Icinga for Windows uses repositories, containing components which can be installed to extend the functionality of the monitoring and the capabilities of Icinga for Windows itself.
To use these repositories, you have to add them to your environment first.
By default, no repository is configured on Icinga for Windows after installation. The default repository https://packages.icinga.com/IcingaForWindows/stable/ifw.repo.json
is added in case not being changed after a successful IMC installation.
Of course you can also add the repositories manually.
For the latest stable releases, you can use this command:
Add-IcingaRepository `
-Name 'Icinga Stable' `
-RemotePath 'https://packages.icinga.com/IcingaForWindows/stable/ifw.repo.json';
You can also add a snapshot repository to get the latest snapshot builds for components:
Add-IcingaRepository `
-Name 'Icinga Snapshot' `
-RemotePath 'https://packages.icinga.com/IcingaForWindows/snapshot/ifw.repo.json';
In case you want to test out a certain feature which is currently in development, you can add a repository for this specific component including the development branch, the feature is developed in:
[string]$Project = 'icinga-powershell-framework';
[string]$Branch = 'feature/adds_jea_profile_handling';
Add-IcingaRepository `
-Name "$Project/$Branch" `
-RemotePath "https://packages.icinga.com/IcingaForWindows/snapshot/$Project/$Branch/ifw.repo.json";
Unlike other components, you can then install directly this development feature by using the branch name as version:
Install-IcingaComponent -Name $Project.Replace('icinga-powershell-', '') -Version $Branch -Snapshot -Force;
Install-IcingaComponent -Name 'framework' -Version 'feature/adds_jea_profile_handling' -Snapshot -Force;
You can create your own repositories or sync existing repositories as well, to install components from. Please have a look on the individual documentation pages.
You can use the repository search to lookup the repository and find components to install. Once you have the name, you can run the installation with the following command as example:
Install-IcingaComponent -Name 'plugins';
You can find a detailed description of the command on the install components documentation.