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Operations UI

Konstantin Dinev edited this page Dec 13, 2017 · 10 revisions



The igxOperationsUI facilitates functions that can be applied on a data container using DataUtils. A data container can be a list, a grid, cards.

User Stories

As an end user, I want to:

  • know if I can operate on a data container with the help of an identification - icon, button.
  • know when I have engaged the igxOperationsUI with corresponding interactions.
  • have the igxOperationsUI always on top the screen.
  • have the igxOperationsUI not covering the datacontainer it is applied to if possible.
  • see all functions and corresponding action that I can apply on the dataContainer in an overlay container.
  • see the dataContainer that I am applying the function on all the time if possible.
  • specify one or more functions.
  • apply a function immediately.
  • cancel the igxOperationsUI clicking/tapping outside of it.
  • apply, cancel or reset a function using button, icon.
  • know if a function is applied of not - corresponding control(icon) appearance, chips or status bar updates.
  • close the ixgOperationsUI upon clicking on apply, cancel.
  • reset the functions using a Reset control (button).

User Interface

As a developer, I want to:

  • Provide my end-users with an intuitive UI for manipulating the data in my application's data display components.
  • Take advantage of a default UI for data manipulation.
  • Be able to change the UI through which data is manipulated.
  • Be able to provide the UI both inside the component's UI or outside of it.

Acceptance criteria

The operations UI should provide intuitive defaults which allow end users to:

  1. Filter data according to different filtering conditions
  2. Configure the conditions
  3. Apply excel-style filtering
  4. Reflect the current filtering state


Consider mobile version with a dialog?



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