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Row Dragging

Alexander M edited this page Apr 16, 2019 · 34 revisions


Revision history

Version User Date Notes
0.1 Stefan Ivanov Apr 1, 2019 Spec and design initial creation
0.2 Alexander Marinov Apr 16, 2019 API and Stories updated


Row dragging lets users pass the data of a grid record on to another surface, which has been configured to process/render this data in a particular way.


User Stories

As an end user, I want to

  • be able to click on a grid row and drag it in order to provide its content as an input to another piece of UI
  • have a clear indication as I drag a row, whether I can drop it on the underlying area or not
  • see a ghost of the dragged row while dragging

User Interface

Expanded state 1. The grid when the feature is enabled before any user interaction

2. The user has pressed down on the row drag icon in the beginning of the row and performed a small drag to the right

3. Upon dragging if the area below the cursor supports drop of the row the row icon will change to reflect that it is a valid operation that can be executed

Developer Stories

As a developer, I want to

  • define drop areas where the dragged row can be dropped in order for its data to be passed on
  • define ways and logic in which data is processed and/or rendered by the layout where a row is dropped
  • be able to programmatically drag a row
  • be notified when row dragging starts and ends, so that I can add custom logic.

Integration scenarios

  • Row dragging works together with cell and row selection.



  1. IgxGridComponent
Name Description Type
rowDraggable Enables/Disables row dragging boolean


Name Description Cancelable Parameters
onRowDragStart Emitted when row dragging starts false { source: IgxRowComponent }
onRowDragEnd Emitted when row is dropped true { source: IgxRowComponent, cancel: boolean }


  1. IgxGridRowComponent

    Name Description Return type Parameters
    drag Drags a row programatically

ARIA support

ARIA support would not be available for this feature

Scenarios not covered

Test Scenarios



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