- fix Vulnerabilities CVE-2022-42889, CVE-2022-25168 and CVE-2021-33036 hadoop jar libraries upgraded to version 3.3.6
- fix Vulnerabilities in 3rd party jar libraries
- #133 slf4j jars updated (fix the log4j issue)
- #133 slf4j jars updated (fix the log4j issue)
- #135 commons-io jar updated
- #129 The Vulnerability issue for 3rd party libraries:
- commons-httpclient-3.1.jar
- jackson-mapper-asl-1.9.13.jar
- guava-13.0.1.jar
- hadoop-common-3.1.0.jar
- hadoop-hdfs-3.1.0.jar
has been fixed.
The maven pom.xml file has been upgraded to use hadoop client 3.3.
commons-codec: 1.14 --> commons-codec: 1.15
guava: 13.0.1 --> guava: 29.0-jre
hadoop-annotations: 3.1.0 --> hadoop-annotations: 3.3.0
hadoop-auth: 3.1.0 --> hadoop-auth: 3.3.0
hadoop-common: 3.1.0 --> hadoop-common: 3.3.0
hadoop-hdfs: 3.1.0 --> hadoop-hdfs: 3.3.0
hadoop-hdfs-client: 3.1.0 --> hadoop-hdfs-client: 3.3.0
- jackson-core-asl: 1.9.13
- jackson-mapper-asl: 1.9.13
+ commons-compress: 1.20
httpcore: 4.4.11 --> httpcore: 4.4.13
jackson-annotations: 2.10.2 --> jackson-annotations: 2.11.2
jackson-core: 2.10.2 --> jackson-core: 2.11.2
jackson-core-asl: 1.9.13 --> jackson-databind: 2.11.2
jackson-databind: 2.10.2 --> javax.servlet-api: 4.0.1
servlet-api: 2.5 --> javax.servlet-api: 4.0.1
netty-all: 4.1.42.Final --> netty-all: 4.1.52.Final
woodstox-core: 5.0.3 --> woodstox-core: 6.2.1
The following JAVA classes have been upgraded:
- com/ibm/streamsx/hdfs/client/webhdfs/JsonUtil.java
- com/ibm/streamsx/hdfs/client/webhdfs/WebHdfsFileSystem.java
- #128 The Vulnerability issue for 3rd party library commons-codec version 1.12 has been fixed. The maven pom.xml file has been upgraded to use commons-codec version 1.14
- #122: The Vulnerability issue for 3rd party library commons-configuration2 version 2.5 has been fixed. The maven pom.xml file has been upgraded to use commons-configuration2 version 2.7.