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Operations UI

Stanka Bozalieva edited this page Dec 4, 2017 · 10 revisions

The igxOperationsUI facilitates functions that can be applied on a data container using DataUtils. A data container can be a list, a grid, cards.

User Stories

As an user, I want to:

  • know if I can operate on a data container with the help of an identification - icon, button.
  • know when I have engaged the igxOperationsUI with corresponding interactions.
  • see all functions and corresponding action that I can apply on the dataContainer in an overlay container.
  • see the dataContainer that I am applying the function on all the time if possible.
  • specify one or more functions.
  • apply a function immediately.
  • cancel the igxOperationsUI clicking/tapping outside of it.
  • apply, cancel or reset a function using button, icon.
  • know if a function is applied of not - corresponding control(icon) appearance, chips or status bar updates.
  • close the ixgOperationsUI upon clicking on apply, cancel.
  • reset the functions using a Reset control (button).

As a developer, I want to:

I was to add an operation

As a developer I want to be able to provide a way to use and customize button element, and use set different types.

Acceptance criteria

  1. Have button with different color and background color.
  2. Have button with different types, like fab, gradient, flat etc.



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