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Splitter Specification

Stefan Ivanov edited this page Mar 10, 2020 · 31 revisions

Splitter Specification


  1. Revision History
  2. Overview
  3. User Stories
    1. End User Experience
    2. Developer Experience
  4. Functionality
    1. User Interface
    2. Globalization/Localization
    3. Navigation
    4. API
  5. Acceptance criteria
  6. Accessibility
  7. Internationalization
  8. Assumptions and Limitations
  9. Test Scenarios
  10. References
  • Konstantin Dinev | Date:
  • Radoslav Mirchev | Date:
Version User Date Notes
0.1 Stefan Ivanov Mar 11, 2020 Initial draft

The Splitter component provides a framework for a simple layout splitting the view horizontally or vertically into multiple smaller areas called panes.

As an end-user I want to:

  • see two or more content areas side by side with a divider between them e.g. a design surface and its corresponding code view
  • resize the panes by dragging the splitter element
  • focus the splitter element via the keyboard
  • use the keyboard to resize the split panes
  • scroll the content if it doesn't fit in the pane
  • collapse and expand panes

As a developer I want to:

  • provide arbitrary content that is rendered in a splitter's pane
  • create a splitter that lays out panes horizontally or vertically determined by an orientation property
  • have the vertical splitter layout to respect the right-to-left support that certain cultures may require
  • define a default size for each pane
  • define a min and max values for the width and height of a pane
  • specify a pane as not resizable, which would not allow the user to drag its handle/collapse it
  • nest a splitter in another splitter's pane
  • have right-to-left support out of the box

Design Hands-Off:

A splitter with a vertical orientation and two panes, where the right one contains scrollable content and shows a scroll bar.


Name Description Type


Name Description Return type Parameters


Name Description Cancelable Arguments


Key Result
Arrow up Move the splitter element up
Arrow down Move the splitter element down
Arrow left Move the splitter element left
Arrow right Move the splitter element right
Space Expand/Collapse a pane





Initial view

  • S


  • S

Keyboard Navigation/Interaction

  • S

API <-> UI updates

  • A


  • S


  • S
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