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Column Hiding Specification

Nikolay Alipiev edited this page Nov 20, 2018 · 7 revisions

Column Hiding Specification


  1. Overview
  2. User Stories
  3. API
  4. Test Scenarios

IgxColumnHiding component provides UI to alter grid's layout by changing columns' visibility in run-time via checkboxes.

Column Hiding by using the Toolbar

The grid's toolbar provides a toggle button, which can be used for displaying the built-in Column Hiding component. In order to use it, both the showToolbar and the columnHiding property of the grid should be set to true.

<igx-grid [showToolbar]="true" [columnHiding]="true">

Column Hiding as a separate component

The IgxColumnHiding component can be defined on our page separately (rather than having it built-in the toolbar).

Setup grid

<igx-grid #grid [data]="data"></igx-grid>

Declare ColumnHidingUI on your page

<igx-column-hiding [columns]="grid.columns"></igx-column-hiding>


As a developer, I want:

  • to be able to programatically show and hide igxColumnChooser;
  • to change the igxColumnChooser title;
  • to allow users to search through the list of columns;
  • to allow/disallow users to hide columns in run time;
  • to be able to host the column chooser out of the grid.

End user

As an end user, I want to:

  • show and hide grid columns via UI;
  • be able to search through the list of columns;
  • know how many columns are hidden at any given moment.
  • easily toggle the visibility of all columns (row selection checkboxes are hidden when all the columns are hidden)


IgxColumnHidingComponent properties:

Name Type Description
columns Object Array The array of grid columns that will be manipulated.
columnDisplayOrder ColumnDisplayOrder enumeration Whether the columns should be sorted Alphabetically or displayed in the order they appear in the grid.
title string The title to be displayed.
filterColumnsPrompt string The prompt to be displayed in the filter input.
filterCriteria string The value to filter the columns list by.
disableHideAll boolean Returns whether the Hide All button will be disabled.
disableShowAll boolean Returns whether the Show All button will be disabled.
showAllText string The text to be displayed inside the Show All button.
hideAllText string The text to be displayed inside the Hide All button.
columnsAreaMaxHeight string The maximum height of the area of the Column Hiding UI that contains the columns.

IgxGridComponent properties:

Name Type Description
columnHiding boolean Whether the built-in column hiding UI for the grid is enabled.
columnHidingTitle string The title to be displayed of the built-in column hiding UI.
hiddenColumnsCount number The number of hidden columns.
hiddenColumnsText string The text to be displayed inside the toggle button for the built-in column hiding UI.

IgxColumnComponent properties:

Name Type Description
disableHiding boolean Determines whether the column cannot be hidden through the column hiding UI.

IgxGridToolbarComponent properties:

Name Type Description
columnHidingUI IgxColumnHidingComponent Reference to the built-in column hiding UI component.
columnHidingDropdown IgxDropDownComponent Reference to the dropdown, that contains the built-in column hiding UI component.


IgxColumnHidingComponent methods:

Name Type Parameters Description
showAllColumns void N/A Shows all columns in the grid.
hideAllColumns void N/A Hides all columns in the grid.

IgxGridToolbarComponent methods:

Name Type Parameters Description
toggleColumnHidingUI void N/A Shows/Hides the built-in column hiding UI.


IgxColumnHidingComponent outputs:

Name Description
onColumnVisibilityChanged Emitted when a column visibility has changed. Args: { column: any, newValue: boolean }

IgxGridComponent outputs:

Name Description
onColumnVisibilityChanged Emitted when a column visibility has changed. Args: { column: any, newValue: boolean }


  • Column chooser lists all columns of the associated grid in the same order
  • Column chooser title property controls what title would be displayed ("Column Chooser" by default)
  • The order of columns in Column Chooser is controlled by the columnDisplayOrder property
  • Checkboxes' checked state reflects each column's visibility (checked if hidden)
  • Columns' whose allowHiding is false are shown disabled
  • Visibility of columns' whose allowHiding=false cannot be toggled via Column Chooser UI
  • Changing columns' allowHiding value is reflected in Column Chooser UI
  • Toggling a column checkbox state immediately shows/hides the column from the grid
  • Hide All button hides all currently visible columns whose allowHiding is true
  • Hide All button gets disabled when there's no column to be hidden:
    • after pressing the button itself;
    • after unchecking all enabled checkboxes;
    • after setting allowHiding=false for all currently visible columns;
    • initially, when all columns are hidden or their allowHiding=false.
  • Show All button shows all currently hidden columns whose allowHiding is true
  • Show All button gets disabled when all columns that can be visible are already visible:
    • after pressing the button itself;
    • after checking all enabled checkboxes;
    • after setting allowHiding=false for all currently hidden columns;
    • initially, when all columns are visible or their allowHiding=false.
  • By default, Column Chooser displays a filter input with "Filter columns list � " text
  • "Filter columns list � " prompt can be changed via filterColumnsPrompt property
  • Columns list gets filtered while typing in the filter input on every stroke
  • Clearing the filter textbox restores the initial columns list
  • Show All & Hide All buttons operate over the filtered in columns only
  • enableFilter property controls whether the filter input is shown
  • onColumnVisibilityChanged event is fired with the proper arguments on toggling a column's checkbox
  • onColumnVisibilityChanged event is fired for each visible column only on pressing Hide All button
  • onColumnVisibilityChanged event is fired for each hidden column only on pressing Show All button
  • Grid's onColumnVisibilityChanged event is fired for every change of a column's hidden property value
  • Grid's enableColumnChooser property controls whether the Column Chooser button should be shown
  • Grid's column chooser button shows the number of hidden columns
  • By default, Column Chooser is displayed in a toggle
  • Grid's showColumnChooser() method opens Column Chooser toggle when enableColumnChooser is true
  • Grid's hideColumnChooser() method closes Column Chooser toggle when enableColumnChooser is true
  • Column chooser can be positioned outside the grid


  • Column hiding loads in a timely manner with a big number of columns (~300)
  • Hide All command is executed in a timely manner on a big number of columns (~300)
  • Show All command is executed in a timely manner on a big number of columns (~300)
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