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Splitter Specification

Stefan Ivanov edited this page Mar 10, 2020 · 31 revisions

Splitter Specification


  1. Revision History
  2. Overview
  3. User Stories
    1. End User Experience
    2. Developer Experience
  4. Functionality
    1. User Interface
    2. Globalization/Localization
    3. Navigation
    4. API
  5. Acceptance criteria
  6. Accessibility
  7. Internationalization
  8. Assumptions and Limitations
  9. Test Scenarios
  10. References
  • Konstantin Dinev | Date:
  • Radoslav Mirchev | Date:
Version User Date Notes
0.1 Stefan Ivanov Mar 11, 2020 Initial draft

The Splitter component provides a framework for a simple layout splitting the view horizontally or vertically into multiple smaller areas called panes.

As an end-user I want to:

  • be able to see two content areas side by side e.g. a design surface and its corresponding code view
  • be able to resize the split panes by dragging the splitter element
  • be able to focus the splitter element
  • be able to use the keyboard to resize the split panes
  • be able to scroll the content if it doesn't fit in the pane
  • be able to collapse panes

As a developer I want to:

  • define a splitter that lays out panes horizontally, vertically
  • define a splitter pane as not resizable
  • define an arbitrary content that is rendered in a splitter's pane
  • define a splitter that is nested in another splitter's pane
  • define a default width/height per pane
  • define a min/max width/height per pane

Design Hands-Off:


Name Description Type


Name Description Return type Parameters


Name Description Cancelable Arguments


Key Result
Shift + Arrow up Dock above
Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + Arrow up Dock to global top
Shift + Arrow down Dock below
Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + Arrow down Dock to global bottom
Shift + Arrow right Dock right
Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + Arrow right Dock to global right
Shift + Arrow left Dock left
Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + Arrow left Dock to global left
Space Unpin
Cmd/Ctrl + F6 Focus tab on the right
Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + F6 Focus tab on the left
Alt + F6 Focus right window
Alt + Shift + F6 Focus left window
Alt + F7 Show the window nav dialog





Initial view

  • S


  • S

Keyboard Navigation/Interaction

  • S

API <-> UI updates

  • A


  • S


  • S
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