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Update Migrations

Boris Penkov edited this page Oct 6, 2020 · 10 revisions

Update Migrations

Angular CLI provides a way to hook into the ng update process for the package by exposing a collection of migration schematics.

Besides the schematics setup, the repo migration has a base UpdateChanges class implementation that works with simple JSON config files and offers built-in functionality for:

  • Typescript
    • Rename a Class
  • HTML Templates (all can be either renamed or removed)
    • Selectors
      • Directive
      • Component
    • Bindings
      • Bound input property
      • Output event binding

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How it's all tied up

The project package.json has the following entry:

"ng-update": {
  "migrations": "./migrations/migration-collection.json"

This is a special case of a collection definition (usually provided as root "schematics" property) used by the update+migrate schematic commands. The schema for this JSON is fairly standard with the exception of additional version property:

  "schematics": {
  "migration-01": {
    "version": "6.0.0",
    "description": "Updates Ignite UI for Angular from v5 to v6",
    "factory": "./update-6"

The factory is a relative path that should lead to a module index.ts that exports a function as default that returns a Rule transformation. This is where manipulations on the source Tree are performed, including using UpdateChanges.

Schematic(s) that match the updated package version (and any intermediate versions) will be run as part of ng update igniteui-angular, so each schematic should only migrate changes made in that specific version.

Because the migrations are valid schematics they can also be executed directly (useful for testing) via ng generate:

ng g igniteui-angular/migrations/migration-collection.json:migration-XX

Where migration-XX is the specific migration from the collection json to be run.

Further reading:

Schematics — An Introduction, @angular-devkit/schematics Readme, Update Command Spec

Add a new migration

  1. Start by adding a new entry to the migration-collection.json schematics - set the upcoming version, description and factory path.

      "schematics": {
        "migration-01": { ... },
        "migration-02": { ... },
        "migration-07": {
          "version": "6.3.0",
          "description": "This is the new update for 6.3.0",
          "factory": "./update-6_3"
  2. Create a folder matching the defined factory path, in this case update-6_3

  3. In the new folder create index.ts. Here's a boilerplate of the default export looks like this:

    export default function(): Rule {
      return (host: Tree, context: SchematicContext) => {
        // apply changes to host tree
  4. [optional] Setup and use UpdateChanges. See next section for more.

Using the UpdateChanges class

The class reads a local 'changes' folder to read configurations for various transformations, thus keeping the actual API fairly minimal. To use, instantiate with the current directory and Rule arguments and then call .applyChanges(). So the updated migration index.ts should look like:

export default function(): Rule {
    return (host: Tree, context: SchematicContext) => {
      // apply changes to host tree
      const update = new UpdateChanges(__dirname, host, context);

To create configurations:

  1. [optional] Create the 'changes' folder under the migration factory path if it doesn't exists yet.

  2. [optional] Create config JSON files in the 'changes' folder as needed:

    File Schema Use for
    classes.json ../../common/schema/class.schema.json TS Classes
    selectors.json ../../common/schema/selector.schema.json Component/Directive selectors
    outputs.json ../../common/schema/binding.schema.json Event Emitters
    inputs.json ../../common/schema/binding.schema.json Property bindings
    theme-props.json ../../common/schema/theme-props.schema.json Sass theme function parameters
    members.json ../../common/schema/members-changes.schema.json Member replacing/renaming in TS files

    Open and empty object in the file and assign its $schema to the respective value from above. This will enable auto-completion (ctrl/cmd + space) and validation for the file.

  3. Add to the changes array. Following the API (ctrl/cmd + space) is probably the best approach, but in general all change objects describe in a similar manner - with a name or selector property to find the element in question and either a replaceWith value or remove flag to specify the change action.

    Component/Directive will have a type to specify them and input/output bindings have an owner property with both selector and type.

  4. Verify there are no schema errors - make sure your editor has JSON Schema support (VS Code supports by default).

Config JSON auto-complete in VS Code


Class rename

Uses Typescript's AST to find only actual ts.SyntaxKind.Identifier to avoid replacing property names or string content.

Directive removal

Removing a directive will also match and remove its value if bound in the template, e.g. removing igxRemoveDirective will remove the entire [igxRemoveDirective]='value' string from a template.


Just like directives, bindings will also be removed with their respective values. Additionally, at the moment bindings are only matched with the punctuation syntax (not prefixes) like (igxOutput)="value()" and [igxIntput]="value".

Test how it works

In addition to running the automation test, you may want to manually verify that the migration is working properly. To do this, execute the following steps:

  1. Run the igniteui-angular repo with npm run build:migration. This will output the migration code needed in the dist folder, which is otherwise not outputted if building with npm run build:lib.
  2. Run npm link igniteui-angular for the app that needs to be migrated.
  3. Run ng g igniteui-angular/migrations/migration-collection.json:migration-12


If you need to debug the code that does the migration (the index.ts file), do the following:

  1. Add the following object in the launch.json file for the igniteui-angular repo:
            "type": "node",
            "request": "attach",
            "name": "Attach by Process ID",
            "processId": "${command:PickProcess}"
  1. Run node --inspect-brk "C:\Users\hanastasov\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\@angular\cli\bin\ng" g igniteui-angular/migrations/migration-collection.json:migration-12
  2. Choose "Attach by process ID" inside the VIsual Studio code Debug bar, and choose the correct process in the prompt dropdown.

Language Services

UpdateChanges now exposes the getDefaultLanguageService method which gives access to Angular's and TypeScript's language services. Please note, however, that the Angular's language service extends the TS language service but it only implements a few of its methods. Once you call getDefaultLanguageService you will see a lot of members that can be used but only some of them will work for template files.

The following methods are used by the Angular's language service and will work for template and ts files alike:

Name Info
getQuickInfoAtPosition Generates information about an identifier at a given index in a TS or HTML file. Used by IDEs on mouse hover to fill in the tooltip that is shown.
getCompletionsAtPosition Returns autocomplete suggestions at a given index in a TS or HTML file.
getDefinitionAndBoundSpan Shows the definition locations for a specific identifier at a given index in a TS or HTML file. Used by IDEs for text highlighting.
getSemanticDiagnostics Runs a diagnostic check for a TS or HTML file and returns any errors or warnings. Used by IDEs to generate messages for errors/warnings at compile time.
getReferencesAtPosition Shows all references of an identifier at a given index in a TS or HTML file. VSCode's Shift + F12.

Additional docs - link


The ProjectService is a singleton which manages all projects in its instance. It can be configured with multiple plug-ins to modify or enhance its support for file types. By default, there is a TypeScript language service governing every file with a .ts extension. We modify that in the ProjectService by attaching a global plug-in, which is the Angular's language service. It extends the TS language service and overrides the methods shown in the above table. It is the plug-in's responsibility to manage how these methods behave and if they should have a fall back logic, which they do. The NG lang service will handle external and internal templates while the TS lang service will be responsible for handling TypeScript logic in .ts files.

If you need to get a specific project from the ProjectService, you can do it like this:

  1. Create a ScriptInfo object which holds information about the file that you're interested in:
const scriptInfo = this.update.projectService.getOrCreateScriptInfoForNormalizedPath(ts.server.asNormalizedPath(entryPath), false);
  • Where entryPath is the relative path to the file.
  • The second parameter in this call states that this file is accessed through API and not a client.
  • Every ScriptInfo knows which projects it's assigned to, by default it's not assigned to any project.
  1. Open the file:
  • By trying to open the file, the ts server will resolve all projects in the working directory and will assign that specific file to a project (unless it is an external template). This is the most expensive operation but it will impact performance only on its first call.
  • scriptInfo.fileName is the path to the file, relative or absolute.
  • The projects are resolved by the ts server from the directory of the file up to the first tsconfig.json that holds configuration which accepts this type of files. If there are no config files that this ScriptInfo can be assigned to, the ts server creates an InferredProject and assigns the file to it.
  1. Find the project that this ScriptInfo is associated with:
const project = this.projectService.findProject(scriptInfo.containingProjects[0].projectName);
  • scriptInfo.containingProjects is an array of projects that will hold all projects that this ScriptInfo is associated with. At this point it should be assigned to a single project at most.
  • Each ScriptInfo must know what projects are associated with it and each project must know what ScriptInfo-s it contains.
  • To explicitly add a ScriptInfo to a project you can call:

This is useful if you're dealing with external templates (.html files) since they will not be loaded by the ts server.

All of these steps are needed since we do not know what files will be loaded and we don't know their content. Thus, we cannot assume what imports they might have and we do not know what modules need to be loaded. Normally, a language service can be cheated into working quite easily (link). If it's generated like this, it will have some useful features, such as diagnostics and translation to JS, but it wil not be able to resolve modules and for our needs, we need the whole thing up and running.


In our case the ServerHost is where the ProjectService meets Angular's schematics. This is because the ServerHost is an interface which must be implemented by a class and it is responsible for navigating a directory tree. For example it could be like the file system which is the case in its implementation by ts.sys or Angular's virtual tree, which is the case in our implementation.

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