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igxFocusDirective Specification

Radoslav Karaivanov edited this page Apr 5, 2018 · 2 revisions


IgxFocus should focus the element it is applied on.

 <input type="text" [igxFocus]="true" />

User Stories


As a developer I want to be able to force auto focus to any given element whenever it appears into the DOM.

End User

As an end user I would like to focus the element where directive is applied right after it appears into the DOM.

Integration scenarios

Automatically focusing the cell of igxGrid when we are entering into edit mode.



Name Type Description
igxFocus boolean Determines whether the element should be focusable through the directive.


Name Type Description
focused boolean Returns whether the element is focused or not.
nativeElement ElementRef Returns the nativeElement of the element where the directive was applied.


Name Type Description
trigger void Triggers the focus of the element.
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