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+# Workflow derived from https://github.com/r-lib/actions/tree/v2/examples
+# Need help debugging build failures? Start at https://github.com/r-lib/actions#where-to-find-help
+ push:
+ branches: [main, master]
+ pull_request:
+ release:
+ types: [published]
+ workflow_dispatch:
+name: pkgdown.yaml
+permissions: read-all
+ pkgdown:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ # Only restrict concurrency for non-PR jobs
+ concurrency:
+ group: pkgdown-${{ github.event_name != 'pull_request' || github.run_id }}
+ env:
+ GITHUB_PAT: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
+ permissions:
+ contents: write
+ steps:
+ - uses: actions/checkout@v4
+ - uses: r-lib/actions/setup-pandoc@v2
+ - uses: r-lib/actions/setup-r@v2
+ with:
+ use-public-rspm: true
+ - uses: r-lib/actions/setup-r-dependencies@v2
+ with:
+ extra-packages: any::pkgdown, local::.
+ needs: website
+ - name: Build site
+ run: pkgdown::build_site_github_pages(new_process = FALSE, install = FALSE)
+ shell: Rscript {0}
+ - name: Deploy to GitHub pages 🚀
+ if: github.event_name != 'pull_request'
+ uses: JamesIves/github-pages-deploy-action@v4.5.0
+ with:
+ clean: false
+ branch: gh-pages
+ folder: docs
diff --git a/_pkgdown.yml b/_pkgdown.yml
new file mode 100644
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+url: https://idsia.github.io/bayesRecon/
+ bootstrap: 5
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+# bayesRecon: BAyesian reCONciliation of hierarchical forecasts
+[![License: LGPL (\>=
+The package `bayesRecon` implements several methods for probabilistic
+reconciliation of hierarchical time series forecasts.
+The main functions are:
+- `reconc_gaussian`: reconciliation via conditioning of multivariate
+ Gaussian base forecasts; this is done analytically;
+- `reconc_BUIS`: reconciliation via conditioning of any probabilistic
+ forecast via importance sampling; this is the recommended option for
+ non-Gaussian base forecasts;
+- `reconc_MCMC`: reconciliation via conditioning of discrete
+ probabilistic forecasts via Markov Chain Monte Carlo;
+- `reconc_MixCond`: reconciliation via conditioning of mixed
+ hierarchies, where the upper forecasts are multivariate Gaussian and
+ the bottom forecasts are discrete distributions;
+- `reconc_TDcond`: reconciliation via top-down conditioning of mixed
+ hierarchies, where the upper forecasts are multivariate Gaussian and
+ the bottom forecasts are discrete distributions.
+## Getting started
+The starting point for `bayesRecon` functions is the vignette in the "Get Started"
+section of the website. Moreover you can find the documentation in the
+Reference section and additional vignettes in the Articles section.
+Finally a short example is provided below.
+## Installation
+You can install the **stable** version on [R
+``` r
+install.packages("bayesRecon", dependencies = TRUE)
+You can also install the **development** version from
+``` r
+# install.packages("devtools")
+devtools::install_github("IDSIA/bayesRecon", build_vignettes = TRUE, dependencies = TRUE)
+## Getting help
+If you encounter a clear bug, please file a minimal reproducible example
+on [GitHub](https://github.com/IDSIA/bayesRecon/issues).
+## Examples
+Let us consider the minimal temporal hierarchy in the figure, where the
+bottom variables are the two 6-monthly forecasts and the upper variable
+is the yearly forecast. We denote the variables for the two semesters
+and the year by $S_1, S_2, Y$ respectively.
+The hierarchy is described by the *aggregation matrix* A, which can be
+obtained using the function `get_reconc_matrices`.
+``` r
+rec_mat <- get_reconc_matrices(agg_levels = c(1, 2), h = 2)
+A <- rec_mat$A
+#> [,1] [,2]
+#> [1,] 1 1
+### Example 1: Poisson base forecasts
+We assume that the base forecasts are Poisson distributed, with
+parameters given by $\lambda_{Y} = 9$, $\lambda_{S_1} = 2$, and
+$\lambda_{S_2} = 4$.
+``` r
+lambdaS1 <- 2
+lambdaS2 <- 4
+lambdaY <- 9
+lambdas <- c(lambdaY, lambdaS1, lambdaS2)
+n_tot = length(lambdas)
+base_forecasts = list()
+for (i in 1:n_tot) {
+ base_forecasts[[i]] = list(lambda = lambdas[i])
+We recommend using the BUIS algorithm (Zambon et al., 2024) to sample
+from the reconciled distribution.
+``` r
+buis <- reconc_BUIS(
+ A,
+ base_forecasts,
+ in_type = "params",
+ distr = "poisson",
+ num_samples = 100000,
+ seed = 42
+samples_buis <- buis$reconciled_samples
+Since there is a positive incoherence in the forecasts
+($\lambda_Y > \lambda_{S_1}+\lambda_{S_2}$), the mean of the bottom
+reconciled forecast increases. We show below this behavior for $S_1$.
+``` r
+reconciled_forecast_S1 <- buis$bottom_reconciled_samples[1,]
+range_forecats <- range(reconciled_forecast_S1)
+ reconciled_forecast_S1,
+ breaks = seq(range_forecats[1] - 0.5, range_forecats[2] + 0.5),
+ freq = F,
+ xlab = "S_1",
+ ylab = NULL,
+ main = "base vs reconciled"
+ seq(range_forecats[1], range_forecats[2]),
+ stats::dpois(seq(range_forecats[1], range_forecats[2]), lambda =
+ lambdaS1),
+ pch = 16,
+ col = 4,
+ cex = 2
+The blue circles represent the probability mass function of a Poisson
+with parameter $\lambda_{S_1}$ plotted on top of the histogram of the
+reconciled bottom forecasts for $S_1$. Note how the histogram is shifted
+to the right.
+Moreover, while the base bottom forecast were assumed independent, the
+operation of reconciliation introduced a negative correlation between
+$S_1$ and $S_2$. We can visualize it with the plot below which shows the
+empirical correlations between the reconciled samples of $S_1$ and the
+reconciled samples of $S_2$.
+``` r
+AA <-
+ xyTable(buis$bottom_reconciled_samples[1, ],
+ buis$bottom_reconciled_samples[2, ])
+ AA$x ,
+ AA$y ,
+ cex = AA$number * 0.001 ,
+ pch = 16 ,
+ col = rgb(0, 0, 1, 0.4) ,
+ xlab = "S_1" ,
+ ylab = "S_2" ,
+ xlim = range(buis$bottom_reconciled_samples[1, ]) ,
+ ylim = range(buis$bottom_reconciled_samples[2, ])
+We also provide a function for sampling using Markov Chain Monte Carlo
+(Corani et al., 2023).
+``` r
+mcmc = reconc_MCMC(
+ A,
+ base_forecasts,
+ distr = "poisson",
+ num_samples = 30000,
+ seed = 42
+samples_mcmc <- mcmc$reconciled_samples
+### Example 2: Gaussian base forecasts
+We now assume that the base forecasts are Gaussian distributed, with
+parameters given by
+- $\mu_{Y} = 9$, $\mu_{S_1} = 2$, and $\mu_{S_2} = 4$;
+- $\sigma_{Y} = 2$, $\sigma_{S_1} = 2$, and $\sigma_{S_2} = 3$.
+``` r
+muS1 <- 2
+muS2 <- 4
+muY <- 9
+mus <- c(muY, muS1, muS2)
+sigmaS1 <- 2
+sigmaS2 <- 2
+sigmaY <- 3
+sigmas <- c(sigmaY, sigmaS1, sigmaS2)
+base_forecasts = list()
+for (i in 1:n_tot) {
+ base_forecasts[[i]] = list(mean = mus[[i]], sd = sigmas[[i]])
+We use the BUIS algorithm to sample from the reconciled distribution:
+``` r
+buis <- reconc_BUIS(
+ A,
+ base_forecasts,
+ in_type = "params",
+ distr = "gaussian",
+ num_samples = 100000,
+ seed = 42
+samples_buis <- buis$reconciled_samples
+buis_means <- rowMeans(samples_buis)
+If the base forecasts are Gaussian, the reconciled distribution is still
+Gaussian and can be computed in closed form:
+``` r
+Sigma <- diag(sigmas ^ 2) #transform into covariance matrix
+analytic_rec <- reconc_gaussian(A,
+ base_forecasts.mu = mus,
+ base_forecasts.Sigma = Sigma)
+analytic_means_bottom <- analytic_rec$bottom_reconciled_mean
+analytic_means_upper <- A %*% analytic_means_bottom
+analytic_means <- rbind(analytic_means_upper,analytic_means_bottom)
+The base means of $Y$, $S_1$, and $S_2$ are 9, 2, 4.
+The reconciled means obtained analytically are 7.41, 2.71, 4.71, while
+the reconciled means obtained via BUIS are 7.41, 2.71, 4.71.
+## References
+Corani, G., Azzimonti, D., Augusto, J.P.S.C., Zaffalon, M. (2021).
+*Probabilistic Reconciliation of Hierarchical Forecast via Bayes’ Rule*.
+ECML PKDD 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12459.
+Corani, G., Azzimonti, D., Rubattu, N. (2024). *Probabilistic
+reconciliation of count time series*. International Journal of
+Forecasting 40 (2), 457-469.
+Zambon, L., Azzimonti, D. & Corani, G. (2024). *Efficient probabilistic
+reconciliation of forecasts for real-valued and count time series*.
+Statistics and Computing 34 (1), 21.
+Zambon, L., Agosto, A., Giudici, P., Corani, G. (2024). *Properties of
+the reconciled distributions for Gaussian and count forecasts*.
+International Journal of Forecasting (in press).
+Zambon, L., Azzimonti, D., Rubattu, N., Corani, G. (2024).
+*Probabilistic reconciliation of mixed-type hierarchical time series*.
+The 40th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, accepted.
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diff --git a/man/bayesRecon-package.Rd b/man/bayesRecon-package.Rd
index 84cf963..467b9b8 100644
--- a/man/bayesRecon-package.Rd
+++ b/man/bayesRecon-package.Rd
@@ -74,6 +74,7 @@ The 40th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, accepted.
Useful links:
\item \url{https://github.com/IDSIA/bayesRecon}
+ \item \url{https://idsia.github.io/bayesRecon/}
\item Report bugs at \url{https://github.com/IDSIA/bayesRecon/issues}