this thread caseyryan#150
- Added toStringAsSmartRound() to double extension
- Re-Fixed a problem with incorrect rounding if mantissa == 0
- Removed BTC from the list of fiat currencies
- Fixed caseyryan#136 Error Range start 5 is out of text of length 1 #136
- Updated SKD restrictions
- formatAsCardNumber now also tries to format invalid cards
- Added
string extensions
- Added DoNothing clause
- Added PhoneCodes.removeCountryCode method which simply remove a country code from a phone
- PhoneCodes.getCountryDataByPhone now accepts phones with a leading plus
- Fixed Luhn algorithm
- Updated README
- Added this caseyryan#137
- Merged caseyryan#142
- Completely changed the logic of Unfocuser widget since the previous one doesn't work anymore
Fixed Czech phone mask caseyryan#141
Merged caseyryan#140 adding isForce parameter to getAllCountryCodes
- Fixed missing Luhn algo check in isCardNumberValid function
Potential fix caseyryan#114
Added Luhn algorithm to validate card numbers
Fixed caseyryan#131 Added new card system caseyryan#109
- Fixed a bug with incorrect decimal point detection when mantissa length is 0
- Merged this pull request caseyryan#132
- Correct mask for Congo number caseyryan#127
- CountryDropdown now only selects initialCountryData instead of phone code because there are cases when different countries share the same phone code and we still need to tell them apart
- Fixed caseyryan#123
- Fixed caseyryan#116
- Fixed caseyryan#122 by adding triggerOnCountrySelectedInitially param to CountryDropdown
- CountryDropdown can now be filtered. If you need it to show only a predefined list of countries. Just pass "filter" parameter like this
printCountryName: true,
initialPhoneCode: '7',
filter: PhoneCodes.findCountryDatasByCountryCodes(
countryIsoCodes: [
onCountrySelected: (PhoneCountryData countryData) {
setState(() {
_initialCountryData = countryData;
- Unfocuser now has isEnabled parameter so it can be easily disabled when it's not necessage e.g. on the web
- CountryDropdown now does not have initialCountryCode parameter but uses initialPhoneCode instead, because some countries might have a few phone codes and we need to determin which one of them should be used
- Fixed a problem with incorrect card system detection
- Fixed caseyryan#113
- A few fixes to PinyinUtils
- Merged caseyryan#112
- Fixed caseyryan#111
- Fixed caseyryan#110
- Fixed caseyryan#108
- Fixed caseyryan#107
- Added promptTonesForPinyin() static function to PinyinUtils. It can give you a list of its vowels with all possible tones
- Added di pinyin to HanziUtils
- Cleared some prints
- Fixed a bug when pinyin formatter removed all characters that didn't match valid syllables
- Fixed a period at the end if mantissa length is 0 caseyryan#106
- Fixed caseyryan#105
- Added hsk levels to HanziUtils
- Fixed a problem when pinyin splitter didn't work if there's only one syllable provided
- More fixes to pinyin utils
- Fixed caseyryan#104
- Fixed crashes in PinyinUtils if the provided string is empty
- Added more pinyin utils + HanziUtils
- Added to utility methods for currencies isCryptoCurrency(String currencyId) and isFiatCurrency(String currencyId)
- One more minor fix for PinyinUtils
- Fixed Pakistan number mask caseyryan#103
- Fixed PinyinUtils.simplifyPinyin() it could brake on pinyins with the same letters coming in a row like bùdéérzhī
- Cleaned up some prints
- Advanced Pinyin splitter. It does not depend on regular expressions anymore
- Fixed caseyryan#100 instead it uses a list of real syllables thus works much better it can also detect a syllable tone
- Fixed caseyryan#97
- Added a utility method PinyinUtils.simplifyPinyin();
- Introducing PinyinFormatter for Chinese language
- PhoneCountryData now has toMap() method, that converts it into a hash map. This might be useful e.g. for json encoders/revivers
- Fixed a critical bug with CreditCardExpirationInputFormatter caseyryan#96
- Removed "borderRadius" parameter from CountryDropdown to make it compatible with some older Flutter versions
- Fixed caseyryan#92
- Fixed caseyryan#93
- Added "printCountryName" option to CountryDropdown
- Added a possibility to add a pre-defined country code for phone formatter See example to know how to use it. And added a new dropdown type CountryDropdown
- Fixed caseyryan#91
- caseyryan#89
- Merged caseyryan#88
- Fixed currency input formatter empty value error caseyryan#87
- Made it possible to enter a leading plus caseyryan#85
- Fixed caseyryan#80
- Fixed caseyryan#86
- Deprecated MoneyInputFormatter in favor of a more reliable new CurrencyInputFormatter
- Added a MasterCard 52* credit card support
- Added a support for Diners Club cards starting with 30
- Mastercard 222* support
- Fixed Iraq phone number caseyryan#82
- Added more card systems support
- CreditCardCvvInputFormatter now accepts
value if it's true, it will accept 4 digits, else 3 caseyryan#76 - Merged flutter lint changes caseyryan#81
- Rewritten MaskedInputFormatter. Now it's more robust and correct caseyryan#73
- New PosInputFormatter. Thanks to SimoneBressan for this contribution
- Fixed the issue with CreditCardExpirationDateFormatter caseyryan#70
- caseyryan#68 fixed a typo in README section
- Added alternative mask for Australean phone numbers
- Added a correct phone mask for United Arab Emirates
- Fixed caseyryan#62
- Fixed caseyryan#61
- Fixed orphan leading period formatting in strings like $.5. Now they are formatted correctly to $0.5, not $500.00
- One more small fix
- Fixed caseyryan#59
- Fixed caseyryan#60
- Added correct Hungarian phone masks: +00 0 000 0000 for Budapest and +00 00 000 0000 for all other numbers. Hungarian phones now also support alternative country code +06 as well as +36
- Changed the logic of MaskedInputFormatter. Now it can format the value correctly on erasing as well as on entering. BREAKING CHANGES: MaskedInputFormatter#applyMask() now returns FormattedValue object instead of String. To get a string value out of it simply call its .toString() method
- CreditCardNumberInputFormatter now works in two directions. When you enter the number and when you erase it
- Fixed a bug with masked value in a Russian phone format
- Updated formatting
- Added a bitcoin wallet validator which supports regular BTC addresses as well as SegWit (Bech32)
- Improved documentation
- BUG FIXES in MoneyInputFormatter Fixed a bug with ThousandSeparator.None described here caseyryan#50 Fixed a bug with wrong selection after several spaces have been added as thousand separators. The caret might have gone after the mantissa
- Fixed a bug that allowed to enter somthing like $02,500.00 where leading zero must not have beed allowed
- More search friendly description
- Fixed Chinese phone mask
- Changed Kazakhstan phone code to 7 (which is correct)
- Fixed MaskedInputFormatter applyMask (merged this pull request caseyryan#46)
- Fixed a bug with adding custom phone masks mentioned in this issue caseyryan#40
- PhoneCodes class is now public and can be accessed to get different data
- Removed deprecated RestrictingInputFormatters in favor of a Lutter's build in - FilteringTextInputFormatter
- Fix a bug with any character input entioned here caseyryan#38
Added a support for Russian national payment system "МИР" (it's read as MEER, and literally means "The World" but it also means "Peace", this is just for those who are curious :) ) the number of the card is formatted just like Visa or Mastercard but it has a different system code
- Updated phone masks for France and oversees territories
- Fixed a bug when null sefety version threw an error trying to cast bool Function(Map<String, dynamic>)->bool Function(Map<String, dynamic>?)
- Starting from this version the package is Null-safe. This means it requires a minimum version of Flutter 2.0.0 and Dart 2.12.0
- Fixed a bug with space as thousands separators
Unfocuser now has a parameter called minScrollDistance it allows you to not trigger Unfocuser on scroll. Any value greater than this will be considered as scrolling and the Unfocuser will not trigger. If you want it to always unfocus current text input, set this value to 0.0, or null.
- Fixed a bug which caused erasing 2 more zeroes when erasing just one
- Fixed a bug in isPhoneValid method which didn't allow to check the phone correctly
- Added support for alternative phone masks. As some countries might have different phone masks there is a need for supporting this feature. Now some country datas e.g. Brazil or Estonia have several phone masks. You don't need to set up something for it, this is totally automatic. Everything is used just like before and the relevant mask is detected and applied internally
- Fixed a bug when a phone was not formatted on erasing
- Added support for custom phone masks. If, for some reason a phone mask is not present in current database or you want to change mask format for some country you can easeily do so by using static methods PhoneInputFormatter.addAlternativePhoneMasks() or PhoneInputFormatter.replacePhoneMask() somewhere in your app, e.g. main() method so that the changes were available right away
- Added RestrictingInputFormatter that allows to restrict or to allow some characters in an input field
- Added a possibility to limit text length while formatting
- Fixed a bug with inability to enter a text when in was first empty
- Flutter version lowered to 1.22.3
- Fixed an issue with double zeroes when applying more period after erasing
- Fixed a bug with format when using periods as thousand separators. Now the automatic formatting does not depend on whether you select commas or periods
- Now the text is formatting not only while typing but also when erasing
- The plugin now requires a minumum version of flutter 1.22.4 because of a critical but with a base TextInputFormatter in previous releases and dart sdk 2.10.2 or newer. Sorry for this but it was really necessary
- Added more money symbols. Now there are stored in string constants inside MoneySymbols class. Just use MoneySymbols.BITCOIN_SIGN if you need Ƀ for example
- Fixed some phone masks for different countries
- Apllied some formatting
- Phone maskes now are not restricted by length. The number is masked as before and a country is detected but now you can enter any number of digits after the mask if filled. This is necessary for some countries that have a variable number of digits in their phone numbers e.g. Estonia
- Added a possibility to use a period as a thousand separator
- Added support for 6 card systems for now. If the card number is detected as one of the supported systems, e.g. Mastercard, it will be formatted automatically and the callback with CardSystemData argument will be called
- CreditCardHolderNameFormatter was completely removed. There's no need for this formatter
- CreditCardNumberFormatter was replaced with CreditCardNumberInputFormatter which is more flexible
- CvvCodeFormatter was renamed to CreditCardCvcInputFormatter
- CreditCardExpirationDateFormatter was renamed to CreditCardExpirationDateFormatter
- Fixed a bug in masked input formatter which allowed to enter an odd symbol in some circumstances
- Added MoneyInputFormatter
- Initial pub release. Includes a list of formatters:
PhoneInputFormatter MaskedInputFormatter CreditCardNumberFormatter CvvCodeFormatter CreditCardExpirationDateFormatter CreditCardHolderNameFormatter