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List Specification

Stanimir Dimitrov edited this page May 12, 2017 · 10 revisions


igx-list should represent vertical container for contextual similar items. List is a building block of any complex UI used in almost every mobile application.

    <igx-list-header>Header 1</igx-list-header>
    <igx-list-item>Item 1</igx-list-item>
    <igx-list-item>Item 2</igx-list-item>
    <igx-list-item>Item 3</igx-list-item>
    <igx-list-header>Header 2</igx-list-header>
    <igx-list-item>Item 4</igx-list-item>
    <igx-list-item>Item 5</igx-list-item>
    <igx-list-item>Item 6</igx-list-item>


Provides means for the developers to implement a simple common case, yet customizable list with minimal efforts. The list item component should be a container for text or some HTML content. A group of items into the list can be separated and labeled by header.

User Stories


As a developer I want to:

  • add a list, so that I can create rows of similar list-items.

  • have a vertically scrollable list, so that I can add as many list-items as I need.

  • have a list items that can be reordered, so that the users can reorder the list items as they want.

  • be able provide data items to the list using an ngFor directive:

        <ig-list-item *ngFor=”#apple of apples”>
  • be able display group headers by adding a special header item into the list:

        <ig-list-header>Mildly Sweet</ig-list-header>
        <ig-list-item>Red Delicious</ig-list-item>
        <ig-list-item>Golden Delicious</ig-list-item>
        <ig-list-item>Cosmic Crisp</ig-list-item>
        <ig-list-header>Super Sweet</ig-list-header>
  • be able to provide delete buttons so users can delete items from the list.

  • define on-swipe actions on a list level - options that should be displayed on item swipe

End user

As a end user, I want to:

  • have a list of information, so that I can quickly review rows of data.

  • be able to vertically scroll the list, so that I can review all of the available list items.

  • be able to reorder the items, so that I can have them organized any way I want.

  • identify one, more than one or all items from a list and delete it/them.

  • be able to use on-swipe gestures.

  • quickly reorder my list items in order different from the default depending on my needs.

Acceptance criteria

  1. The developer can add a list component to the application.
  2. The developer can make the list vertically scrollable.
  3. The developer can allow list items to be reordered.
  4. The end-users can view a list.
  5. The end-users can vertically scroll the list items
  6. The end-users can reorder the list items.


A list consists of a single continuous column of tessellated sub-divisions of equal width called rows that function as containers for list-items.

End User Experience

  • Swipe gesture - I want to slide list items through swipe (or pan) gesture.
  • Reordering - The list should allow reordering of its items.
  • Layout - Lists should scroll only vertically and the scroll should appear only when the list items overflow the screen view.



  • items - The array of list items
  • index - The index of item in the list
  • options - Defines a list of options, associated with each list item


  • addItem - adds item to the list programatically
  • removeItem - removes item from the list programatically

ARIA support

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