From the command line
node rewrite -f=examples/simple/app.ts
gulp rewrite -f=examples/simple/app.ts
To specify a suffix
node rewrite -f=examples/simple/app.ts --suffix=test
gulp rewrite -f=examples/simple/app.ts --suffix=test
To specify an output folder
node rewrite -f=examples/simple/app.ts --outDir=foo
gulp rewrite -f=examples/simple/app.ts --outDir=foo
From code
npm install angular2.ts2js
In your app.
var rewriter = require('angular.ts2js');
rewriter.rewrite('c:/foo/bar'); // to rewrite every .ts file in the foo/bar dir
// or
rewriter.rewrite('c:/foo/bar/xxx.ts') // to rewrite just the xxx.ts file
rewriter.rewrite('c:/foo/bar', { outDir='foo', suffix='test' }); // to specify an outDir and a suffix
- can handle both 'ts' files as well as 'js' files that have been output from the typescript compiler.
- imported variable renaming - renames any imported vars with '_1' suffix by removing suffix - renames any imported vars coming from an angular base repo 'angular2/' with an 'ng' prefix - renames any imported vars coming from an angular base repo 'angular2/' from snake case to camel case. - renames angular2/angular2 -> 'ng'
- ng DSL translation
- handles all class level decorations - @Component, @View, @Directive, @Injectable ...
- handles constructor parameter decorations
- handles field decorations: @Input, @Output + partial handling for others.
- remove function def cruft
- __metadata, __decorate, __param ( Note: __extend is still needed).
- promotes class IIFE's up one level.
- Comments on interior decorators are lost
- Some field decorations are not yet correctly aliased. ( a warning is issued)
- @HostBinding('[class.valid]') isValid;
- @HostListener('click', ['$event']) onClick(e) {...}
- Not yet sure how to translate the following (a warning is issued)
- @ContentChild(myPredicate) myChildComponent;
- @ContentChildren(myPredicate) myChildComponents;
- @ViewChild(myPredicate) myChildComponent;
- @ViewChildren(myPredicate) myChildComponents;
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