- The event is 2.5 hours long on 24 February 2023, 9:30pm-12pm. It has been a tradition to increase the time limit later, but this is the official time for now.
- Teams of maximum of 3 members.
- You may use any language of your choice. You may also use different languages for different questions. But you should know that questions were made with Python in mind.
- You may use any resources available to you within the hackathon environment. You may also collaborate with other groups, but remember that it is a competition. You may also join teams, insofar that rule 2 is not broken. Please notify the organizers of any group changes. You may not consult anyone outside the Hackathon arena.
- You may not use any packages not listed below. In case you feel that another library is absolutely necessary, bring it to our attention. Decision will be final and binding. Basically, only math related packages, plotting packages, String related packages and of-course standard libraries are allowed. The point of the Hackathon is to evaluate on the basis of logic, not on how well you can look it up on the internet.
- Python - Numpy(only for simple array manipulation), and Matplotlib
- Julia - Plots (any prefered backend, but GR is best) and DataFrames
- C++ - gnuplot-iostream.h, time.h, fstream
- Java - jfreechart or equivalent, File A particular question might allow usage of a specific library. If so, it would be mentioned in the question. If you feel the need to use an unmentioned library, inform the organizers.
- You may use any IDE/environment of your choice. Personal preference of the organizers are Jupyter for Python, Pluto for Julia.
- You are free to ask the organizers any questions you want. Even questions like how to read from a file in Python? are welcome. You may not get all the answers you want though. 🙂 Again, the point is to solve the problem.
- The bonus question will be use to determine tie breakers, if any, and not considered during general evaluation.
- You can show your code to the organizers who will check the output. You may show the result at any time during the event, and can also make changes if the organizers reject your output.
- You will be expected to answer questions about your code.
- Please zip all your files and send it to [email protected].in at the end of the event. Name your file as DWH-
. - Please note that by participating in DWH, you give complete authority to anyone to use the code you write during the hackathon later in the future, without any restrictions, insofar that they keep all derivate works open source and non-commercial. All code will be hosted on this website so that you can also see other's code.
- You will be graded on the basis of accuracy of your answer and on the crucial steps in some of the problems. Partial grades will be awarded for solving sub-tasks.
Hang around and have fun!