Running all barcodes in a loop
for n in 4 5 6 7 8 9 ; do nextflow run /work/gif/Maryam/Programfiles/nanoQCtrim/ --fastqs ../00-RawData/barcode1$n/combine-barcode1$n.fastq --outdir output-barcode1$n --options '-middle_threshold 100' -profile nova,singularity; done
Runing flye
for n in 4 5 6 7 8 9 ; do
flye --nano-raw /work/gif/Maryam/projects/Zengyi-2021-ScheffersomycesStipitis/01-QC/output-barcode$n/trimmedReads/FAO68114_pass_barcode$n_598c81f2_0_adaptersRemoved.fastq --out-dir out_barcode$n
--genome-size 15m --threads 30 -i 4
for n in 4 5 6 7 8 9 ; do
minimap2 -aLx map-ont /work/gif/Maryam/projects/Zengyi-2021-ScheffersomycesStipitis/00-RawData/inserts-all.fasta /work/gif/Maryam/projects/Zengyi-2021-ScheffersomycesStipitis/02-fly/out_
flye_b$n/assembly.fasta > aln-b$n\.sam " >> minimap2_$n
We used samtools
to extract 10kb upstream sections of the assembly for each insert location. We aligned back these sections on the reference genome to estimate the insert locations on the reference genome.
Aligning the 10kb upstream (from the insert location) sections of the assemblies on the reference genome with minimap2
for n in 4 5 6 7 8 9 ; do
minimap2 -aLx map-ont /work/gif/Maryam/projects/Zengyi-2021-ScheffersomycesStipitis/03-alignment/uniq-alignemnt/GCA_006942115.1_ASM694211v1_genomic.fna inserts$n-minimap.fasta > aln$n.sam
From the sam files we can estimate the insert locations on the reference genome.