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Releases: IBMStreams/streamsx.json 1.4.0

27 Jul 13:35
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Changes since v1.2.1

  • Added i18n/NLS resources
  • Support Java 8 and minimum Streams 4.0.1
  • RapidJSON updated to v1.1.0
  • New functions: parseJSON, overloaded queryJSON with additional status parameter + enum
  • New functionalities: checking empty document, array handling, implicit cast for strings, classical locale for an implicit cast from string to number, reset to the internal JSON object after critical errors, finish a parsing once the root closing bracket is met
  • New samples for: extractFromJSON, queryJSON
  • New SPLDoc: thread limitations 1.2.1

15 Aug 17:47
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Changes since v1.1.1

  • Addition of functions to convert SPL values to JSON objects as strings.

Supports IBM Streams 4.0 and later releases 1.1.1

01 Dec 17:03
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Changes since v1.0

  • Some operator parameters added to support the attribute type added in IBM Streams 4.0 (rather than referencing the attribute by its name as as an rstring) : #34
  • Fix auto-assignment of attributes from input to output on JsonToTuple : #36
  • Supports IBM Streams 4.0 and later releases

Initial release

22 Jul 14:06
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This toolkit has been stable and in use for many months. It contains two operators:

  • JSONToTuple -- takes jsonStrings to Streams tuples
  • TupleToJSON -- takes a Streams tuple or list and creates a JSON string representation

It also contains a script which helps create a Streams type from a JSON string.

It is compatible with Streams 3.2 and up.